Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1228 The Yang Conspiracy of the Ocean Protoss

"My guess."

Zhaohua suddenly floated three words [I guess]!

Not to mention the other three presiding judges, even Tian Qingbai couldn't help looking at Zhaohua. Zhao Hua is the deputy chief. Although he is young, his power is indeed greater than that of the other three chief judges in the inner city.

What Zhaohua said just now was not an inquiry, it was not a question of 'Why don't we raise the level of vigilance' or 'I think we should raise the level of vigilance, it is better to abandon Nancheng and Fancheng'.

Zhaohua didn't ask in a questioning tone, but said firmly: The vigilance has been raised to purple, and Nancheng and Fancheng are abandoned.

Zhucheng's presiding judge Ren Lizhi and Xiucheng's presiding judge Ning Haichen, because Zhaohua was too young, could not help but forget that Zhaohua's power was actually higher than theirs, and in fact they had no right to object.

Neither did Ke An, the presiding judge of Tiancheng. He picked up the phone to issue the order when he saw that Tian Qingbai hadn't expressed any objection.

Zhaohua present was the second in command, and no one had the right to object to the order he said except Tian Qingbai.

Ke An is very aware of this, especially now, at this time, even a second of delay may cause problems, so when Ke An saw that the chief executive, Tian Qingbai, did not object, he naturally regarded it as Tian Qingbai's acquiescence.

Then this is the order from the highest level of the Judgment Council.

In fact, the three of them don't know, it's not that Tian Qingbai has no doubts, in fact he himself feels wrong, but in fact even Tian Qingbai has no right to oppose Zhaohua's order.

Zhaohua is a bee brain.

Zhaohua had already told Tianqingbai about this some time ago, just like telling Hua Zhanhong, Zhaohua went directly to Tianqingbai's office and told him directly, without any intention of hiding anything.

At that time, Tian Qingbai was also very surprised. He didn't expect such an important position to be passed on to Zhaohua.

In other words, in fact, Zhaohua's power has surpassed that of Tianqingbai. Tian Qingbai had the same thought as Ke An, except that Tian Qingbai knew that Zhaohua's order was the greatest, so he didn't speak. Let's see how many of the three under his command doubted Zhaohua's order.

As a result, apart from Ke An, the other two presiding judges actually felt that Zhao Hua was too young.

Tian Qingbai asked: "How do you guess?"

"If I were the Ocean Protoss."

Tian Qingbai's eyes froze, Zhaohua was not playing cards according to common sense. Because he felt that the Ocean God Race would not play cards according to common sense.

So Zhaohua took the risk, relying on thinking, guessing, reasoning and understanding to guess what the ocean gods would do.

Zhaohua is playing a game with himself. He puts the wisdom and strategy of the ocean gods on the same level as himself, and regards the other party as a strategist and a genius.

If I were an ocean god, with so many emperors and monarchs and hundreds of millions of sea monsters, how would I fight this battle, what is my purpose, what is my desire, and how can I get what I desire.

When a generation like Zhaohua enters, the first reaction is that human beings are really weak.

How to fight how to win.

But when Zhaohua thought again that in ancient times, the emperor of the ocean roof failed to invade and suffered extremely serious injuries, Zhaohua suppressed this feeling of underestimating his opponent.

With so many emperors and monarchs and hundreds of millions of sea monsters, how will I fight this battle?

Hit carefully.

Because I once lost to humans, humans were weaker than they are now. Even with the help of the totem that summoned the plane, humans were completely behind at that time, and this continent was much weaker than it is now.

But still lost.

So if Zhaohua is the Ocean God Clan, the first thing to do is to be careful and not to repeat the same mistakes.

What is your purpose?

There is no doubt that the purpose of the sea monster is to defeat humans, invade the land, strengthen itself, suppress opponents, and even destroy opponents before the magic god is fully formed.

As Yaodu is one of the super base cities, it is absolutely not enough to rely on the sea monsters seen in front of you to destroy this base city with a certain degree of certainty.

It wasn't Zhaohua blowing, let alone the sea monster coming up from the huge waves, even adding an ordinary emperor and two sub emperors two hundred miles away, Zhaohua felt it was impossible.

The reason is simple, because I have tried it before.

A hundred years ago, when the Zong Kingdom came, the specific strength of the Zong Mother is unknown, but besides the Zong Mother, there are two Zong Emperors with the strength of ordinary emperors, and five sub-emperors. It is such a terrifying and huge Zong Kingdom, In the end, it was only close to destroying Yaodu, relying on Tiancheng and Xiucheng to make it to the end.

Although there are many reasons for the result, it is indeed irresistible in theory, but there is no doubt that the result is indeed withstood.

If the sea monster wants to destroy the monster, it needs at least three ordinary emperor sea monsters, plus several sub emperors and dozens of sea monster tribes. As far as these things are concerned, it may not be possible to destroy the ancient capital, but to destroy the demon capital? That is impossible.

Moreover, the Kraken also separated its combat power and went to several cities along the coast. It is impossible for the Kraken to be so stupid, not knowing that the result of doing so would not be good.

That is to say, the Kraken war is not the final battle. The purpose of the Kraken's war is not to invade, but to gain an advantage in the final war between the mage and the Kraken.

In other words, the Kraken's battle this time was launched to gain an advantage in the final battle.

As for a natural disaster of the level of the Siren Calamity, only the Forbidden Curse Mage can influence the direction of this world-class war. To put it bluntly, this battle was a battle between the forbidden curse and the emperor. The forbidden curse resisted the emperor and the mage won. The emperor defeated the forbidden curse, and other super-level and high-level mages are just meat on the chopping board.

The super-level stacking method can indeed cause some damage to the emperor, but the premise is that the emperor does not shoot you to death.

In the battle in the holy city, the super-level overlapping hair did cause damage to Zhankong, but the problem is that Zhankong was entangled by the golden dragon, by the curse of light and thunder, and Michael. If it weren't for them, the Forbidden Curse Mage, Zhan Kong would be gone.

Therefore, in order to gain an advantage, it is necessary to reduce the number of human forbidden spells.

Zhaohua cleared away all the fog and looked directly at the truth.

At the breaking point of this war, the siren had only one purpose - to kill as many curse mages as possible.

The billions of sea-monsters in front of me are all bait, the black mist snail-lord sea-monster, the sea king skeleton that appeared in the magic city, the mad thunder eel king in Pengcheng, and the colorful devil king in Asuka base city are actually all bait.

To deal with an invincible monarch generally requires multiple semi-forbidden spells or forbidden spell mages. The sea gods have already prepared an ambush, waiting for the forbidden spell mages to destroy these invincible monarchs, and then take the opportunity to kill the forbidden spell mages.

As for how the Ocean God Clan will eliminate the Forbidden Curse Mage, Zhaohua doesn't know, he really relies on guesswork. Even Tianqingbai and the emperor's detection formation didn't respond, which really made Zhaohua doubt himself.

"Notify the Judgment Council of other base cities, don't let the Forbidden Curse make a move, this may be a trap to ambush the Forbidden Curse mage."

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