Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2127: Zhou Zekai's pursuit

The latest website: Sun Xiang and the others planned very well, but just as Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf jumped up, a grenade appeared in front of him. There was absolutely no time for Sun Xiang, so that Sun Xiang almost subconsciously used the spear in his hand to face the grenade, which was a sweeping operation, and the sudden grenade was blown away immediately.


It's a pity that this blow was still too hasty after all, and the control of strength and direction was still a little less after all. As a result, the grenade still exploded, but fortunately there was the blow just now, so One Autumn Leaf barely managed to parry that blow, and the impact of the grenade bun was not able to knock him back, and he saw Sun Xiang in the air. After slightly adjusting the direction, you are ready to jump up again after landing.

In the end, who would have thought that Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf did block the shock wave, but the garbage and debris under his feet were not there. They were directly blown away by the explosion of Tang Yin's grenade, and exploded directly under Sun Xiang's feet. a pit. Here, Sun Xiang just stepped on the air just as he was about to land, and the man sank immediately after swiping. It looks like a funny anime.

But if Sun Xiang's side just looked a little stupid, then Jiang Botao's formation would be an unavoidable attack. He had just jumped towards Tang Yin, and Tang Yin had already aimed his gun at him.

This is the advantage of investment skills such as grenades. They can't be fired instantly and don't need to be dealt with after they are thrown, and no follow-up operations are required, allowing Tang Yin to concentrate on changing the direction of the attack. Without hesitation, Tang Yin immediately started with a hurricane.

In an instant, the violent and violent bullets and acid had completely submerged Jingjiang's waveless figure.

In the face of Tang Yin's violent wind and rain, Jiang Botao felt a sense of giving up at that moment. It was too late for the character to do anything, and was instantly shot down by the whistling rain of bullets. The effect is that the garbage dump on the small side is also unstable. The character starts to slide down with the garbage dump as soon as the character hits the ground. It is impossible for him to stabilize his body and return his son. Tang Yin's attack is covered, so it is so abrupt. was shot down by Tang Yin.

Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, and Sun Xiang, these three absolute ceilings in the professional circle are now among the top ten top gods among the All-Stars, but now they are calculated by Tang Yin, and they have been beaten by the trash one after another. One by one, they are still crooked. This is not a sight, but it is definitely called Tang Yin's professional peak.

(The original Ye Xiu also used the terrain to suppress the three of them, and Ye Xiu Wuwu's Tang Yin quickly suppressed them with his hands, it's not an exaggeration...)

Although all of this happened in an instant, even though it was said that even ordinary players could beat Tang Yin, it was only because of the situation, but no matter what, Tang Yin beat three people with one hit. This series of operations still left a profound impact on them.

If the last time Zhou Zekai and Ye Xiu broke out, they can still sigh about Zhou Zekai's skills, but now he really can't think of any words to describe Tang Yin. Their methods and ideas are very simple, after all, even ordinary players can see what profound things they can have. But the problem is that Tang Yin used this very basic hand to fight. When facing the three masters of Ze Kai, Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang, he abruptly interrupted their siege against him. To be reasonable, this kind of thing is really I don't know how many people can do it.

And they are also very clear that all this amount of Tang Yin's layout before Zhou Zekai and the others came in has a great relationship. Tang Yin not only buried all kinds of trap mines at various corners, but also hidden this Tang Yin in the chimney. Silver electronic eye.

It is also because of the existence of this electronic eye that Tang Yin can know the position of the three Samsara people all the time, so he can prepare first. Every time, Tang Yin was prepared to fight the opponent but not prepared, and this was the main reason why Tang Yin was able to take them down.

But in that case, Tang Yin was a real person who restrained the three main forces of Samsara. This alone made the audience fall into silence, and even the two commentators didn't know what to say for a while.

Everyone just silently looked at the figure of Tang Yin, who had sent the three of them flying, and was about to escape again.

There's no other way, I can't help but run away. To put it bluntly, this way of playing is a surprise attack. If Tang Yin really wanted to fight against the three of them on paper, he wouldn't dare.

rice ball exploration book

Previously, many professional players felt that under the siege of three people, it was not a matter of minutes to take down Tang Yin. It would be a real shame if this lineup could not handle a single Tang Yin. But at this moment they were also silent. After all, they were watching the game from the perspective of God, but when they put themselves into the role, they found that they were not sure of stopping Tang Yin at the moment when Tang Yin shot. The three people on the field can't, they can't, and they even think that this is what humans can say? After all, Tang Yin is not human...

"Oh shit…"

In the end, there were thousands of words in my heart. In the end, it also converged into this swearing sentence. There are sighs and emotions in it, but more of it is a kind of conviction...

After all, Tang Yin's series of operations really can't say that the three Samsara didn't work hard, only that the opponent is not human...

But the scattered people of Samsara wouldn't stop the operation in their hands when they were surprised like the audience at the scene.

Zhou Zekai was the first to be kicked down by Tang Yin. Because of the stun effect of the instant kick, he couldn't provide support when Jiang Botao was attacked before, but he was still stunned quickly. Zhou Zekai bounced at the fastest speed.

The speed of Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer is almost unbelievable. Even everyone didn't see his flying gun, and Cloud Piercer flew into the air with a single shot.


Zhou Zekai fired two guns one after another, instantly changing the muzzle direction in the air, and once again completing a flying gun operation. After the wheel set, Zhou Zekai directly used the recoil of the flying gun to perform a slide, and one of the slide legs extended to control the figure. When the slide ended, he was already facing Tang Yin's position.

The whole process starts from the flying gun and changes direction in the process of the sky. This landing slides and chases while turning the direction, pulling the viewing angle to the front in one go!

Bang bang bang!

The angle of view was completely rested, and the gunshots and pistols continued to attack. From the moment he jumped up, Zhou Zekai's gunshots did not stop, and countless bullets roared directly at Tang Yin!

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