Full-time Occupation

Chapter 809: Huang Shaotian's plan

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This is the relationship between Tang Yin and the people of Yi Zhan. After all, in theory, Sun Zheping has just agreed to Lou Guanning to join the Yi Zhan team. This is already half of the members of Yi Zhan, although there is no competition this season. You can fight, but it's a bit unkind to run with other people like this.

After all, no matter what, you have to talk to Lou Guanning, the boss. If you change the boss, you will already have opinions at this time. But Tang Yin's friendship is here, and Lou Guanning is not a person who likes to care about these, just like the last time Tang Yin and the others bought the strategy for the material group, the chairman accidentally sent it to Lou Guanning.

In his view, the friendship between the two sides is here. Although the brothers are asked to settle the accounts, these matters have not yet reached the point where everyone needs to "settle the accounts." So now Lou Guanning not only doesn't care about this at all, but on the contrary looks like everyone is happy.

"Yes, now you are all happy, right? Then I withdrew." Lou Guanning said with a small hair at this moment. Randomly greeted with shouts and left with equipment.

After all, he doesn't play Glory very much. What is Sun Zheping, what Zhang Jiale is, and what Ye Qiu is. I don't care at all

"By the way, will you come to the reception held by me tomorrow?" Lou Guanning immediately asked him when he saw that friend was leaving.

"It depends on the situation. During this period of time, my old man has been asking me to do things. It's very busy." Huoyou waved and said without turning his head, but it also shows that the relationship between the two parties is really good.

Lou Guanning was also very clear about his own friend, Lou Guanning, and didn't ask too much. If the other party had time, he would definitely come back. After that, they turned to Tang Yin and said, "Tomorrow the event is over, I will have a cocktail party here or something, do you want to have fun together?"

Tang Yin and the others looked at each other, but they didn't have any opinion. After all, they were invited by Lou Guanning, and of course they wanted the guest to do whatever they wanted.

"Then let's continue to visit our team, just to give Senior Sun a good introduction." Lou Guanning said.

Of course, everyone didn't have any opinions. Following Lou Guanning, everyone continued to wander among the Righteous Slash Team. At noon, everyone directly ate lunch in Yi Zhan’s cafeteria. In the afternoon, Sun Zheping and Yi Zhan communicated about the contract and other details, and Tang Yin and the others began to go around...

"This is what you are talking about going around and saying a good observation and reference? Why are you all here for glory!" Chen Guo yelled at the people who had vowed to observe and study when they were originally disbanded.

"Um... we thought about it, we are professional players after all. Isn't your boss responsible for the team configuration? And in order to let the boss not be distracted by the game, so we can only sacrifice the vacation to train Now." Tang Yin said solemnly.

"Xiao Tang, let me go, I'm going to hammer Xiao Yin..." Chen Guo waved his fist while trying to break away from Tang Rou's embrace. There was no way that Tang Yin was too bad!

But although Tang Yin looks very calm now, it will be different in the evening, because now he is sitting in the position of Ye Xiu yesterday and next to him is Tang Rou’s father Tang Shusen, and Tang Rou’s mother is Tang Rou’s father. On the other side, Tang Rou was further afield. This made Tang Yin not even dare to move, and turned into a gold medal guide throughout the whole process. For the future father-in-law, mother-in-law frantically brushed up on her favors.

No way, he didn't know that Tang Rou's parents got their VIP tickets for this small area. However, Tang Rou's parents did not embarrass Tang Yin, after all, they had seen and believed in Tang Yin's character. The two young couples will separate now. The only thing is that Tang Rou's father is a little jealous. After all, his family's good cabbage has been eaten by a pig for many years. Does this make him comfortable?

After that is today's event. Today's All-Star is mainly about interacting with the audience. At the beginning, it was the same as the previous one, but over-designed some map mods to allow professional players to compete with players.

And today’s first item is the title of diving. Along with the holographic projection, a pool appears in front of everyone, followed by a diving platform with a long-distance Olympic diving height.

At this time, the host also began to invite the All-Stars in this session to come on stage. After the two hosts sang and introduced the game method, the All-Star players began to draw lucky audiences.

"Do any of you want to go up and play?" Tang Yin asked everyone.

"Xiao Yin, do you have a way for them to choose us?" Tang Rou's mother asked curiously.

"Um... this is not difficult. This time it is a double diving. Auntie, would you like to play with Xiao Tang?" Tang Yin asked.

"Okay, I happen to be quite interested in this too." Tang Rou's mother said a little expectantly.

"Successful." Tang Yin said with a toss of coins, the association followed the All-Star's continuous click on the pause button, and a series of selected audiences appeared directly, and two of them were Tang Ruan and his mother.

"Xiao Yin, you are." Tang Rou's father watched Tang Yin throw coins with his own eyes, and then his wife and daughter's work appeared on the big screen. What happened at this time?

"Dad, Xiao Yin's luck is beyond your imagination." Tang Rou said as she brought her mother to the stage with the staff who came to the road. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

After all, he will be a family in the future. Tang Yin did not conceal Tang Rou’s father. He also told Tang Rou’s father about his luck. Tang Yin had told him that he was lucky, but Tang Shusen only knew today. , Since people with good luck can be so good, this can no longer be described as good luck.....

However, Tang Rou’s mother’s presence on the stage did leave the audience outside. After all, most of the people playing Glory are young people, and the limit is at thirty years old. Although Tang Rou’s mother is Yan online (how could she give birth to Tang Rou who is not online), and I also pay great attention to maintenance, but it still surprises everyone. After all-stars for so many years, Tang Rou's mother may be the oldest person on stage.

As for Tang Rou, he was even an old friend. After all, Tang Rou was stuffed with dog food by Tang Yin and Tang Yin yesterday.

However, the All-Star on stage this time was not a member of the team that Tang Rou was familiar with, but the howling Li Xuan. And this game is a professional player and three ordinary players. A performance with four audience members including Tang Rou's mother and daughter. Diving performance.

However, Tang Rou was familiar with the two ordinary players who played afterwards. Because it was the sisters who had just joined Yi Zhan!

In the audience, Huang Shaotian smiled when she saw Tang Rou on the court. Since Tang Rou was in Lao Ye, he must be there. Thinking of the position of Lao Ye who had been memorized yesterday, Huang Shaotian laughed again...


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