Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2034: complex form

With the distance between Zhang Xinjie and Xingxin's characters, Tang Yin was restrained by Han Wenqing, who had recovered from the dizziness, and Su Mucheng was too far away. It was obviously not enough to effectively suppress Zhang Xinjie. So Su Mucheng had already started to close the distance to suppress her. After all, if she didn't include Shi Buzhuan in her line of fire, it would be impossible to completely suppress Zhang Xinjie's treatment. To suppress the treatment of Zhang Xinjie, the first priest of glory, it must be a high-density, high-intensity bombardment.

But the best position of Su Mucheng's line of fire also put her within Fang Rui's range. That is to say, Fang Rui's various thoughts attacks are no longer as unreachable as before. And under Fang Rui's skill attack, can Su Mucheng be guaranteed to build a perfect line of fire?

Stabilize the gun mount!

Su Mucheng directly told everyone through the operation, yes! Seeing that Su Mucheng made a big move, ready to fight against the damage to suppress Zhang Xinjie, but the players in the professional QQ group had reservations about Su Mucheng's decision. Interrupt skills, attack rhythm will not be affected. But this skill also restricts the movement of the character.

Su Mucheng's main target of attack now is Zhang Xinjie, but Fang Rui is the one who is harassing him. Zhang Xinjie can completely move to distance himself from Su Mucheng again, and if Su Mucheng wants to continue to keep his firepower suppressed, he will press him. It must be Zhang Xinjie's movement. What is the role of stabilizing the gun mount in such a situation? If you don't lift it, won't it end up in a confrontation with Fang Rui again?

Zhang Xinjie did exactly what Tang Rou's professional players had expected. After finding out that Su Mucheng had directly used the stabilizer mount, he started to move in the other direction, possibly opening the distance between him and Su Mucheng. But here Zhang Xinjie hadn't walked a few steps and scolded the ground in front of him, and the light began to appear. With the surging magic power on the ground, the magic power directly formed a magic circle, and everyone in this magic circle recognized it at the first time. Come out, this is a summoning circle!

This operation makes a kind of professional player shine.

That's how they reacted. It turns out that Happy's arrangement is here!

The purpose of Su Mucheng's direct erection of the stable gun mount was not to attack Zhang Xinjie, but to use direct firepower to force Zhang Xinjie to the position they needed. Finally, Luo Ji summoned the summoned beast and sent it into the mouth of the summoned beast.

At this juncture in the game, of course, the camera must be on Luo Ji, who made the most critical blow. And now Luo Ji was still clinging to this mountain wall, which might have reduced his sense of existence, but the staff in his hand never stopped, and the magic powers continued to gather on it.

But although it seems that Luo Ji has already reduced his sense of existence, he is not a surname after all, and everyone in Tyranny has never forgotten his existence. You can see that everyone in Tyranny has always been on guard against Summoner Luo Ji's level seventy-five ultimate move, the Beastmaster Four Elements Formation!

And it is still the same now. There are only Thunder Eagle, Little Fire Dragon, and Civet on the arena, and these three summoned beasts are besieging Tang Yin who just came out of Tang Yin's dizziness, ready to support himself in the treatment of Lin Jingyan. , Just when the sniper rifle is stunned, how can it restrain him so much? I had long since followed Ye Xiu's figure and came to support him.

However, from the start of the game to the present, both Luo Ji and An Wenyi have been under the protection of everyone in Happy, and now that Happy has started to attack, the figure is flawless and continues to take care of them.

And at this moment, Lin Jingyan jumped up directly, facing the Thunder Eagle in the sky. After all, continuing to stalemate with these summoned beasts is still a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause. The main purpose of Lin Jingyan now is to get rid of the siege of these three summoned beasts. So I want to jump over them directly and attack their master directly.

As a result, before the claws that Lin Jingyan swung towards Lei Ying hit Lei Ying's body, Lei Ying turned into a flash of electric light and disappeared in front of his eyes.


Lin Jingyan couldn't be sure at this moment. After all, this kind of change, either the summoned beast's life value or the time limit disappeared, or the summoned beast was re-summoned by the summoner, and it was still replaced.

It soon turned out to be the latter.

Because the next moment Lin Jingyan heard an eagle roar from the other side again, Lin Jingyan immediately turned the character's perspective, and saw a brand new Thunder Eagle appearing again in the summoning circle in front of Zhang Xinjie, facing the Zhang Xinjie issued various lightning strikes.

The first wave of lightning strikes on Zhang Xinjie's side had not yet ended, and a summoning formation appeared beside him.

At the same time, the little flying dragon and the civet cat who were still beside Lin Jingyan also threw Lin Jingyan directly, and directly manipulated Shi Bu to repost the attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, there was no pressure to fight around Lin Jingyan, but his heart was tight. After all, the two summoned beasts on this side passed by, with the Thunder Eagle who had just summoned and the Bing Lan who was being summoned, didn't Lin Jingyan successfully gather all the four beasts?

Lin Jingyan is very clear about the consequences of the gathering of the four beasts, so he must stop one no matter what!

Seeing that Lin Jingyan had turned his body before he fell completely, but the civet cat beside him was very special, since it just jumped from his claws, and Lin Jingyan no longer entangled with the civet cat, after all, it moves among the four beasts. The fastest and most agile summoned beast, it is itself one of the hardest to hit.

The attack on the civet was also incidental when he landed. If he could hit the best, he would continue his original plan. He saw Lin Jingyan, who had just landed, jumped up again, stretched out his hand to grab, and directly grabbed the tail of the little flying dragon.

It is the skill of judo throwing!

Lin Jingyan, who successfully grabbed the little flying dragon, threw it in the other direction, and he might have thrown the opponent farther with the help of a throw.

Next, a strong knee attack!

Lin Jingyan is very clear, whether it is to throw the little fire dragon flying, or to kill it, these cannot solve the most fundamental online games, and throwing them away is just to delay time. If you want to solve all this, the best way is to solve it directly. Luo Ji. So Lin Jingyan made a strong knee attack and killed Luo Ji.

At this time, the ice wolf has also been killed from the summoning formation. Zhang Xinjie has now started to wave the cross that he will not hit, and once again opened the crusade trial and began to fight the summoned beasts hand-to-hand. This time, even the professional players in the QQ group felt that Zhang Xinjie was lucky, and just brought an attacking skill today. Although there is only one, it is enough to deal with the summoned beast.

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