Su Lu is the largest person in power in Asia. In the entire Asian region, Su Lu controls more power than the original congressman Shao Zheng and Zu Huanyao.

Of course, this is also because our national councilors are not the biggest power holders, but Su Lu is the controller of many small countries and has his own influence in the Holy Inquisition.

The Evil Lang Guild is an underground underworld organization supported by Su Lu himself. In Europe, the Hall of Assassins handles some inconvenient matters for the Holy Inquisition Court, and in Asia, there is also the Evil Lang Guild that handles some unsightly matters for Su Lu.

For example, there were incidents of missing babies all over Asia. Later, after investigation, it was found that this was done by the Evil Lang Guild.

Several years ago, Mo Fan and Leng Lingling had found out that the baby's heart was actually a replacement for the missing Titan's heart, and it was used as one of the materials for the forbidden spell formation to control the black dragon.

At the beginning, Mo Fan, Leng Lingling, and the people from the Parthenon Temple all ran to stop them, questioning Su Lu as the Asian Congressman for doing so.

But Su Lu calmly dumped the blame on his subordinates, making Mo Fan and the others grit their teeth but there was nothing they could do.

After all, this kind of thing doesn't need him to take action, all of which will be done by the Evil Lang Guild, and then his subordinates will act as contacts, and if something happens, just blame it.

In the end, the Black Dragon Emperor's mind was obliterated by the curse system completed with the heart and the soul system, the forbidden curse formation formed by the fusion of two completely different forces of black and white magic.

Being held by Su Lu like a dog.

Also because of the Black Dragon Emperor, Su Lu's status in Asia is even greater now. He thinks that the Holy City dominates the West, and Su Lu is the overlord of the East.

Zhaohua glanced at Tian Qingsong calmly and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Tian Qingsong looked at Zhaohua, shook his head and left without saying anything.

Tian Qingsong found himself feeling uncomfortable facing this person. He almost killed him once, and even wanted to kill him, but as long as he was useful, he didn't even mind it.

Through the insect-man Zhaohua, he knew that only Tianqingsong had seen this method, that is, only Tianqingsong could tell the truth from the fake, so Zhaohua found Tianqingsong.

Others may not be able to find azure pine, but insects can. Naturally, Tian Qingsong didn't know that the bugman was alive, after all, the whole world didn't know about it except Zhaohua himself.

Including my own parents and the Archangel of the Holy City.

Zhaohua watched Tian Qingsong leave, then turned around and continued to massage Xiong Da.

Ding Ling Ding Ling, Zhaohua's cell phone suddenly remembered.

"Oh, I've already arranged things. What happened again?"

Zhaohua's mobile phone is a bad news sensor, as long as the mobile phone rings, nothing good will happen.

Zhaohua pressed his throat and changed his voice, because the caller ID was from Zu Huanyao, so Zhaohua didn't tell him that he was a bee brain.

"What's up?"

As Zhaohua listened, his expression became more and more strange, with a somewhat helpless expression.

To sum it up, after Mo Fan learned that Feng Zhoulong had been killed and Sharjah was missing, Mo Fan ran to the headquarters of the Asian Magic Association and went to the Mage Tower in Dubai to seek revenge from Su Lu.

Not long ago, Mo Fan came to the Master's Tower in Dubai, and rushed directly to find Zu Huanyao, who is our country's diplomat at the headquarters of the Asian Magic Association, and asked him to take a list and where Sharjah last appeared, so Zu Huanyao Call to inquire.

Zhaohua was speechless for half an hour, and finally choked out a sentence from the innermost part: "He really values ​​love and righteousness."

No wonder Zhaohua said this, because the relationship between Feng Zhoulong and Mo Fan is straightforward, that is, they have met two or three times, and they have combined magic. , this method is not yet mature, and experimental data is needed, and Mo Fan has many lines, loves waves, and is strong, so he is the most suitable candidate.

Even Zhaohua didn't expect that Mo Fan would go to avenge Feng Zhoulong, so righteous?

"Don't worry about him, it's a good thing if he can kill Su Lu. Whether it's Mo Fan who kills Su Lu or whether it's our country's mage or the Holy Order is the same. You continue to put pressure on the Asian Magic Association and the Holy Order , to apply for an arrest warrant on the grounds that Su Lu killed Feng Zhoulong, a professor of magic research in our country, there are still some obvious things to do."

"Send someone to protect Mo Fan. The Xi Zhe under Su Lu is a true Light Forbidden Curse Mage, and this is the Dubai Mage Tower. The wise angel Gabriel may not be fooled. She may not give up her return ceremony and forcefully attack her." .”

"If the wise angel doesn't show up, Su Lu probably won't make a move either."

After Zhaohua finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Su Lu, let alone Zhaohua, Shao Zheng had already put Su Lu on the national threat list when he was still a bee brain. Back then, he brought the Forbidden Curse Mage from the Holy Inquisition Court to Loulan New City privately, planning to steal Kun The dragon's soul contract control rights, get the power of Kunlong.

Then he sent his subordinates to invade Fanxue Mountain with the intention of forcibly contracting Yue'ehuang, and even arranged for the Evil Lang Guild to kill a large number of remote newborn babies.

Shao Zheng knew all these things, or it could be said that Feng planned to invade the Evil Lang Guild secretly to investigate.

The Evil Lang Guild is also a dark organization, and our country is of course prepared.

If Shao Zheng hadn't been busy with totems and sea monsters, he would have freed up his hands to deal with Su Lu long ago. Especially after Su Lu got the black dragon, an uncontrolled emperor, this is too great a threat to our country in Asia at the same time.

Especially when the Kraken War ended some time ago, Su Lu blatantly slandered our country, saying that the strongest empire in Asia was no longer able to resist the Kraken, united with Egypt, and caused our country's international reputation to drop a lot. Many investors were hesitant and did not come to the four coastal base cities to invest in building houses and help them recover.

So Zhaohua doesn't tolerate him anymore, whether it is to eliminate the Evil Lang Guild, make the Assassin Hall the strongest dark force in the East and the West, increase his own power, or take revenge for the time when Kunlong was cheated for the sake of national security, Zhaohua There is no reason to let Su Lu go.

And the fuse of all this is Feng Zhoulong. There is a reason why Feng Zhoulong gave everything to Mo Fan, because he has already decided to die.

The magic fusion is completed, but there are too many things needed to separate Ji Shaohan.

If Ji Shaoan was an ordinary person, it might be enough to have the method in Sa Lang's hands, but Ji Shaoan's identity is too special, her soul is not human, but a dark creature.

Although Ji Shaohan's body is human, there is no doubt that his soul belongs to the category of dark creatures. To separate the big and small Jis again, a deep dissection of the dark creatures and even the entire dark plane is required.

It is impossible for ordinary people to enter the dark plane, only the dead can enter the dark plane through some special methods.

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