With a click, Mo Jiaxing opened the door and came in. Ye Chang leaned on the hospital bed with a sad smile on his face, looking as weak as before, just like those saints in the West who are noble and pitiful , It is especially easy to arouse men's desire for protection.

That's how Mo Jiaxing was tricked back then.

Mo Jiaxing chatted with Ye Chang blah blah for half an hour, Mo Jiaxing was like a young guy chasing a goddess, like an old house on fire, out of control.

"Oh, you still need to rest more, I won't bother you, I'll go back first."

After Mo Jiaxing left, Ye Chang's eyes were slightly fixed, as if he was thinking about whether to kill this person to avoid future troubles.

Ye Chang closed her eyes, but in the end she still didn't choose to do anything.

Ye Chang has no amnesia at all, she is the strongest and most scheming cardinal, how could she not know what to do to arouse a man's desire to protect, and how to get herself out of danger safely.

Mo Jiaxing thought that he met Ye Chang by chance, but only Ye Chang knew that she found Mo Jiaxing on purpose. Mo Fan was a serious concern to her, how could she not grasp the movements of Mo Fan's family.

Mo Jiaxing was Ye Chang's biggest hole card to save his life. If he was caught by Mo Fan accidentally, he still had a bargaining chip. It's just that Ye Chang didn't expect that she almost died half a month ago, and that was the closest she was to death.

If it wasn't for the real fate, Mo Jiaxing happened to be in the UK, so she had a place to hide, and once she came to hide under the lamp in the property of Fanxue Mountain, she should have met King Yama.

Ye Chang put on a leather jacket that Mo Jiaxing gave her, and left here. This is her second time leaving without saying goodbye.

In a dilapidated dilapidated church on the outskirts of London, Ye Chang threw her pan and jacket into a trash can, then threw out a bottle of reagent, and the liquid inside flowed out with a snap, melting the entire trash can and its contents into liquid. A puddle of dark stuff.

The church is quite dilapidated. This is an abandoned church. Deep claw marks can still be seen on the walls of the church, which should have been attacked by demons.

The wooden door of the church was closed heavily, and it happened to be completely dark now. Ye Chang pushed open the wooden door, and a few ghostly looking candles were lit inside on the eaves of the church. Just a few candles illuminated the The area must be very limited.

Inside the church, rows of old wooden pews were empty. Ye Chang walked from the aisle in the middle, sat on the wooden chair in the first row, raised her legs and faced the statue of Jesus without any reverence.

Ye Chang said to the air with a cold expression: "Report what happened in the past half month."

Suddenly, a deep male voice came from a dark corner, saying like an emotionless robot: "On Disciple Day, Su Lengyi, one of the nine disciples, killed Ding Na and ascended to the position of head teacher."

"Seven days ago, there was a bloodbath at the Asian Magic Association in Dubai. A group of supreme scholars were murdered, leaving behind very obvious evidence."

"What evidence?" Sa Long asked.

"Evidence pointing to us. A deacon in the association has already reported that this behavior may be a political conspiracy by the high-level Asian Magic Association, and then splashed on us to confuse the eyes of the Holy Inquisition and the Holy City. It should be Su Lu , he doesn't know what he wants to do." The ghost voice said.

Ye Chang or Cardinal Sa Lang frowned and asked, "Give me a list of the dead and the list of the ones who haven't died yet."


Sa Long continued: "Also, spread the news that the Pope has been killed by the Holy Inquisition."

"Is the pope really dead!" said the shadow man.

Sa Lang couldn't help sneering: "Asura is dead, Leng Jue is dead, and the two right-hand men of that person are dead, so who knows who is the Pope?"

"But what if the Pope appears?"

"Then the day of her death is the day she appeared. It doesn't matter if it's early or late." Sa Lang's eyes revealed a murderous intent, and the pope had always been her target.

Because it was the Pope of the Black Vatican who shattered his happiness.

After the air suddenly became quiet for a while, Sa Lang suddenly asked, "What's the matter? Is there anything else to report?"

Sa Lang found that her contact person hadn't left yet.

The person in the shadow corner asked hesitantly: "Master Sa Long, the assassination operation half a month ago..."

Half a month ago, Sa Long was almost killed. This incident caused serious uneasiness and turmoil within the Black Vatican. If the headmaster Wu Ku died, he should have chosen one of the nine disciples, and the successor chosen by Sa Lang was actually Ding Na, who was chosen by another The disciple killed by the nine disciples Su Lengyi.

That's why the shadow man reported the result first, because there was also a problem among the nine disciples, and Sa Lang's order didn't seem to work.

Sa Lang glanced at the corner coldly, and said coldly: "Why, you also care about my affairs?"

"I dare not, my subordinates will go and spread the news that the Pope is dead."

A shadow flashed away, away from the church.

Seeing the shadow disappearing, Sa Lang's cold expression looked a little tired. That assassination was not as simple as a simple assassination by the Holy Inquisition. That is betrayal.

It is impossible for anyone to know about Sa Long's whereabouts, let alone the Holy Inquisition Court, but she almost died that time half a month ago. He is a strong man who is proficient in assassination.

And most importantly, the extraditionists who carried out the assassination mission for her have betrayed her.

"Who the hell is it that can make the extraditionists of the Hall of Assassins betray me...Asian Magic Association...Su Lu? No, he doesn't have the ability...Why did you spend such a high price to assassinate me? Revenge ?"

"No, I can't fall down yet, my mission has not been completed."

In the small villa in Congcheng, Zhaohua is grooming Xiong Da, Xiong Da and Long Yi are already close to advanced, and even Xiong Da advanced in these two days.

Others can obtain resources in the Kraken War, how could it be possible that Zhaohua did not, he is the big one. But Long Yi's advanced level is still a bit short, because the advanced material has not arrived yet.

A man in a casual suit and a hat walked up behind Zhaohua.

"Have you got something?"

While washing Xiong Da's body, Zhaohua applied a special body strengthening liquid on it to help Xiong Da strengthen his body so that he could advance to the monarch. This is the preparation work before the advancement.

The person wearing the hat took out a blueprint, put it at Zhaohua's feet and said, "I have already got it from Sa Lang, but it is a pity that the Hall of Assassins failed to assassinate Sa Lang and let her run away."

Zhaohua sighed, but he couldn't let him hear [Mission completed, everything went well. 】These eight characters! ! Are these eight words so difficult? ? ?

Zhaohua shook his head and turned over the paper, which recorded a special method, which was the secret of Sa Lang's ability to escape the Holy Inquisition many times in the past.

Back then when Sa Lang lost his memory and met Mo Jiaxing, it was not entirely a feign. This special method is the secret of Sa Lang's cultivation of Wang Chong. Sa Long did not lose her memory completely, but she created another self, using the amnesiac to hide the memory and soul of the cardinal, and gave birth to another her.

"Thank you, Tian Qingsong."

The man in the suit revealed his appearance. It was Tian Qingsong who was wanted by the Tribunal, that is, the son of Chief Tian Qingbai who killed Jiang Shaojun and betrayed the country!

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