Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1218 Still too young

Although Mo Fan does not have a life-and-death contract, the ordinary summoning contract can also have a little bit of feedback, but it is not enough to break through the barriers of a department.

It may be unbelievable to say it, but Liang Ri researched this theory from the advanced resonance method of summoning beasts to the breakthrough of summoning mages.

In the past few years, Liang Ri hadn't been doing nothing. The student who was the most mischievous and irritable in the class turned out to be the one who did the most academic research in the end. He followed Jiang Heping to do research, not only completed Jiang Heping's advanced resonance method, but also combined with each other based on the feedback phenomenon used by Zhaohua Advanced, and even created a human-beast version of Advanced Resonance.

Although this success rate is not 100%, or even quite low, the main reason is that if you fail, you will not lose money, and if you succeed, you will earn blood.

So Mo Fan specially helped the old wolf to advance not long ago, and personally slaughtered a female wolf king of an ordinary monarch. Now the old wolf is already a sub-monarch-level imperial wolf, but it is a pity that Mo Fan did not break through the galaxy barrier of the summoning system.

Because the pedigree of the old wolf is indeed not high, and the power of Apas and Little Flame Fairy is only auxiliary and not the main feedback.

Although it failed, it was not a complete failure. The barrier had been cracked. Mo Fan estimated that he would be able to break through it in a short time, or when the old wolf completely stabilized the realm and reached the level of an ordinary monarch, the summoning system would automatically super-level.

Mo Fan is not in a hurry, as long as he can surpass the order, he can talk about anything, the five series of super-orders! All the top people and semi-forbidden curses are all sidelined, and Lao Tzu's five lines are super-level!

However, when Mo Fan saw that Mu Rong could sense his hostility from such a distance, he immediately paid more attention to the forbidden spell. It seems that forbidden spells really cannot be won with more lines. No wonder Pang Lai, Zhu Meng, and Han Ji, the old mages who have surpassed the rank for so long, reminded themselves that the Forbidden Curse mage is no longer a mage, but a monster in itself, beyond imagination.

Mo Fan guessed that in order to achieve the forbidden spell, the first condition is probably that the mental power must reach the Great Ninth Realm, which is the peak of the spiritual power level.

Mo Fan was still wondering at the beginning, the spiritual realm of small, medium and large corresponds to middle-level, high-level, and super-level mages. What is after the big level? There is obviously a forbidden spell level? Now it seems that the title of spiritual power is probably only corresponding to mages below the forbidden spell.

The spiritual power above the forbidden spell is probably not called spiritual power.

And Mo Fan actually guessed right, the first condition to become a Forbidden Curse Mage is to reach the ninth level of the Great Realm, which is the full level. Because of the forbidden spell, the mage's spiritual power and even his body and soul will be transformed.

Forbidden Curse Mage will get a kind of power called Divine Endowment, so after reaching Forbidden Curse, Forbidden Curse Mage is not called spiritual power, but soul power.

Because the curse magic itself is beyond the capacity of the magic world, the curse mage was once called a god in ancient times.

In fact, it is true that a forbidden curse mage like Mu Rong who can't even release the forbidden curse by himself can perceive Mo Fan and Mu Bai so far apart. Isn't this the legendary clairvoyance, wind ear and mind reading skills? What a god.

Mo Fan is now more and more interested in forbidden curses. He is now almost super-level five elements. Maybe it won't take long for his thunder or fire element to reach the forbidden curse!

Just when Mo Fan imagined that he would turn into the God of Thunder and Vulcan after the forbidden spell, a man who looked like a soldier walked up and said, "The commander-in-chief is here to welcome you."

Mu Bai said: "It seems that the chief of the army already knew about us."

Mo Fan nodded and said: "The Forbidden Curse Mage is more terrifying than imagined. It seems that the Black Dragon Emperor was not incapable of killing me and Asharuya, the vixen. He just didn't want to kill him."

As soon as he entered the cabin, Mo Fan saw a burly black-haired man in military uniform with his back facing the three of them.

Just by looking at the back, Mo Fan knew that the man in front of him crawled out from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. The murderous aura was only facing his back. Both Mo Fan and Mu Bai couldn't help but feel a little terrified.


Hua Yuezhu suddenly called out: "Uncle."

The black-haired and black-bearded Hua Zhanhong turned around with a serious and cold expression, completely different from the Hua Zhanhong who Zhaohua saw in the tea room drinking tea.

This is the military chief himself in battle, and he is two people in leisure time.

Hua Zhanhong said coldly, "Call me the leader."

"Yes, chief."

Hua Zhanhong looked at Hua Yuezhu realistically, and said in a flat and unquestionable tone: "You are no longer a military mage from now on, go back and pack your bags and go home."

"Uncle! I just..."

"Military orders are like mountains!"

Hua Zhanhong's tone was cold, and his eyes were full of determination. He said: "What is the order given to you by the military department? Did you come here? Did you take other people into the military restricted zone!"

"I appreciate that you have the courage to fight against the rules and trust your boss. Then you need to pay the price for fighting the rules."

Hua Zhanhong ignored the aggrieved Hua Yuezhu. Originally, Hua Zhanhong did not agree with Hua Yuezhu joining the military mage, but only because Hua Yuezhu was strong and talented, and he did pass the requirements of a military mage.

But Hua Zhanhong could tell at a glance that Hua Yuezhu was not suitable to be a military mage.

A military mage needs more than strength, and strength is only one part of it. Obedience to orders is the most important military mage. And Hua Yuezhu not only didn't obey the order, he didn't even question it, and didn't even think about whether he would be cheated.

I didn't think about whether Zhang Xiaohou was controlled by the Kraken, or even Zhang Xiaohou was an undercover agent of the Black Vatican. He brought two mages to the military restricted zone after hearing it, and also exposed his relationship with the military leader. , this is undoubtedly stupid.

Military mages are not afraid of powerful monsters, but pig teammates.

Hua Zhanhong looked at Mo Fan and Mu Bai, and said in a calm and serious tone: "I will listen to what you have to say, but this decision will not change in any way."

Hua Yuezhu didn't know how to speak when he heard such a strong tone.

After all, she didn't know much about the whole matter, and she did such an illegal thing because of her complete trust in Zhang Xiaohou. She didn't know how many accidents happened because of trust.

Mo Fan took a few steps back, and said to Mu Bai, "Mu Bai, you are eloquent, so tell me."

"Ah? All right, I'll do it."

Mu Bai thought for a while, and after organizing the language, he began to say what Zhang Xiaohou knew, and just now Zhang Xiaohou had sent a confirmation signal, that is to say, Zhang Xiaohou had confirmed that the siren was indeed using forbidden spell magic to destroy the underground deep sea secrets. A node of a silver vein.

While Mubai Balabala was explaining, Mo Fan quietly walked out the door, left behind a shadow puppet and left.

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