Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2039: offense instead of defense

Now Lin Jingyan has no time to study whether this is a coincidence, or whether his plan has been seen through by the other party. Just like the analysis of the professional players, the most important thing now is to limit Happy's treatment first, which is the most crucial thing in this match.

And now An Wenyi's little hands are cold and no one can provide protection, just the best chance to attack. And now that the lure was unsuccessful, Lin Jingyan didn't hesitate too much, and rushed straight ahead.

Now Lin Jingyan directly manipulates An Wenyi to rush, which makes his previous methods a bit of a waste of time for the audience. But it doesn't matter to a professional player and Lin Jingyan himself. After all, the main target of An Wenyi's treatment at Happy must be Ye Xiu, and now Ye Xiu has just finished because of his life-threatening blow, so he can't be the first. time to receive treatment. As long as An Wenyi can be restrained before Ye Xiu recovers and can be healed, it will have no effect on the result.

To put it simply, as long as he can control Xingxin's treatment in the end, then Ye Xiu will die!

Not only everyone in Tyranny, but even all the professional players in the group felt the same way.

In the end, they didn't expect that Ye Xiu, a character whose living conditions seemed to be very bad, this guy who normally wouldn't be able to protect himself, now he's pretending to take the initiative to attack!

In front of Ye Xiu, the three summoned beasts, Ice Wolf, Little Flying Dragon, and Thunder Eagle, seemed to have already been ordered to rush out together, and Ye Xiu followed behind them. And their target was really Fang Rui, Tyranny's only long-range professional!

So these summoned beasts are not protecting Ye Xiu, but providing a kind of protection for Ye Xiu? Could it be that Ye Xiu wanted to cooperate with Su Mucheng and Fang Rui's powerful firepower to launch a strong attack?

Isn't this looking for death?

This was what everyone in the audience thought when they saw Ye Xiu in action.

After all, Ye Xiu only has 15% of his health now. This health point is still running into the war zone. This is not a gift, what is the difference between this and courting death?

Although it was said that Zhang Xinjie's mana was limited before, he was very cautious in treatment. But after all, it is the first priest of Glory, and he has reached the pinnacle in the distribution of the healing amount. Right now, Fang Rui's health was pretty good. With this amount of blood, Ye Xiu still wants to kill Fang Rui?

Unlike the audience watching the game, although in the professional group, a group of professional players are frantically swiping these various emojis, venting their emotions, but none of the emojis feel that Ye Xiu is doing this. Looking for death.

The reason is very simple, because if you really want to count, Fang Rui may face attacks from three directions at one time, one against three, which does sound a bit daunting.

Someone here might want to say, why should I care about so many other attacks, just kill Ye Xiu directly?

This is also the main reason why the audience thinks Ye Xiu is going to die. Generally, they think that as long as the HP is low enough, then I can just recklessly kill him.

But the problem was that Fang Rui was a qigong master. It would be difficult for him to be reckless, because he had no other Tyranny skills except for a steel and iron bone. What's more, Fang Rui's steel and iron bones were only one blow, and the duration was very limited. What's more important is that if there is no Tyranny effect of steel and iron bones, as a profession that has most of the attacks on the front, facing such a siege, he may not be able to attack, let alone kill Ye Xiu.

Although Ye Xiu now has only 15% of his health remaining, although it is very little, he will not die after being rubbed against it. If he wants to survive, Fang Rui must use his short-term reinforced skills. In the time, it is a burst that can directly take away 15% of the opponent.

Judging from the emotions expressed by the professional players group, it was obvious that everyone felt that this kind of positive hard steel was really too embarrassing for Fang Rui, the vulgar master.

And Fang Rui himself wanted to, and he had already realized this.

Xiao Feilong and Lei Ying had already launched the attack first, which forced Fang Rui to face harassing attacks from multiple sides again. Then Binglang's roar and filial piety had followed suit, and the already chilling giant mouth had already manipulated Fang Rui's direction. bite.

But all this is an opportunity in Fang Rui's eyes!

Steel bones!

Fang Rui directly opened the reinforced iron bones, and his figure dodged the attack of the ice wolf, and the neutrality of Ye Xiu was a spiral killing intent. In addition to dodging the ice wolf's attack that would affect his movement, Fang Rui directly ignored the attacks of the other two summoned beasts, and headed towards Ye Xiu's direction, a giant ball slammed.

The attack range of the Spiral Psychic Killer is here, and Fang Rui is still rotating it counterclockwise this time, so that the original attack range is greatly reduced, and the Spiral Psychic Kill has the effect of attracting monsters. That way, even if he couldn't get it all, it would attract Ye Xiu. Do some damage.

As a result, bang! Another sniper shot rang out, and Fang Rui was also shot in the head again.

The vision turned, and it was only when everyone realized that Tang Yin had used the help of Tyranny to kill Ye Xiu, and a freezing grenade would freeze Song Qiying, who would not hesitate to sell blood and fight with him, and use Song Qiying to test the time difference in breaking the ice. .uukanshu.com came directly with a long-range sniper, and once again a headshot.

Just like the people in Tyranny can besiege Ye Xiu, Happy's side can also support him. You know, they are five against four of them right now.

Although Tang Yin's shot was just an ordinary sniper rifle, it still had a stun effect. Even if it was Tyranny, Fang Rui could only stand in place at this moment.

Ye Xiu directly used attack instead of defense, and with a single shot, he directly stepped on Fang Rui, who was instantly freed from the dizzy state. After all, Tyranny is also invincible. Glory's skill system also has a judgment ceiling, where is the grasping skill?

And as a loose person, Ye Xiu has never lacked such skills.

Taking offense instead of defense, Fang Rui, who originally wanted to forcefully kill Ye Xiu, was directly suppressed by Ye Xiu's backhand at this moment.

The audience didn't expect such a situation. In their imagination, Ye Xiu should be in a state of steel and iron under Fang Rui's various suppressions, and he should work hard to save his life. But what's the situation now? It was no longer Ye Xiu who had to worry about it, but Fang Rui!

Fang Rui faced not only Ye Xiu's various grasping skills, but all kinds of pinch attacks from all sides. Although it is said that as a professional player, he has also carried out certain training in this regard, but this does not mean that he will be able to handle the same professional-level siege with ease.

Kill Lord Grim?

At this moment, the more Fang Rui thought about it, the more he felt that he no longer had to worry about this issue. What he needed to worry about was his own situation. Right now, they had no treatment. In addition, they were summoned by Su Mucheng, three summoned beasts. And Ye Xiu's siege, Fang Rui's even dropped, it was quite rhythmic.

If he can't adjust and suppress Ye Xiu's direction, he will be the first to fall.

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