Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2003: The most favorable form!

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"Enough is enough!" Lin Jingyan and Tang Rou said on Tyranny's team channel. At this moment, Lin Jingyan's Leng Anlei suddenly accelerated and rushed out.

Although Fang Rui's series of attacks could not be completely left behind, one must know that Fang Rui was not like he was suddenly fighting alone. The angle of his attack was not just Tang Rou's current position and harassment. At the same time, it is also a kind of cooperation, a kind of cooperation between the pair and his old partner Lin Jingyan!

After Fang Rui's series of map artillery firepower consumption, although the sudden health value has not been affected, his stamina gauge has been almost consumed, which means that it is difficult for him to continue to roll and dodge. Such an operation. Tyranny as a whole also took advantage of this opportunity to greatly shorten the distance with Tang Rou, and then Fang Rui's attack on Longbo directly affected Tang Rou's movement speed. But at this most critical moment, Tang Rou's movement rhythm had problems, and it was undoubtedly the best chance for Tyranny!

Lin Jingyan, who has partnered with Fang Rui for so many years, already understood Fang Rui's various intentions after Fang Rui attacked Tang Rou, so now everything about Tang Rou is within his predictions, and he Although the current sudden acceleration is somewhat out of touch with the battle formation, professional competitions are changing rapidly. The formation itself serves the purpose of tactics. Of course everyone in Tyranny will not stick to tactics. Even after Lin Jingyan rushed out of the battle formation, Zhang Xinjie adjusted the battle formation again immediately, ready to support Lin Jingyan.

Lin Jingyan, who was out of the formation, didn't hesitate, and just threw the needle with a single blow.

The tiny hemp needles were quietly thrown out by Lin Jingyan, and this skill, which was so slender as hair itself, was not easy to spot. What's more, Fang Rui's attack hadn't stopped yet. Lin Jingyan's attack was cooperating with Fang Rui, and was thrown under the cover of the light and shadow effects of his skills.

To be fair, it's Lin Jingyan's hand, not to mention Tang Rou, even the commentator and director with a god's perspective didn't discover this skill right away, let alone the audience.

But Tang Rou wasn't completely unaware, even though he didn't have that much energy to keep his ears and ears open and his eyes wide open.

Just now, Fang Rui's Nian Longbo sent a wave of hard steel to the front, and he was covered with various debuffs, but under such circumstances, just when everyone thought Tang Rou's blow could not be avoided, Tang Rou's attack was unavoidable. Rou suddenly retracted.


This roll was extremely extreme, and it just used up Tang Rou's remaining stamina. Then take advantage of the situation to complete the body operation!

After a wave of manipulations, Tang Rou once again resolved her own crisis. This was not the sound of Tang Rou just getting up from the state of being restrained. It sounded like something shot against the wall from behind. Looking back, sure enough, there was a hemp needle stuck on the side of the mountain wall.

And it was only at this time that the audience realized that Lin Jingyan had already made a move quietly! The director also replayed it immediately. It was precisely because of this replay of the direct tracking skill that the audience could clearly feel that Tang Rou's keen observation of skills had already shocked them.

But this time, the audience misunderstood, or it should be said that they thought too much. Lin Jingyan's attack was really secretive, and his cooperation with Fang Rui was also perfect. Despite their reputation as a criminal group, Tang Rou really didn't notice the attack from the other side. Most of this series of operations were straight and crooked. Just let him avoid the most dangerous blow.

It's too rough, isn't it?

But these audience members don't know, they are still sighing at Tang Rou's actions! You must know that Tang Rou is currently being pursued by five people. Under such circumstances, Tang Rou still hasn't suffered any obvious damage. They don't know how to describe this operation. You must know that Tang Rou is not an experienced professional. A player, but a professional rookie.

But the Tyranny on the field was different. They weren't shocked by Tang Rou's actions. Instead, at this moment, the team's movement speed increased significantly. Especially the fastest cold and dark thunder among them! The first shot of the numb needle was missed, and then a forced attack was shot directly. The figure passed directly through Fang Rui's play skill special effects, and it was very tacitly connected with Fang Rui's attack. I can't think of it, but the figure is even!

At this time, Tang Rou had just finished the stand-up operation and stood up, her foothold was still undecided, her stamina for dodging had been completely exhausted, and she simply put the spear to the first gear, and was ready to rely on the opponent's attacking parry to stabilize the character's figure. Finally, with the impact of a strong knee attack, he retreated.


The next moment, Lin Jingyan's powerful knee attack collided with Tang Rou's spear. It was also at this moment that Tang Rou's body swayed, and she instantly realized something was wrong. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Lin Jingyan's powerful attack was indeed fierce, but when parrying her attack, what Tang Rou received was not a backward force, but a downward force. This shows that Lin Jingyan has adjusted the attack angle of the skills at the moment when the skills of the two sides are in contact. And the purpose is very simple, that is, do not want the opponent to retreat by the strength of his attack. So at the last moment, the attack direction changed, and Tang Rou was pushed to the ground.

Tang Rou is very sensitive to all this. Only then did he realize that Lin Jingyan was doing the same thing at the moment of abnormal operation.

Seeing Tang Rou squatting down at a loss, she took a step back on the ground following Lin Jingyan's pressing force.

Although it was impossible to withdraw a large distance with the help of Lin Jingyan's attack as originally planned, at least she was not crushed in place by the opponent's powerful knee attack after this wave. And this slippage caused some damage judgments in the end, but it finally resolved Lin Jingyan's attack.

But how would the average audience see Lin Jingyan's hidden tricks in this powerful knee attack? They only thought that Lin Jingyan was chasing Taimeng, and they had to rush to beat Tang Rou.

It's just that the sliding operation this time seems a bit unsatisfactory. Lin Jingyan has also successfully taken the initiative in the game now. This not-so-successful slide could not withdraw Lin Jingyan's attack on Fang Rui. Although Lin Jingyan's powerful knee strike failed to achieve the effect he wanted most, he managed to keep Tang Rou behind. The next few times, Tang Rou had no chance to escape, and all of Tyranny's members had already rushed forward, and this was the most beneficial form for Tyranny!

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