Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1204 Colorful Dragon

In this world, no one who can climb to the top is a fool. Milus Skinner is a four-line ultra-level mage. There is no doubt about his strength. He came back with his own hard work. They belong to the rich generation and have no family support. When they were young, they followed Caferro to today. .

Could he be a fool. Absolutely impossible.

So when Zhaohua easily defeated his son, and secretly summoned all the family members, showing his strength, strength, talent, intelligence, power, and mystery.

All the high-level members of the entire family know the fate of going against him.

Even the supreme monarch, several monarchs are under his control, what kind of monsters and ghosts are these.

If human beings are not wiped out after the siren disaster, then the human world will definitely change, and he will be the next day.

Milus Skinner is not a fool, he is one of the rulers of the decisive dark forces. He has killed more people than demons, and his heart has long been as cold as iron.

What he cares most about is the future of the family, not family affection. He knew that his son would never give up the fight no matter what. His son, Luo Ruo, was different from him. Lao Ruo lived too comfortably. He was born so perfect that he couldn't bear setbacks.

Skinner saw through his son's heart at a glance, and he couldn't persuade him. Some people really couldn't persuade him. Even if he agrees to you, it is only a verbal agreement.

So Skinner pretended to promise his son that he would help him seize the family, to see if he could rein in the precipice in the end, and to see how many people in the family couldn't see clearly and had two hearts.

Obviously, there is no stopping the horse from the brink, so Skinner will not hitch his own family.

This is the real underworld family, the real power holder of a big family, once anyone affects the interests of his family, or even shakes the foundation, he will be wiped out immediately. Even if it is a close relative in the family.

The emperor's family is the most ruthless.

Zhaohua just nodded with a smile, and said calmly: "The other two families, you can decide for yourself whether you need to stay or not.

With a wave of Zhaohua's hand, everyone turned into shadows and disappeared. Almost all the killers would awaken the shadow system, and the shadow system has the most in the Komora family, maybe it has something to do with the heart.

Naturally, Mo Fan and the others also defeated Sith Heaton's killers. However, Mo Fan and the others did not go back immediately, but continued to stay in Italy to protect him until Zhaohua completed the so-called succession ceremony.

Seven days later, in the nameless mysterious town, Zhaohua was lighting a fire and roasting delicious meat.

Zhaohua is a native of the Southern Demon City, how could he wrong his stomach.

What Zhaohua usually eats is holy silver. They went out from the small town to the Gobi Desert in Peru, and then caught some back. Then today, Zhaohua came out of the blue, looked at the corpse of Xingyuanlong, and found that Xingyuanlong was killed by the earth system of the ancient king. Seals so well that the flesh is even elastic.

Then Zhaohua had a whim, and finally cut off a piece of dragon meat after abolishing the boss.

"Wait a minute, I don't know how long the dragon meat will be roasted."

Dragon meat! And this is real dragon meat. It's really rare in the world to hear it a few times, and I have never heard of it. Zhaohua still couldn't help it. Although it was already considered zombie meat, Zhaohua still roasted it.

Moreover, what Zhaohua used was Tianyan's celestial seed fire, and the celestial seed fire was roasting in that blah blah blah blah, so the oil flower looked very good.

Shengyin, Xiaofengcan, Lanxinghu, and Guigui were sitting in a row, holding a plate in their hands, waiting for Zhaohua to share the meat.

Dragon meat! The little wind silkworm has never been eaten either, and it is estimated that only the rainbow fish has eaten it.

In fact, Rainbow Fish is very old, almost the same age as Tianyan. Of course, for creatures with such a long lifespan, a difference of a few hundred years is actually the same as a difference of a few months in the same class, and they all belong to the same age.

Zhaohua looked at the surface and it was a little bit crispy. Based on Zhaohua's more than ten years of cooking experience, it should be cooked.

A emerald green star palace appeared behind Zhaohua.

"The Thousand Blades of Wind——The Wind Blade of Thousand Leaves!"

Puff puff puff, a few wind blades slashed, and cut out a piece of barbecue. Zhaohua was thinking, can he bite this thing?

"Try it first, if you can't bite it, forget it." Zhaohua cut off four pieces and distributed them.

The four little things were not polite, they just opened their mouths and gnawed.

Zhaohua thought for a while and cut a piece himself, and bit it down, it was like biting rubber, it was quite tough, and after finally biting it open, the taste was just like chicken breast meat, and it couldn't be said to be unpalatable, it just didn't have the kind of heavenly dragon meat degree.

Just when Zhaohua was about to complain about the bad taste, suddenly, a ray of light of seven colors bloomed from Zhaohua's side.

Zhaohua was startled, stood up and looked in the direction of the colorful light, knowing that Rainbow Fish had finally reached the last moment!

Rainbow Fish has now reached the Sovereign level, but if it is just an ordinary way to let the summoned beast enter the Sovereign level, then Zhaohua doesn't need to be so troublesome, and the trouble will be later.

Whether the rainbow fish can be reborn and become the rainbow dragon of the colorful dragon is the key point.

Zhaohua began to send summoning magic energy to Rainbow Fish to help it.

Zhaohua worriedly looked at Xingyuanlong's heart, where rainbow lights of seven colors were erupting, and the rays of light were blooming and colorful. Cover the whole unknown town with a layer of colorful clothes.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but Rainbow Fish never came out of the corpse.

Now the energy of Xingyuanlong has been absorbed by the rainbow fish to a large extent, and it has lost its original luster. It is just the most ordinary dragon corpse.

And Zhaohua also felt that the rainbow fish turned into a colorful heart, wrapping herself like a cocoon.

With a click, Zhaohua showed a surprised smile. Kakaka, Star Wish Dragon's body began to split from the heart.

Ho ho! ! ! ! !

A ray of seven-colored divine light shot out, and the seven-colored divine light shot straight into the sky.

You must know that this is a different space, that is to say, the sky here is fake, but Zhaohua discovered that the rainbow fish's colorful dragon breath actually penetrated the space and the restriction of the nameless town.

In the Ten Thousand Dragons Valley of the Summoning Plane, the final Yan Emperor Dragon who was resting and sleeping suddenly opened his eyes.

"Successful?! Good! Good!! Our Dragon Clan is finally about to rise!"

In Italy, while dealing with affairs in the holy city, the archangel Uriel, who was the first to return, suddenly murmured in disbelief: "What kind of power is this?! Dragon? Is there a real dragon born? Where does the real dragon come from in the magic world now?" .Could it be the summoning plane!!"

In the deepest part of the Amazon rainforest, the wizard who was casting a spell on the altar to shield the entire tropical rainforest suddenly stood up, closed his eyes, and planned to peek into the unknown town. Travel through space and see around the world.

But at this time, its eyes were covered in colorful colors, and it couldn't see or feel anything, just like the TV had stripes and no signal.

"How could a real dragon appear at this time... Could it be that the Qinglong who dominates the sky is resurrected?"

There are two left, and I will make up at three or four o'clock. to go out for a trip. Let's see again tomorrow morning

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