Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2048: Poor 3 worlds and 6 roads

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 2048 Poor Three Realms and Six Paths (please subscribe, please recommend)


But whether it was Happy's Wu Chen or Samsara's Three Realms and Six Paths, they all knew very well that this kind of peace team battle was only temporary. After all, the game between the two sides has not fully started yet. If they wait for the match between the two sides to start, the players who have the opposite emotions will not be easily controlled by them. At that time, the two guilds that have entered the finals of the playoffs in the past seasons will definitely break out large-scale field battles in the big world as usual, and the number of times is definitely not large.


You must know that the small consumption of such a large-scale field team guild is huge. Let alone others, just take the distance between Excellent Era's family and dynasty. Back in the first season, the Excellent Dynasty who supported Excellent Era was definitely at that time. The most powerful guild in online games. But because of the events from the first season to the fourth season, he entered the finals. Every time there is a world war with the other guild that made it to the finals.


This year I fought with this guild, and next year I fought with another guild. This fight has been directly fought for four years. They are fighting every year, but their opponents are changing every year. After four years of world wars, although Excellent Era would not have the chance to have such a world war again, but after four years of fighting, But it has already hurt their vitality.


It can be said that if Excellent Dynasty hadn't fought four world wars in a row, which resulted in a significant reduction in guild support, there would not have been the current three major online game guilds. After all, whether it was Domineering Ambition, Chinese Herbal Hall and Lanxi Pavilion, they all won the achievements of the three major guilds after Excellent Era.


It's also because of the very typical example of Excellent Dynasty, that the guilds in the future will be very careful in the aspect of the world war, but they should be careful. Can't stop it.


Therefore, some clan guilds that made it to the finals will start to guide the battle as much as possible. Take another Tiny Herb, who has reached the finals three times in a row. The first time they broke out a slightly smaller world war, but the second year they were unable to control it when they fought with Blue Rain. The third time they fought a world war directly with Blue Brook Pavilion, it was barely a relatively smooth ride. But this stability is also relative to the previous one.


The first small fight was in Season 5. At that time, Team Hundred Blossoms competed with Tiny Herb for the championship. At that time, in the middle of the Hundred Blossoms season, there was news that Sun Zheping was injured and unable to play. At that time, it could be said that Hundred Blossoms at that time was desperate to win the championship for the injured Sun Zheping. It can be said that the momentum was very strong.


But in the end, they were still narrowly defeated by Tiny Herb. After the game, fans of both sides fought in the online game for the first time, but just as the battle between the two sides continued to expand, Hundred Blossoms released Sun Zheping's official retirement. And the Hundred Flowers fans who saw this news still had the mood to fight the World War. So it was barely considered a small-scale fight. But even in this small fight, before Sun Zheping released the news, the losses on both sides were already quite a lot...


Then came the sixth season, and the sixth season was lively. The Tiny Herbs were abruptly shattered by Huang Shaotian's trash talk, but they were successfully sniped by Blue Rain and lost the championship. And how could fans of Tiny Herb be willing to accept such an aggrieved defeat. And at that moment, the fans' outbursts were completely beyond the control of the guild president. Fans of both sides broke out a wave of world wars that shocked all spectators directly after the game.




At that time, the Thatched Cottage in Lanxi Pavilion was already one of the three major online game guilds, and their wave of world wars directly surpassed any previous one. The two feuding teams became a feud.

You must know that Ye Xiu took three seasons to make Tyranny a feud, and they achieved this result in just one season, one can imagine how tragic this battle was.


And in Season 7, Tiny Herb met Hundred Blossoms again. However, because the two sides fought once last time, they are relatively clear about the explosive points between each other. The two presidents cooperate with each other. This made the war between the two sides not too much in the end, and it was the most peaceful one in recent years. Of course, this peace is also relative.


In the eighth and ninth seasons after that, there will also be guild battles. Although the guilds of both sides are still able to guide them in these two seasons, the problem is that in these two seasons, there is an unreasonable mix of Tang Yin. !


Every time they saw that the two sides might not be able to fight, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu would change into each other's guild vests and start to cooperate. The situation was probably like this:


The leader of one team: "Are you still coming?" Originally, his response was the same as the other party's, and then everyone took a step back to solve the team battle crisis this time.


As a result, just after he finished speaking, Tang Yin's voice sounded beside him. He sneered at the opposite: "It's too shameless!"


When the other party heard Tang Yin's words, he was a little angry, and he replied directly: "I'm afraid of you." But after he said that, he seemed to pick it up. Now the fight is not good for everyone. lift this crisis.


In the end, before he finished speaking, Ye Xiu, who was here, said, "Just fight!"


And the team leader on Tang Yin's side heard that he had not come and asked him to interject. UU reading www.uukanshu. com Then how can he endure, fight, we are still afraid that you will fail? He said directly: "This piece is still our home court!"


Tang Yin shouted directly at the players behind who were eager to try: "Copy guy!"


The team leader on the other side obviously found out what was wrong, and just wanted to stop the rhythm of being led up, Ye Xiu had already shouted to the other player behind him, "Come on, brothers!"


Then the players on both sides ignored the leader and launched an attack directly at each other. This rhythm is together, and now the leaders of both sides can't stop if they want to. And as soon as they got into a fight, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu came from Happy and a group of people scavenging waste. At that time, I watched Tang Yin and Ye Xiu use this discussion to detonate multiple battlefields one after another. They all sighed, regardless of inappropriateness and no lower limit, these two guys are professional...


This is also because of the spoilers of the Xing Department, but the reincarnation guild that both participated in the eighth and ninth seasons is a bit pitiful, and they have lost the most in these two games. In terms of guild resources alone, it can be said that it is completely unworthy. on the status of wealthy. Is that a residual word...


And this year is already the third thought for Samsara to enter the finals. Thinking of the fact that after the game they will have to fight with Happy, the richest guild, the president of the Samsara guild is going to take the plunge, so he doesn't hesitate to contact Wu Chen. , Everyone is engaged in arena PK, and it is possible not to develop into the big world.


Ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the Three Realms and Six Paths in the past few years...


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