Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1242 Handed down classics

Ji Shao silently snapped his fingers at the tens of thousands of people below.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist suddenly appeared below. No, this mist is actually dark green, just because it is a little darker here, but if you look at it under the sun, you can see a gloomy green.

The curse system is red light, and the undead system is dark green. Ji Shaohan's magic itself is a little different from the usual black magic color.

As soon as Ji Shao pointed out, the negative energy here was more than a hundred times stronger than other places. In an instant, a wind of death was blown up, and the dark green mist was like steam, gushing out from the ground all at once. , the dark green aura gushing out here quickly spread to the surroundings.

This is different from the land demonization of the curse. This is the fourth-level magic corpse of the elementary undead system—the breath of the dead. The breath of the dead is the most commonly used magic by necromancers. Undead with negative emotions such as resentment, unwillingness, hatred, and anger.

The breath of the undead is like nutrients, providing the most basic condition for becoming an undead - dead breath.

The cultivation of undead magic is actually like a repair shop. The basic parts are provided at the beginning level, the slightly more important parts are provided at the middle level, and the more important parts are at the high level. Assemble.

Khufu and the ancient king are the two most perfect and most successful necromancers, especially Khufu, who is one of the most successful necromancers in life and after death.

It completed its work almost perfectly and became the strongest dead emperor.

Yes, the growth process of the undead system is the process of making oneself the strongest undead. Those parts are just experiments. It is an experiment again and again at the elementary, intermediate, high-level, and super-level, and then when it comes to forbidden spells. Just do it yourself.

For the time being, the only necromancer known to Zhaohua is Hobo, the leader of the Hunter Alliance in Egypt. His necromantic magic is of course much weaker than that of Khufu, and it has not yet been truly completed. Forbidden magic.

However, Zhaohua knew through Project Bee that Huo Bo's undead curse is a tower of heroes, just like Shayuan's White Palace and Khufu's Pyramid. The undead palace is the core of undead magic.

This represents the meaning of the territory. After all, the Forbidden Curse Mage really became a creature of the dark plane after becoming the Emperor of the Dead. Naturally, the magic world cannot tolerate them, so they need a place to stay.

Hopper's ultimate goal is to become the most powerful King of Heroes and make himself the King of Heroes. Its Tower of Heroes is still in the experimental stage, and when it is finally formed, it will allow itself to enter the Tower of Heroes and become the King of Heroes.

But Zhaohua reckons it won't live until that time, after all, in addition to colluding with demons, it is also related to the death of his grandfather, Zhaohua can't let him go.

Standing in such a dark frenzy-like place, not to mention these ordinary people, even mages would tremble with fright.

"What's wrong!!"

"What happened!"

"Help, is there a light mage here!"

"I am, Guangyao!"

But that weak light counts as candlelight, so how could it be effective for Ji Shaohan's magic.

But fortunately, Ji Shaoan did not intend to scare them. When Ji Shaoan felt the birth consciousness of the turbulent dead creature, at this moment, an earthquake like a frenzy appeared.

With a crackling sound, cracks appeared on the ground, and bone claws grabbed the edges of the cracks and slowly crawled out.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! It's undead!!!"

"How is it possible! How can there be undead in the southern city of the demon city!!"

"Don't bite me, I don't want to become an undead!"

But yes, when these undead appeared in front of the refugees in the shelter, they all shut up, and looked at these bone skeletons with three-point disbelief, three-point stunned, and four-point you are kidding me expressions on their faces.

Round, quite round.

It was supposed to be hideous and scary, the upper and lower jaws made a clicking sound, and the sharp white bone claws were as terrifying as a sword, but now it is more or less a little bit. . . fat.

The original sharp-edged eye sockets, as if wearing glasses, gave off a clean light as if they had been polished, and they were quite round, like a big circle.

The bones in the arm bones, thigh bones, ribs, tail keel, pelvis and other places are particularly thick, as if the dead person has eaten too much breath, and the bones have become fat. The undead who should have been thin have become fat undead.

Zhaohua took a look at the skeletons, then looked at Ji Shaohan, needless to say, this must be caused by her aesthetics. The production of skeletons must follow the appearance of necromancers. These undead are different from Hanhan Soul Spider and Hanhan Frog, and they look somewhat dull.

All the undead ran over like strange species. A skeleton carried a person, and then ran quickly. Tens of thousands of skeletons carried tens of thousands of people, as if they were carrying sacks, and ran away.

This scene was passed down by later generations as a handed down classic of the undead system.

"Hey, look over there!"

Suddenly, some mages standing in the safe area of ​​Fancheng suddenly pointed to a pile of smoke and dust billowing in front of them and said.

The mage standing guard next to him squinted his eyes, and when he saw what it was, he suddenly shouted: "Undead!! It's a large group of undead!!"

"How is it possible! Why did the Kraken not come but the undead instead!"

"Quick! Notify the court and the military immediately!!"

"Wait a minute!! Look at the shoulders of those undead!"

Having said that, the other people took turns to find the magic telescope. Looking carefully, each undead carried a person on his shoulders, and these undead were very funny, and most of those people passed out, and they couldn't bear the bumps , There are many people who spit out these undead all over their bodies.

"They seem to be moving people??"

After a while, these undead appeared in a mighty manner in the sub-safety zone of Fancheng, and then put everyone in the sub-safety zone and buried them in the ground again.

"Fuck?! Use skeletons and undead to transport people!" the captain of Fancheng's city guard said with wide-eyed eyes.

But this time, the instigator had already flown back to the Yaodu Tower in Zhucheng, and Zhaohua brought Ji Shaoan to the underground laboratory where Feng Zhoulong was.

Zhaohua asked: "How is it? Have you finished collecting the data?"

Zhaohua went to Nancheng not only to resist demons, save people, and let Sanwei and the others advance. While saving people, Zhaohua planted a magic weapon for detection, so that Feng Zhoulong could learn more about the actual situation after Nancheng was submerged by huge waves.

Feng Zhoulong looked at the data from Zhaohua's detection magic weapon, and said solemnly: "Sure enough, as you expected, the foundation of Nancheng has sunk."

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