Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1981: Mo Fan's plan

Full-time career Ou Huang Chapter 1981 Mo Fan's plan (please subscribe, please recommend)

Of course, Fang Rui wouldn't be able to find out, and he wouldn't just ignore it. Although his main style of play is vulgar, but now this map clearly has an advantage over their ranged occupations. Using the map's advantage can also be used to fly a kite and disgust the opponent remotely. Going into the limestone area is different. So Fang Rui immediately started to move, preparing to go around to block Mo Fan.

For a while, Fang Rui's Hundred Sea Hundred Layers and Mo Fan's tireless destruction, although there was still a certain distance between the two, they were both moving in the same direction, and the broadcast also directly cut the screen to a bird's-eye view at this time. At the same time, it also marked the location of Fang Rui and Mo Fan's intentions.

Is Fang Rui planning to face the opponent first? The audience who saw this scene thought.

However, although it is said to be the front, there is an example of the previous match between Fang Rui and Mo Fan. The current Fang Rui's health is quite unbeatable, and because of the map, he still has a certain advantage.

And what about Mo Fan? Every time this guy starts with this roundabout tactics, it has never changed, even if it is so clear at a glance to the map, sometimes they don't know why this guy is still so obsessed with sneak attacks on such a map? However, although the slander against Mo Fan has not stopped, everyone has to admit that Mo Fan's operation and skills do have a strong frontal attack ability.

Even some people who don't understand Mo Fan's essence feel that Mo Fan's firework style is a bit superfluous. After all, since you can seize the opportunity to erupt, why not keep erupting? It's too inefficient to hit and run like this, and it will also miss a lot of opportunities. You said that Mo Fan is cautious, but you must have a degree of caution!

However, contempt is contempt. Mo Fan's style of play is indeed a headache, because Mo Fan is still a very patient player. If he didn't come across a good opportunity, he would continue to ink it silently. But now Tyranny is behind and urgently needs to recover the score. As a result, at this time, Happy dispatched a player like Mo Fan who is not in a hurry. Isn't this a disgusting person?

"Why is that guy Ye Xiu so annoying, what's the point of sending such a player on the court at this time!" As we all know, Ye Xiu's hatred in the hearts of Tyranny fans is unshakable, although they don't know the real reason for Mo Fan's presence on the court. What, but that didn't stop them from despising a wave of Ye Xiu in the contestants' booth.

close. Soon the characters on both sides began to approach, and Fang Rui naturally wanted to take advantage of the terrain and long-range advantages to launch the attack, and Mo Fan had already seen that the other party had already intercepted the front of his destination. But Mo Fan still didn't mean to stop, and continued to charge, as if he wanted to decide the winner and loser here.

At the same time that Fang Rui blasted out various qigong cannons, his eyes were fixed on Mo Fan's hands.

After all, if you want to predict the skills of a ninja, observing his hands is the most effective way. According to their analysis of Mo Fan by Team Tyranny, this player doesn't seem to be very good at using sideways and covering up his own knots, and this may be because he is always attacking. After all, these It can be finished before the sneak attack is launched, so there is no need to hide it.

But at this moment, Mo Fan's body suddenly shifted slightly, blocking Fang Rui's view.

Mo Fan really doesn't use this technique very often. But that doesn't mean he won't use it. More importantly, don't forget what kind of team Mo Fan is in right now, Ye Bushy, Tang Xiaoyin, Wei boss. Which of these three is the master who will teach him to play well? Growing up in such a team environment, saying that Mo Fan does not know this skill, the professional players were the first to jump out of disbelief.

Sure enough, those who deal with Happy can't have a fluke mentality. Fang Rui, who saw Mo Fan's actions, couldn't help but sigh. After all, how could a team that has come this far leave any big loopholes for the opponent?

Fang Rui moved towards the Hundred Sea Hundred Layers, while walking, trying to suppress the firepower of Mo Fan. The move was so that he could see the movements of Mo Fan's hands that were hidden sideways. Since the skill suppression restricts the opponent's movement, if he hits the opponent, it will interrupt Mo Fan. Where's the skill, that's naturally the best. And this itself is also a technique for forcing ninjas to speed up their shots in actual combat. And soon it's easy to make mistakes.

Not only that, Fang Rui is the master of the vulgar style, his positioning is very detailed, if Mo Fan continues to follow Fang Rui's position and continues to sideways, then as long as Fang Rui takes the last position, he will eventually become Mo Fan and Fang Rui's opponent. . Then this is Fang Rui's chance to attack.

Mo Fan also discovered the tricks in Fang Rui's movement. He did not continue to turn his body, but took a few steps like Fang Rui, instead of continuing to turn his body.

Mo Fan's few steps obscured Fang Rui's vision again. He had no choice but to continue walking. But soon Fang Rui had reached the edge of the road. If he went further, he would fall into the lava. UU reading www. uukanshu.com can't help, the space of this map is generally narrow.

And now Fang Rui was only two or three steps away from the magma, which seemed really worrying.

And at this moment, Mo Fan suddenly shot.

Originally, the operation of concealing the arm movement was oblique for a long time. Since the last start is a skill that does not require a seal, it is a ninja's knife-like skill.


The next moment, a cloud of purple smoke rose and spread rapidly in all directions.

Ninja tools? Smoke jade.

Almost at the moment when the mist and rain exploded, Mo Fan's figure would have disappeared from everyone's sight. Since there is no terrain on this map to hide his figure, then Mo Fan will create a line that can be invisible.

Could it be that Mo Fan wanted to throw the smoke jade when Fang Rui was only a few positions away from the magma, and rushed up immediately.

At this moment, this is what all the audience thinks in their minds.

And Mo Fan himself also planned to do so. He used Misty Rain at this time, just for this opportunity to play with one blow, and Mo Fan's figure still started to move when he was engulfed by Misty Jade.

This is a small skill that he only started to master after he entered the professional circle. It is to move at the moment when the misty rain engulfs his figure, and it is difficult for the other party to detect his figure. Although it is said that when the smoke jade is completely dispersed, although the cover range is hit, at that time, the character moving in it will cause the surrounding smoke to move quickly because the smoke moves slowly at that time. So that the opponent can determine their position.

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