Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1213 The end of the pot

Zhaohua naturally hopes that Mo Fan can kill the Red Devil and become the sole heir of the evil god in the magic world. Then when the magic god matures, if Mo Fan can become the evil god and inherit one of the nine divine powers of the dark plane, then magic The world will have another guarantee.

The ancient king and the little loach did not choose Mo Fan blindly. Mo Fan itself is very special. Its demon system has the right to mobilize the power of darkness, which proves that Mo Fan's power level is actually very high.

What Qin Zhan does most in the dark plane now is to inquire about the dark plane, inquire about the candidates of the evil god, and find out when the evil god decides to pass the throne.

The dark plane is actually the same as the current situation in the magic world. All forces are changing, and they all have their own ghosts.

The death of Hades, the succession of evil gods, and the frequent appearance of the strongest dark king, just like the sea monsters in the magic world, made all parties worry and turbulent.

It is worthwhile for Qin Zhan to feign death and enter the dark plane. Councilor Shao Zheng is careful that there are ears in the wall, and it is right to deceive Lingling and Leng Qing. Because from the current point of view, the other masters of darkness actually placed emissaries in the magic world early in the morning, probably waiting for the birth of the magic god, and the holy city of the holy plane may not be a good bird.

The Fallen Saint Wang Wentai's sleight of hand in the magic world is the most terrifying and amazing. If Qin Zhan hadn't faked his death back then, he hadn't even deceived his two daughters. Perhaps when Qin Zhan went to the dark plane, he was killed by other dark masters.

Not to mention that the news about the abdication of the evil god and the death of the god of the underworld would not spread to the magical world, so that the bee plan could see through the mysteries of the pyramid earlier, and Zhaohua, the bee brain, would be the first to know about the god's position.

It is crucial for humans to be one step ahead.

As for Mo Fan's investigation of the crimes that Lu Kun imprisoned a large number of people under the jurisdiction of the Lingyin Trial Council, Zhaohua didn't even think about it. His energy is limited, so it's impossible to take care of it all, so let him.

"This red devil can read memories, and imitate others, pretending to be others...how is it a bit like a bugman?"

After Zhaohua quickly read the specific things reported by Lingling to the Hunter Alliance, he couldn't help being suspicious. Part of the Red Devil's ability is similar to that of the Insect Man, but it has been weakened a lot. The Insect Man is no longer a fake.

"I'm afraid the worm mother is also related to the red devil?"

Zhaohua let go of his conjecture, and felt a headache when he looked at the mountains of documents beside him.

The main reason is that not only the matter of the Kraken is imminent, but also according to Hua Zhanhong's in-depth investigation into the Pacific Ocean, the Kraken is even ready to attack humans.

Zhaohua speculates that the Kraken suddenly accelerated its progress, probably because the Emperor of the Ice Roof is already casting the magic of origin—Ice Age. Stimulated the Kraken.

The origin ice crystal is already in the hands of the Emperor of the Extreme Ice Roof. Originally, the origin ice crystal was in the hands of Rin. Logically, the treasures that are summoning the plane cannot reach the magic world and cannot be taken away.

But Zhaohua's origin catalog was fouled, Rin gave it to Zhaohua, and it was Zhaohua himself who brought it to the magical world.

This is also a kind of test, to test whether Zhaohua can take the precious things away from the summoning plane.

Now the temperature of the Antarctic continent has begun to drop rapidly, but no matter how strong the Emperor of the Glacier Roof is, it is impossible to drop the temperature of the entire magic world by a lot in an instant, which is unrealistic.

It took several years or even more than ten years for the master of the demon country in the Amazon rainforest to use such a clever method to raise the temperature of the magic world by that little bit.

Now even if the Emperor of the Ice Roof intends to lower the temperature in the magic world and let the glacier condense the seawater again, the time is still too short.

The Siren Protoss and Ocean Roof Emperor don't know that the Ice Roof Emperor is using monster skills to cool down, they must know.

So now the Siren Protoss has sped up the invasion speed instead. According to Hua Zhanhong’s report, the Siren Protoss has dug several undercurrent passages underground in a hidden seabed in the Pacific Ocean. Like taking the subway, rushing to Asia with hundreds of millions of sea monsters.

The Ocean Alliance of each country monitors its own ocean domain. This is to prevent the Kraken from being unreachable and too late to defend when it invades.

It’s like the first battle on Ludao, the sea monsters would have known in advance that they would invade Ludao along the heavy rain. After all, so many sea monsters moved collectively, and the blind could see them. That’s why Mo Fan and Mu Bai received it. The emergency reinforcements were notified before they had time to rush to Ludao's reinforcements.

That is, our country has the meaning of ocean outposts.

It's just that the Ocean Gods didn't even think that their undercover agent, Mu Rong, was known to our country early on. Hua Zhanhong followed his plan and followed Mu Rong for half a month. Since he found out about this half a month ago, the southern military leader did nothing but kept hiding himself and followed Mu Rong.

If Hua Zhanhong wanted to follow someone without anyone noticing, it was almost impossible for anyone to find out. Even in Mu Pangshan, the base camp of the Mu family, Hua Zhanhong could come and go freely.

And Mu Rong and the Siren Protoss were also patient, and they waited for half a month before making a move.

It is not that simple to get through the undersea tunnel. Hua Zhanhong finally found out that Mu Rong had contact with the sea monster when he was tracking. Not long after that, Mu Rong came to the Magic City Magic Association, claiming that he had discovered a kind of sea monster in the Pacific Ocean that was digging an undersea tunnel, and planned to take the sea monster from the ground to bypass the inspection of the outpost base and sneak attack on the magic city. .

Request to use forbidden magic to bomb the entire undersea tunnel to slag to prevent the sea monster from invading.

Mu Rong is now a well-known celebrity. He himself is a Forbidden Curse Mage of the Forbidden Curse Association. Although he cannot use Forbidden Curse magic, with the help of magic stones and formations, he can use a powerful ice-type Forbidden Curse with the help of a little time. magic.

It's just that after the in-depth investigation of the hunting king Duxiao, it was discovered that the fact is not the same thing at all.

It turns out that there is a key connection point in the subsea tunnel, which is blocked and needs a strong force to be blasted away. But this connection point is in the human domain. If the emperor and monsters appear here, needless to say, there will definitely be a shocking war, and the entire undersea tunnel will be scrapped.

Moreover, it requires precise control to blast this connection point, not only to blow it up, but also not to bury the passage alive.

But Hua Zhanhong still agreed to Mu Rong's application for permission to use forbidden curse magic, because Hua Zhanhong wanted to kill Mu Rong very easily, but the siren would lose nothing by doing so, and our country lost a fake forbidden curse mage.

How can the Sea-Monster have zero loss, so Hua Zhanhong planned to use the forbidden spell. And also hang bigger fish.

Dragon King Ant Demon Country, this is a kind of sea monster that is rarely recorded in the Pacific Ocean. Feng Zhoulong suspected that the rice grain black worm combined with the Dragon King Ant and eventually mutated into a cursed worm.

And the work of digging the tunnel is in charge of the Dragon King Ant Demon Kingdom.

So Hua Zhanhong planned to use Mu Rong to fish. Hua Zhanhong knew that Dragon King Ants did a lot of damage to the coastal defense line. Hua Zhanhong's goal is to bring the entire Demon Kingdom together with the so-called Dragon King Ant Emperor together!

Thank you【20200404203453471】*2【Mufei】*2【You Morey Me】*2【Jiehen】*2【Autumn Maple】*2【Acquaintance with you】*2【Xiao Jia’s Brother】*2【Ye Luo I know you] *2 [little fox ah ah] *2 [angry waves and dawn] *2 [scattered with the wind] [Your Excellency is nothing but that] *2 [smile perfunctory distressed] *2 [1103966245] *2 [it’s a long letter] *2【EdwardRen】*2【Lengying Shenxian】*2【160508230935978】*2【Okay, don’t talk about it now】*2【20171017112911687】*2【Myerst】*2【Hot Bean】*2 【Humble and honest good man】*2【20190405172450719】*4【Pippi's Little Xihe】*4【20190625085004296】*4【Follow the wind】*4【Breakup romance】*4【Panda Pearl】*4【She is silent Ah]*4[Listen to the Wind and Tell the Rain]*4[i Fantasy Yy]*6[Four Little Oranges]*6[Pengcheng Wanli K]*6[Aetrias]*8[20201018165028864]*10[Canglong] Hair boy] *12 [little, prince] *12 [diving inging] *12 [_joke] *26 monthly ticket tipping.

Thank you very much for your support at the beginning of the month! !

Special thanks to [Diving inging] for the reward of 10,000 coins! I owe more money again, delay it! ! ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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