Full-time Occupation

Chapter 818: Lou Guanning shot

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At this time, everyone's first reaction was that Daming Lake Tang Rou's speed was completely different from Ye Xiu's before. It was not like him blindly chasing and finally losing the beauty of the music itself.

Tang Yin's fast, fast and rhythmic, and fast complement each other. Every tone is just right, although fast, but very stable. This alone reflects Tang Rou's profound knowledge and skills.

"Wow, it sounds good, but why does this sound very familiar?" Chen Guo said while enjoying his music.

"Um... This is what I said before, another song I will know." Ye Xiu explained.

That's right, now Tang Rou is playing Beethoven's "Sorrow" Sonata, the third movement.

"What I am curious about is that since I have heard it." The tone of the observation was very unexpected.

"This is normal. In fact, most of these Ming tunes have been heard by everyone, but they don't know the name." Ye Xiu said.

"Well, according to this statement, what you just talked about was not a famous song." Zhang Jiale asked.

"Um...I think it, Lao Ye's song may be played by another person, we will feel familiar too." Tang Yin smiled.

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Ye Xiu did not refute. After all, what Tang Yin said was not wrong. As far as his musical skills are concerned, he is really not very good...

"How is Xiao Tang playing? Isn't it better than that guy?" Chen Guo immediately asked Ye Xiu and Tang Yin.

"That's necessary, what else does my girlfriend have to do with him?" Tang Yin said proudly.

"Xiao Tang does have a level, you can see other people's reactions." Ye Xiu also said.

Ye Xiu's performance before, gave people the impression of shock. After all, to have a fast track, the level of ballistics is indeed a bit weird.

After that, Lu Shao's playing was a bit more level. Although he was only playing a serenade, the Romance was really good, and he was already able to appreciate it. But all of these in front of Tang Rou's performance are a bit of a big knife in front of Guan Gong. There is no way that Tang Rou's performance is too good, a perfect interpretation of what is meant by real shock and appreciation!

As for Shao Lu, who was still holding his face before, his face is not always describeable anymore. If you have to describe it, it is to put a chameleon on a led lantern, and then put another chameleon on the body of this chameleon. Put seven or eight in the same way, and in the end, you won't be able to see the color of the fifth one in the middle of the venue at the next moment. Now his face is like this, you never know what color his face waved in the next moment.

No way, facing Tang Rou's performance, a deep sense of powerlessness appeared from the bottom of his heart.

With the ending of Tang Rou's last syllable, there was a very warm applause from the audience. And Tang Rou also stood up very gracefully, paying tribute to everyone, this graceful posture directly stunned Tang Yin.

At this moment, Tang Rou also noticed that she saw Tang Yin who was in a daze, and smiled slightly as if Tang Yin was walking away.

Now Tang Rou is in a very good mood. As she walked towards Tang Yin, the voice of Lu Shao sounded again: "You have this kind of piano art. In the end, since you became a professional player, don't you feel it a pity? Feel sad for your talent."

"That really makes you bother." Tang Rou returned without looking back. It would be a waste of life to look at this kind of people more and more. Come directly to Tang Yin's side.

"You made such a choice, is it right for you to work hard to nurture your family?" Lu Shao sees that he has been countless, and it may be a usual practice for a master, so he didn't hesitate to talk about it.

"Her family also makes you bother." At this time, another voice sounded from the crowd at the reception. Everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, but when they saw the person coming, their expression changed obviously. There was no way. The person who came was too famous, and the person who came again recognized the identity of the person immediately. , Even this Shao Lu, who has always been very arrogant, his complexion changed suddenly when he saw the people coming, but Nahu's expression of surprise was very clear.

That's right! Before this time, because I was invited by a friend, he and Tang Yin and their crazy Tang Rou parents!

As Tang Rou's parents walked along, everyone on the way subconsciously stepped aside.

"As soon as we heard the sound of the piano upstairs, we thought it was you. As expected of my daughter, she is amazing!" Tang Shusen said proudly.

"Hehe, that is." Tang Rou was also very happy when she was praised by her father and gave a playful smile.

"You are here, what about Xiaoyin and the others?" Tang Rou's mother asked.

"We were invited by the friends who hosted this reception. Xiaoyin and the others are over there. I will take you there." Tang Rou said, leading her parents in the direction of Tang Yin and the others.

Following Tang Rou's sight, Tang Shusen and his wife also saw Tang Yin and the others.

But before they came to Tang Yin to start chatting, some people came forward one after another, hoping to have a chance to chat with Tang Rou's father. In the end, Tang Rou's father had no choice but to raise his glass and give everyone a gesture, and he was about to take the baby girl away.

Lou Guanning and the others only learned today that Tang Rou's parents originally came from such a big background. After all, they all claim to be the rich second generation, but now they find that their family background seems to be the same in front of Tang Rou...

But soon they changed their goals. You must know that Tang Yin and the others were invited over, but they didn't want to lose face when something like this happened?

When he noticed that Shao Lu was showing signs of bluffing, Lou Guanning immediately said, "Hey, who is it, this is not over yet! I want to bluff?"

"So are you, I've only seen the show for so long and I'm excited now," Tang Yin said.

"Isn't that the performance of Great God Ye Xiu and Xiao Tang is so wonderful? I have forgotten that I organized this reception." Lou Guanning scratched his head and said.

Lou Guanning is the host of this reception after all, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's own cocktail party turned into this in itself is a very shameless thing. Although that person was embarrassed by Ye Xiu and Tang Rou's successive beatings. There has never been a chance for Lou Guanning, the master, to make a move. But now this Shao Lu is planning to sneak away so quietly, how can he do it? Then he won't mess up in the future?

So in the end, Shao Lu, who was about to sneak away while the other party was chatting, is now noticed by everyone, and now he can’t run away right away. After all, the image of these people is still very important, even though he is today. There is no image left...


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