Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1238 Killing the Blood Desolate Eyes

The three tails are like the god of war, and the spikes of the three tails stabbed all the cursed sea monsters to death like seafood piercing.

"Hahaha, kill!"

The three-tailed monster is like a berserker, as long as it sees anything that moves, no matter what type of sea monster it is, it will kill it.

"Thousand pupils!"

Sanwei's furry tail with eyes stretched out, and those eyeballs burst out with a strange red light.

When all eyes of Sanwei opened, behind Sanwei, a phantom of a huge dark eye appeared in the void. The original dark eye had lost its light and was closed tightly. It was just a projection and had no power. , but in Ji Shaohan's magic land of the curse, it opened slowly by the power of the curse.

Sanwei has always only used its thousand pupils tail as a perception ability, Zhaohua knew that it wasn't that Sanwei didn't want to use it to attack, but that this kind of monster skill required Sanwei to be a monarch before he was eligible to activate it.

It's just that the Commander-level Sanwei is not qualified enough, but now, Sanwei is indeed planning to advance, and Ji Shaoan's use of the curse is to help Sanwei and the death knight advance.

It's just that the advanced death knight is the same as ordinary dark creatures, and only needs to absorb a lot of dark power.

Ji Shaohan's curse is demonizing Nancheng, collecting all the resentment that died due to the war into the death knight's body to help it advance.

But Sanwei is different from all summoned beasts. Others absorb resources and strength to advance, but Sanwei does advance through killing.

This made Zhaohua couldn't help but think of four words: prove the way by killing.

In Ji Shaoan's cursed magic land, finally, Sanwei's dark eye finally fully opened, and Zhaohua saw its original appearance completely.

It is just an eye, but the white of the eye around the eye is covered with all kinds of strange lines. These lines should be characters, but Zhaohua doesn't know it. Zhaohua feels that the eye is probably Something like a formation or a magic circle.

The entire eye is likely to be a pattern, similar to star map magic, this pattern can exert invincible power, such as a certain special demon skill of the wild witch scorpion.

Zhaohua also doesn't know why Sanwei has such a strange demon skill. Judging from this eye alone, Zhaohua can't tell whether this eye is a pattern made by Sanwei himself, or it is the eye of some kind of creature itself. , was copied by Sanwei.

When Zhaohua took a closer look at this eye, he found that this eye seemed to have an ancient taste, perhaps just like the race name of the three tails, the wild witch scorpion.

This is a creature from ancient times, and this eye is also very ancient.

Zhaohua's eyes were serious, and his voice was a little uncertain: "This eye...couldn't have existed since the beginning of the world, right? It has been looking at this world? Similar to Shenmujing's prophecy? Can it see through the truth? .”

Zhaohua has no mana anymore, anyway, he just stays next to Sanwei and takes care of it.

So he had time to think carefully about this eye. In the end, even a genius like Zhaohua, who had learned a lot of magic knowledge from Feng Zhoulong, couldn't help but exclaimed, "The catalog of origins is really amazing. It's even possible to put the three-tailed blue scale A monster like scorpion has evolved into such a mysterious wild witch. This eye is a peerless and invincible pattern, but unfortunately, this is fake. If it is true, I am afraid that any sky-level magical tools, sky-seeds or even forbidden curse patterns will be impossible. comparable to that."

But even if it is fake, it is also extremely powerful.

Wisps of red mist suddenly gushed out of the magic soil around the curse. This thin strand of blood, like a strand of hair, was the first drop of blood that fell to the ground when the creature just died, the blood between life and death. .

These bloodshots all rushed to the huge dark pupil behind Sanwei, and immediately, the lines on the white of the dark pupil seemed to be filled with blood, and looked like bloodshot eyes from a distance.

But it's a pity that even though Sanwei has the blessing of the curse, its own strength is still a little weaker, and the lines are only filled up on the outermost layer, let alone the white cross in black pain in the white of the eyes.

Sanwei grinned, his eyes full of killing madness, watching all the sea monsters who were demonized by Ji Shao and were killing each other rush towards him in large numbers.

"Waste who don't know how to live or die! Kill the blood-desolate pupil!"

Seeing so many sea monsters rushing towards them in an instant, such as demonized crazy fish, demonized coral, demonized shrimp monster and crab monster, Sanwei didn't even lift his eyelids, tilted his head and smiled.

He just gently stretched out his finger and pointed at these sea monsters like a frenzy, the eyes behind him finally exploded, and the terrifying killing breath exploded in response.

There were bursts of buzzing sounds like a symphony of death, and in the blink of Zhaohua's eyes, in such a short moment, the red light of Xuehuang Tong swept across.

As long as it touches the red light of the Xuehuang pupil behind Sanwei, even if it touches even a little bit, it will be killed instantly, even if these sea monsters have already been cursed by Ji Shaohan, they have been changed from the origin of the magic world. The sea monster has become a cursed creature of the dark plane. It is a dark creature, and it is useless for them to be monsters born in the dark.

In the face of this burst of death light, all beings are equal and remain the same.

Not to mention dark creatures, even undead can't resist the instant death pupil light killed by the blood desolate pupil.

Even the commander was instantly killed, and the crab turtle that was seriously injured by Tianyan was also killed by Sanwei's Xuehuangtong, and immediately let out a miserable scream.

There were broken cracks on the rather hard shell. The tortoise shell, which was originally shiny like metal, began to show signs of falling off and decay after being swept by the killing light of Xuehuang Tong.

Weng let out a sound, and saw demonized sea monsters like a wave of beasts. In a very short period of time, their bony spurs and crazy sea monster bodies suddenly turned into burnt paper like burnt paper. ash.

The bodies of the Krakens began to turn to gray inch by inch, and they lost their lives. This kind of death is quite frightening, it destroys even the soul, Ye Xinxia can't save them here, it is an irreversible death.

Even the tortoise shell of the crab tortoise monarch began to be destroyed, even if it was as powerful as the monarch, it couldn't stop it.

At this time, the sea monsters like the beast tide felt scared. Even if they were demonized, there were some things engraved in the chain of life that still made them feel scared, which was more terrifying than death.

They wanted to turn around and run away, but the crazy effect of the curse began to fade!

All the sea-monsters that were killed by Sanwei's bloody pupils were all turned into fly ash, and gray-white ashes were flying all over the sky.

Try not to wait until dawn this time~~

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