Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2254: fight

Latest website: Seriously, Lu Boyuan is hearing this, and it is absolutely false to say that he is not sad. Of course he didn't want to lose this chance to play in the final. But he also knew very well that although Fang Minghua's words were straightforward, they were indeed the truth. In the last game, his state was not very good. He originally planned to rest and adjust for two days, and was determined to play well in this game, but the result was still very unsatisfactory.

One thing to say, the team did not abandon him immediately after seeing his poor state, but gave him time to adjust, and it was interesting enough to continue to give him a chance to play in this game. In the end, it was himself. The reason why this opportunity has passed.

After all, what is going on now will be the most critical team game of the season. This game directly determines who will play the team at the end of this season. At such a crucial tenth point, it is really not a time to bet on his fitness.

"Yes..." It is precisely because he is very clear about this that although Lu Boyuan is very sad, he has no objection. After all, he will never allow such a thing that drags down the entire team because of his poor state. Therefore, Lu Boyuan directly accepted Fang Minghua's judgment on him. This also means that he will fully respect all decisions the other party may make next.

Fang Minghua nodded, and after a few more discussions with Zhou Zekai and Jiang Botao, they finally announced their decision.

"Na Boyuan, you just want to rest and adjust for this team match." In the end, the decision was made by the vice-captain Jiang Botao.

"Understood." Lu Boyuan nodded. Although he was unwilling to be on the list, he didn't say much. After all, the victory or defeat of the team is the most important point at the moment. The quality of a person should be put later at this point in time.

"Here in the team competition, Wu Qi, you will replace Bo Yuan in the starting position." Jiang Botao continued.

"Okay." Wu Qi nodded.

Before Sun Xiang came to their Samsara team, their main team included Lu Boyuan, Wu Qi, and Du Ming. Now, because of Sun Xiang's arrival, he has directly occupied one position, leaving only two positions for the three of them.

As an All-Star level player, Lu Boyuan is not only more famous than the other two, but he does have this ability, so his position is naturally more demanding than the other two. Wu Qi and Du Ming entered the rotation. However, the main player was Wu Qi, and Du Ming had rarely played in the previous regular season. This is why Du Ming has the idea of ​​leaving Samsara.

Of course, both Du Ming and Wu Qi are in the reincarnation lineup, so he is not without the opportunity to play, just like in the last round, Wu Qi did not play. And today's Lu Boyuan is not in a good state, these two players who won the championship for Samsara finally have the opportunity to play together again.

Although they are indeed a bit farther than Lu Bo in terms of popularity, in the team, everyone has the same level of trust in them as Lu Boyuan and other players.

"Come on!" Although Lu Boyuan couldn't play, he was indeed the first to come to Wu Qi's side and pat his presence on the shoulder.

"I will!" Wu Qi nodded, but did not show how excited he was.

And now, Du Ming was a little uneasy in his heart, as the player who appeared at least in the team competition among the original main players this season.

Now that Wu Qi has been determined, the positions of Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, Sun Xiang and Fang Minghua are absolute. Then there is the last spot left. Will the captain continue to let him play?

After all, Du Ming has rarely entered the team lineup this season, and has very few opportunities, but now that Lu Boyuan has been replaced, this suddenly makes him feel a little strange. In terms of form alone, his form has been good in these two rounds, but although he He was in good form, but his final results were not very good. He didn't fully display such a good state, so Du Ming really wasn't sure if he would be allowed to play.

"Du Ming."

As a result, when Du Ming was still nervous, Tang Rou heard someone call his name, and Du Ming stood up in fright.

"In this team game, you play the sixth man."

"Ah? Oh!" At this moment, Du Ming was really overjoyed. He didn't even have the heart to think about the mood of Lu Boyuan, who was replaced, and clenched his fists secretly.

Then there were Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, Sun Xiang, and Fang Minghua. They were just going through a cutscene. After all, they were the absolute core of their reincarnation. No one thought they would be tracked in such an important game, and they would be hidden in the snow. Unless there is a very extreme accident that makes their state unsightly, such a situation is possible.

"Then it's up to the six of us to directly tie the two points and finally win the game!" Fang Minghua said after Jiang Botao clarified the final lineup.

There is no passionate speech, and there is no lighthearted and humorous opening. It is a very ordinary looking at the map on the big screen. Everyone in Samsara has already made his emotions completely in the process of arranging the next lineup. It calmed down, but when the lineup was finally formed and it was announced that they were going to win the game, everyone's spirits were lifted.

After all, for the championship, all of them have been fighting all the way until now, and everyone knows exactly what they are after.

By now, there is no need to say anything more.

Now all they need is to play and win the game.

They have already done this kind of thing once, so they can do it a second time, a third time, many, many times. As the most powerful team this season, they believe that they are a professional team that knows how to win the game best.

"Let's go!" The captain Zhou Zekai, who has always been taciturn, was just a simple chain at the last moment. From this point of view alone, Zhou Zekai is indeed not a qualified captain, but after he said the only two words, he went straight to the front of the team, leading everyone in the Samsara team, who was about to play. Yes, those who will not play, lead them through this not long nor short swimming lane together, and once again return to the arena that belongs to them.


There are no more boos now.

Booing is just the fans' dissatisfaction with the current state of the team, but now is the most important moment of reincarnation. What they need most now is encouragement, and of course they will instill all their enthusiasm into it.

They greeted their team and players with the warmest applause and cheers!

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