Full-time Summoner

Chapter 112 College Entrance Examination

"Ahem." Feng Zhoulong coughed lightly, reminding the two behind to pay attention.

"I just followed what Tianqingbai told me. According to the written statement, it was an elder from the Black Vatican who ordered Zhaohua to be killed. The purpose was unknown, and it was an order to kill Zhaohua, regardless of life or death."

! ! ! ! ! grunt.

Zhaohua asked in a low voice: "Didn't the Black Vatican only distinguish the color of clothes? Who is this elder?"

Feng Zhoulong shook his head and said that he didn't know either: "I think it's better to ask the Tribunal about the matter of the Black Vatican. I'm just a researcher and I don't know so clearly."

Feng Zhoulong also said this to Zhang Ning and Zhaolang. Although Feng Zhoulong did not know the specific identities of these two, as one of the three major magic research professors, he was also a super mage. He only knew that these two were not ordinary people. It's that simple.

Zhaohua frowned, this information was useless at all, it was the same as not saying it, it was just telling the result of being targeted by the Black Vatican.

Feng Zhoulong said: "But you don't have to worry too much. The Judgment Council also has stalkers in the Black Vatican. People in blue clothes and above will be watched. As long as they dare to show up, someone will deal with them."

"What about the priests in black and the disciples in gray?" Zhaohua was speechless.

"Haha, then there is no way, there are too many black-clothed priests and gray-clothed believers. However, there will be someone in the city to protect your safety from the Judgment Council. You'd better improve your strength now, and you will be safe when you reach a high level. "

Zhaohua doesn't believe this, the Tribunal doesn't even know what the elder of the Black Vatican is, how reassuring is that.

"Hey, I still need to improve my strength, why was I inexplicably hunted down, it's strange."

[Maybe it's because you don't like it. ] Ji Shao silently wrote mischievously on the side.

"Because of your problem, the Yaodu Judgment Council decided to convert the three credits of 'capturing the black priest Li Shijie alive', 'contributing the hot spring water from the city' and 'solving the mystery of Baixue' into something else for you. you."

Zhaohua is aware of this credit. The more than 20 million of his wind spirit species offset the cosmic dust and rewards given by Congcheng.

Feng Zhoulong saw that Zhaohua was a little unhappy, but he was unhappy and said: "You are not happy, let me tell you, that is to say, you are still a talent to make, otherwise it would be impossible for others to give you such an opportunity."

"The Yaodu Trial Council knows that your university wish is also to be admitted to Sun Yat-Sen University, so we have communicated with Sun Yat-Sen University and allow you to enter the Dream Dao Tree to practice for a day."

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan tilted their heads when they heard it, what is it?

"Tsk, so a kid is just a kid, and he doesn't know when he encounters something good. You can ask your father about this. He was also a student of Sun Yat-Sen University. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Remember, feed the withered wood scorpion according to the above, and feed the withered wood scorpion with summoning magic energy every day to increase his soul strength. According to my estimation, the fastest three months, the slowest five months, the dead wood scorpion's soul You can enter the warrior level first, and then trigger the energy fusion in the body to advance to the warrior level."

"Message me if there is anything."

Feng Zhoulong hurriedly finished speaking and left. The big professor is just busy.

Zhaohua looked at his father. He knew that Zhaolang was from Sun Yat-Sen University, so he planned to be admitted to Sun Yat-Sen University instead of the No. 1 imperial school in China.

Zhaolang thought for a while, with a constipated expression, as if he wanted to pull it out but couldn't pull it out, and finally said: "How should I say it, I can't explain it clearly, I can only say that if you encounter a bottleneck in cultivation or a problem in life, go to the dream The Dao tree can be easily solved after sitting for a day."

? ? ? ? ? There is such a sacred tree?

"I can only say that it's quite abnormal, and this is indeed a very heavy reward."

Zhang Ning also nodded and said, "Well, it is indeed quite perverted."

Only Zhaohua and Ji Shaoyin looked down on each other with big eyes, so what is it?


Times have changed, and soon Zhaohua will have the college entrance examination. Even Zhaohua must take the college entrance examination. If he wants to enter the university, he must take the college entrance examination. Moreover, Zhaohua has not broken through the middle level, so he cannot be recommended.

In the past three months, apart from feeding the scorpions, Zhaohua spent his time meditating, reading books, and occasionally listening to Feng Zhoulong's lectures. During this period, he never even touched a single monster.

The reason is simple, because he is useless.

The little wind silkworm advanced and entered complete dormancy, and even the fourth magic was useless. The situation is similar with the dead wood scorpion. This advanced method makes the dead wood scorpion in a state of saturated energy every day. The hard explanation is that it is too full , I can't even move. Only Zhaohua sent it the magic energy of the summoning system, and it was able to barely move when it strengthened its soul strength.

Zhaohua didn't have any summoned beasts to use, so he just let himself rest. But the strange thing is that Ji Shaohan has not advanced to the middle level, saying that her stardust barrier has not been loosened or broken, and cannot be broken through with cosmic dust.

Not to mention Zhaohua, he had only fully cultivated not long ago, and now he is still waiting for Xiaofengcan to advance successfully, so he can give the summoning stardust a shot and break through the barrier.

In this way, the cultivation of the two strongest in the college entrance examination has stagnated. Deng Le has already entered the middle stage early, and now he is very handy in Thunderbolt. That share of cosmic dust broke through to the middle level.

On the night before the college entrance examination, Zhao Hua, Ji Shaohan, Lin Mo, and Deng Le got together for dinner. I don't know if it was because of the Zerg attack, but the relationship between Deng Le and Lin Mo has become friendly. Although Deng Le still has that bad face, Lin Mo will often chat with him on WeChat.

After drinking and eating, Lin Mo raised his teacup and said loudly, "It is the most honorable thing in my life, Lin Mo, to have fought with the three of you."

Lin Mo regarded the tea in his hand as wine, drank it and said with a liberated tone: "But it's too late, I don't plan to take the college entrance examination, I want to stay in Congcheng."

Deng Le showed a surprised expression when he heard it, and then thought of something and didn't speak.

Ji Shaohan hurriedly put down the milk tea in his hand, and wrote in the drawing book: [Why? You are intermediate. 】

Lin Mo showed a disillusioned expression and said: "It can only be said that there are dreams in life, and each is wonderful."

Only Zhaohua has always been calm. Zhaohua and Lin Mo have been playmates since they were young. He understands Lin Mo's character very well and has nothing to do with the world.

Cultivation is neither up nor down, neither too fast nor too slow. In the past, Lin Mo wanted to get into a good school only to break through the middle level in the school, because only after reaching the middle level can life be very easy.

Now that Lin Mo is in the middle class, he naturally doesn't need to take the college entrance examination.

Lin Mo experienced what happened to Xiang Luo, and also experienced the Zerg attack in Huacheng, he was afraid. Not everyone has a character that becomes more courageous when frustrated. Some people choose to escape, and escaping is not a sin.

Zhaohua raised his teacup and replaced wine with tea: "There are dreams in life, each is wonderful."

Lin Mo smiled, refilled a cup of tea, raised his glasses and said, "There are dreams in life, and each is wonderful."

This includes full blessings to my brothers who have been my companions in elementary school, junior high school, and high school. They have dreams in life and each is wonderful. Lin Mo disconnected first.

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