Full-time Occupation

Chapter 31: Phenylethylamine

   "Long time no see, Xiao Tang!" Tang Yin looked at the beauty in front of him, his eyes attracted by everything about her.

   "It's been a long time, Xiao Yin." Tang Rou now looks at Tang Yin the same way as Tang Yin looks at him. After all, although the two have no certain relationship. The separation for almost a month also tortured the two people who had been thinking about each other.

   Tang Rou was a little angry at first, after all, since Tang Yin didn't call her a single call during this period, although she also knew that Tang Yin didn't have the identity that could call him every day. But Tang Rou was still very angry. And now that he had already thought about giving Tang Yin a lesson before, the moment he saw him disappeared.

   Tang Yin now wanted to swarm the person in front of him who made him think about it. But I couldn't find that identity...

   "Welcome back, give me the luggage." Tang Yinqiang endured the throbbing in his heart. Came to Tang Rou and took her luggage.

   "Thank you!" Tang Rou smiled, and followed Tang Yin to the taxi that Tang Yin had just sat in.

   Tang Yin put one hand on the car door. Tang Rou, the ancestor, went first to rest. After all, it must be very tired to wait for him after riding the train all the way.

   Tang Rou also noticed Tang Yin's gentleness, and she took the lead in getting into the car while her heart was slightly sweet. Tang Yin put Tang Rou's luggage in the back box. When he was about to be the co-pilot, the driver's master said, "Young man, don't be the co-pilot. It's blocking me from looking at the rearview mirror."

   Tang Yin's eyes lit up when he heard the driver's words. Silently, the wingman's driver master, who was full of wingman skills, said after being scared of five stars: "Uh...maybe I'm a little fatter during the Chinese New Year, I'm sorry, sorry." Tang Yin also opened his mouth and came in nonsense.

After   , Tang Rou smiled and made sense. Now Tang Yin's figure and fat are not at all stretched, he is typically thin in clothes and fleshy when undressed, and the muscles on his body are also very well-proportioned.

   Tang Yin himself was very curious about this. Although he can exercise, after all, he spends most of his time playing games. Exercise means running and doing sit-ups or push-ups. The time will not exceed an hour.

   But this amount of exercise makes his body's muscle lines very good.

   Tang Yin came to the back seat and sat beside Tang Rou, wondering if it was because Tang Yin felt at ease by his side. It may also be because the car is too tired, and it just happened to be lunch break. Before the driver master drove for two or three minutes, Tang Rou fell asleep leaning on Tang Yin's shoulder.

   To be reasonable, Tang Yin's mentality was indescribable at this moment. After all, the virgins of the two generations had never had a girlfriend, and this scene suddenly appeared at this time, and Tang Yin said that his brain was obviously a little too functional.

   But what happened to his head, Tang Yin still whispered to the driver to drive slowly. The drivers don't care either. They all use the meter anyway, and it's better for them to slow down.

   Tang Yin felt the speed of the car slowing down obviously, and seeing the peaceful and beautiful sleeping face of the beautiful woman next to him, Tang Yin even had the urge to kiss him at this moment. But he was afraid of awakening Tang Rou and didn't dare to act.

   may be the reason for having just finished lunch. Five minutes after Tang Rou went to sleep, Tang Yine fell asleep. The heads of the two were close together, both of them with extremely high looks. When the driver master couldn't help sighing about the golden girl and the girl, he also said, it’s nice to be young...

   In the end, Tang Yin and Tang Rou were awakened by the sound of Chen Guo's phone call, and found that the two people who were close to each other clearly blushed. Tang Rou answered the call only after the driver's brother reminded him.

   "Xiao Tang! Where are you? It's been over an hour, why haven't you seen you? Are you with Xiao Yin?" Chen Guo said cautiously.

   "We are..." At this time, Tang Yin went outside the car and found that they were already in the parking lot on the street in front of the Xingxin Internet Cafe.

   "We have already arrived at the Internet cafe, sorry master. We fell asleep." Tang Yin thanked the driver master. At the same time, the amount on the table was handed over.

   "It's okay, I just happened to take a break." The driver's master smiled.

Tang Rou also thanked the driver's master and got out of the car to comfort Chen Guo. Just as Tang Yin was about to get off the car, the driver's master said: "Young people, you don't have to wait for everything to be done before you can do it. Don't do it for your own reasons. Let the other party wait too long."

   Tang Yin listened to the driver's master and turned to look at Tang Rou who was apologizing on the phone. Slightly said, "I see, thank you, Master."

   "It's okay, I'm just being nosy. Go to the luggage." The driver opened the trunk as he said.

   "Well. Goodbye then." Tang Yin said as he went to the trunk of the car and took out Tang Rou's luggage. Wave and bid farewell to the driver.

   "Xiao Yin, let's hurry up, Guoguo will be out soon," Tang Rou said.

   "Oh..." Although he had a plan in his heart, seeing Tang Rou, Tang Yin's courage wilted again.

   "Xiao Yin, what's the matter?" Tang Rou saw Tang Yin's abnormality and asked.

   "No, nothing..." He didn't say anything to Tang Yin. Then immediately changed the subject.

   "Didn't you say that you will come back after the Lantern Festival? It's so early for this replacement?"

   "No way, who told me..." Tang Rou said, turning her head to look at Tang Yin with a smile.

   "Can't control my phenylethylamine?" Tang Rou looked at Tang Yin and said.

   Tang Yin paused when he heard Tang Rou's words, and a video from his previous life was in his mind.

   said in the video:

   According to research, the human body secretes many kinds of love hormones when in love~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Among them, the hormone that makes people confused and produces pleasure is called phenylethylamine. It will make you want to be with each other eagerly, but the peak concentration of phenylethylamine is only six months to four years. This is the time for a love.

   People themselves are not long-lasting creatures. Love that lasts until death is against nature.

   Therefore, people should not say anything when they get married. No matter whether they are poor or rich, I will never leave you. Instead, I put my hands on "Selfish Gene" and "Evolutionary Psychology" and swear:

   I will go against my instinct,

   Rebel against my nature, love you forever...

   This is also the reason why Tang Yin knew about Phenylethylamine, but it was Tang Yin who knew this and shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't expect that since he was not brave enough for Tang Rou.

   But now Tang Yin didn't plan to escape, and looked at Tang Rou and said, "It's a coincidence that I also controlled the phenylethylamine I live in because of a single person. It has been five full years."

   Tang Rou only used this method to make Tang Yin not understand it. Tell how you feel. After all, phenylethylamine is too biased. She went back this time and learned about it from her father's personal doctor. But Tang Yin's sudden answer made her calm heart immediately messed up.

   Tang Yin came to Tang Rou and stroked the hair that was in Tang Rou's ear with one hand. And Tang Rou didn't move for a while now.

   "I will go against my instinct, disobey my nature, and love you forever... So, can you give me a chance to pursue you?" Tang Yin said.


   Today’s last chapter, where are your big recommendation votes? Erha is rolling all over asking for votes!


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