Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2141: How did he get here?

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All of these data were naturally judged based on their common sense of glory and the three views of a professional player. It was not clear that Ye Xiu's bullets at that time were simply the pursuit of speed. Naturally, there was no such operation. This rhythm and change when playing the game operation.

But this also aroused their curiosity about Tang Yin. They really wanted to know where Tang Yin's limit hand speed was. Anyway, whether they are facing Tang Yin now, they can stand and talk without backache.

So much so that everyone in the audience felt that Tang Yin had reached his limit now, and when he was about to be unable to last, the professional players in the VIP seats were looking forward to it.

In the time when they said these few words, Tang Yin's situation has become extremely passive, and under the pressure of Zhou Zekai and his three main forces, now Tang Yin has finally been forced to a corner of this boiler room by them. And in this position, there is no room for him to continue galloping like before.

victory is in sight!

This is the thought in the hearts of all the reincarnation audiences at the scene, and this is also because of this thought, which made them boil again. Although it is true that they lost one person first, they will directly take away their No. 2 on the high-end battlefield. The character Tang Yin, exchange Tang Yin for Du Ming, this business is simply a **** profit.

Just like Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale just got Du Ming, Tang Yin caught them by surprise when they came out, and the subsequent harassment and attack didn't cause them any harm. That is to say, after they got Tang Yin, their roles They are still in a relatively healthy state and will not suffer much damage.

Looking at Tang Yin, who has nowhere to go now, how much damage can he take away under the siege of the three of them with his last struggle?

"Be careful!"

In the end, even with such an obvious advantage, Jiang Botao still sent a message on the team channel of Samsara. It can be seen that Samsara is cautious about Tang Yin, even in such an environment, they still might not give Tang Yin a chance to cause harm to them.

The people of Samsara did not rush to attack, but took the lead in placing their three characters in the most suitable position for the current situation, because they didn't want them to attack, but they would still leave the other party with any sliver of neutrality.

"It's over!" Sun Xiang said directly on the public channel.

He also had a very complicated mood towards Tang Yin. If he could tell who Ye Xiu wanted to defeat the most, it would definitely be Tang Yin. After all, since Tang Yin's debut, he has been at a disadvantage at Tang Yin's hands. From the Glory game, to the challenge, and finally to the current professional league. And today he will complete his first victory against Tang Yin.

It's a pity that now they are three-on-one. There is really nothing to be proud of in such a victory, but so what? Now it is a team competition, and the victory of the team competition belongs to the team, and it also belongs to anyone in the team. So Sun Xiang didn't bother about this at all. Anyway, as long as they won this team match, it would be fine, so that he would influence the two people he wanted to win the most.

How Long Breaks the Army!

As a breakthrough player, Sun Xiang was directly a powerful dragon to break the army, and One Autumn Leaf rushed out with an extremely powerful aura, blocking all Ye Xiu's hopes of escaping!

Although it is a pity to beat you like this, none of these matters. The most important thing today is to win this game.

Following this belief, Sun Xiang directly manipulated One Autumn Leaf's attack on Tang Yin, but the next moment his screen suddenly went dark.

what's the situation?

The screen suddenly went black. Sun Xiang was startled. His first reaction was that there was a problem with his computer.

But this was only his first thought after all, not a fact, and he himself quickly discovered that in addition to the completely black viewing angle on his screen, other character information was also displayed, and this also proved one thing , not the computer's problem, but he was blinded!

But this time the question arises again, where did the blindness come from?

You must know that since he launched an attack on Tang Yin, all his attention was on Tang Yin. He did not see any movement from Tang Yin. Where did this blinding attack come from?

He couldn't see the opponent's current position and how to deal with him, which made Sun Xiang strike.

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Haolong Pojun was completely unable to continue his control, and then he heard a burst of gunshots, listening to the origin of the sound. These gunshots were not made by Tang Yin, but the attack by his captain Zhou Zekai, but these attacks were finally hit. The direction he arrived seems to be not in the same direction as the direction he is attacking now. Could it be that Tang Yin has gone so quickly?

This time, Sun Xiang was really messed up, and the competition at this time was completely blown up at this moment, because the audience with God's perspective could see it very clearly, at the moment when Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf attacked Tang Yin Suddenly, a dark ghost formation descended directly, completely covering Tang Yin's corner, Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf was directly wrapped in this ghost formation, Jiang Botao was also affected by the edge, and directly let Samsara two Direct black screen for a player.

This is…

Ghost Swordsman's Skill... Dark Formation?

But Tang Yin, a sharpshooter, can't use the ghost swordsman's skills no matter what, he is not Ye Xiu, he can use a ninja knife, and he can use it. Besides, even if he can use it, but in In front of the three top gods, where does he have the opportunity to sing? This is no longer bizarre to describe.

There should not be too many viewers with such doubts in their hearts. Most of them are broadcast viewers who do not have a full-system projection that can guarantee the whole process of God's perspective~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Until they saw Zhou Zekai suddenly turn his attention to the garbage heap. The other side launched an attack, and the two spears directly shot out a dense rain of bullets, but the target of the attack was not Tang Yin. It was precisely because of Zhou Zekai's attack that moved the angle of view that allowed them to see the truth.

An inch of gray!

Since it was Happy's last conscience Qiao Yifan and his character One Inch Ash! Since he suddenly appeared here like this!

At this moment, even the scene was full of exclamations, because even if they had a full-length God's perspective like the projection of the whole system, they and many people still did not notice him, and the main focus was on Tang Yin's pick. Third, Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale and the others have already had a confrontation with Du Ming and Lu Boyuan.

After all, they can't see such a two-line battle themselves, where is there time to find someone who is on the outside?

So now there is only one question in their minds, how did Yifan come here?

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