Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1993: 4 strokes

Both sides chose to go directly to the front, and the middle road they chose was naturally the magma on both sides that was useful for it. Other than that, there is no tactical value. After all, the most basic tactical positioning is completely meaningless in a map with a wide field of vision. Mo Fan has already tried this.

Tyranny's Song Qiying was obviously not the kind of player who wanted to go around in circles in one place. There was no reason to go around in a map that had no tactical significance, even if he was at a disadvantage in health.

The two sides started directly opposite each other, and naturally met in the middle of the map soon.

Just as they were about to enter the attack range of each other's displacement skills, Song Qiying left and slowed down to look at her character's movement speed, while Tang Rou on the other side was the opposite of him. She didn't mean to reduce the momentum at all, and continued to operate Song Qiying's seat. rush.

Sure enough, this guy still has such a temperament and such a style of play!

Song Qiying couldn't help sighing because of Tang Rou's completely unchanged style of play.

Tang Rou's style of play was really the best way to figure out what they were from Tyranny. After all, they were nurtured, grown and finally debuted under this same style.

Dragon tooth!

Tang Rou, who rushed in front of Song Qiying, flicked the war spear. The war spear was like a poisonous snake that was attacking its prey, and it was biting at the setting sun on the long river.

In the face of this skill that would generate dazzling marks, Song Qiying directly jumped behind the first brother. This jump directly jumped out of the distance of two positions, avoiding Tang Rou's attack of the dragon teeth, but the next moment he two Tang Rou wiped out the distance of one person's personality once again. Even stabs!

The attack route of this stab and stab is not the slightest difference from the dragon tooth just now, like an extension of the dragon tooth skill. And this Tang Rou's impact once again took a big step back from Song Qiying's long-term fall, but this time Song Qiying dodged Tang Rou's thrusts, and directly crossed her hands in the face of the subsequent thrusts. Welcome in front of you!

Empty hand to grab the blade!

In the face of Tang Rou's fierce attack, after Song Qiying retreated two steps in succession, since the player suddenly faced hard steel!

why is that?

Looking at the tumbling lava behind Song Qiying, it seems that the answer has already been announced. This seems to be a simple choice but because there is no way out. And those who thought this way felt that it was Song Qiying himself who chose to back down from Tang Rou's offensive one after another in the first place that led him to such a desperate situation now.

In the face of such a desperate situation, what should Song Qiying do?

Empty hand to grab the blade!

This skill is not a simple defensive skill, and it can rely on the system to force judgment, dismantle the opponent's attack and conduct defensive counterattacks. And there are many kinds of counterattack fans among them. In the direct situation between the two sides, as a professional boxer, he can completely use this trick to throw the opponent directly into the lava behind him. And at least three steps can be thrown away!

This is the real purpose of Song Qiying's series of backward defenses, and such a response requires strong courage and confidence to deal with. This is Tyranny Song Qiying. Although he has a cautious personality, as a Tyranny, he also has his own heroism and courage. It's just that the way he presented them was a little different from what Tyranny fans were used to seeing.

In terms of what Tyranny had said about Song Qiying, his bravery and courage were all hidden in his plans. Just like this time when the two sides met, they gave in three steps in succession. The offensive intensified. But Song Qiying dared to take advantage of this. After all, the more aggressive the offensive, the more rapid his physique was, and this was his chance.

He didn't rush to take Tang Rou's first stab attack, but used it immediately after the first stab was over.

Such a choice will undoubtedly make the operation much more difficult for people, but it also reduces the reaction time for the other party to deal with.

As far as the final result is concerned, Song Qiying did it!

It was Song Qiying's Long River Sunset that tightly locked Tang Rou's spear with both hands, unable to move at all.

Without any pause, parrying, dismantling, and sending one by one with both hands to complete all this, and then saw Song Qiying's figure turn around, grabbing Tang Rou's spear with both hands, turning around and throwing Tang Rou at the magma. go.

You must know that the two sides have only just met, and the skills they have used in total have just been the third, but there has already been a situation where one party is about to fall into the magma. This situation is faster than Zhang Jiale in the previous game, while Tang As soon as Rou fell, all of Xingxin's previous advantages would be completely exhausted.

The advantages of the two captains of the team clustered together, since it was so fast, so ruthless consumption was over.

Such a result made the audience, who were not optimistic about Happy's victory, sighed for a while. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But Tang Rou, who flew out, didn't stop, and saw the spear in Tang Rou's hand thrust out again in the direction. This blow directly canceled all of Song Qiying's counterattacks, and the moment her figure stagnated, it was completely released. Seeing Tang Rou suddenly twist her body, the war spear in her hand just twisted and swung along her body shape, and smashed it directly at Song Qiying, who was just flying.

Tang Rou's attack was extremely fast, even if Song Qiying found out that something was wrong, she jumped back and dodged for the first time, but it was still half a beat slower. Tang Rou's blow finally hit him in the chest.

Round dance stick!

That's right, Tang Rou's twisting blow was the round dance stick. You must know that the round dance stick is a grasping skill and has a noble grasping judgment. Even if it is only touched a little, it is still perfectly triggered.

Seeing Tang Rou in the air once again waved her spear, and directly threw Song Qiying into the air. But for all this, Song Qiying had nothing to do.

Pass! Pass!

With two crisp sounds, Tang Rou and Song Qiying's characters fell into the lava at the same time. It's just that because of Tang Rou's swing of the round dance stick, Song Qiying's long river and sunset were thrown with more force, falling deeper and more ruthlessly...

To know the current position, both sides have just used up the fourth skill.

Four skills, one person falls into lava? joke!

The reality is far more heroic than they imagined!

But the situation where the two of them fell into the magma together was very unfavorable to Song Qiying, whose HP was already similar, so when Tang Rou's round dance stick was thrown directly into the magma, he simply rolled. Taking the lead in opening the distance, he planned to return to the shore soon. For this purpose, Song Qiying did not hesitate to use magma to cover himself.

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