Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1266 Demon Resurrection

The Dubai Master Tower is just a heart point, which connects the whole of Dubai.

This is why Su Lu said that Dubai is his holy land, his holy city, and he is the emperor here. Because the whole of Dubai is a huge formation, just like the Vatican formation in the holy city, every brick and tile here is a part of the forbidden curse formation.

Here, both Xi Zhe and Su Lu can be strengthened.

The rainbow light is like silk, falling from the nine heavens.

Every water altar in the Dubai Mage Tower is shining, like a grain of light star.

There are a lot of these water altars, and all of them are filled with the Rainbow Bridge at this moment. The flowing water of these altars turns into rays of light and flies into the air, forming a golden rainbow bridge.

Mo Fan is under the Hongqiao right now, just like an ordinary person who has strayed into the incomparably noble God Realm. The evil blood flowing in his body and the mania in his heart will be crushed to dust under this absolute judgment! !

The sad rainbow of heaven is actually like God holding a paintbrush and painting a thick golden color on the world.

But for Mo Fan, it's not as simple as brushing a stroke. The Golden Rainbow Bridge is like a waterfall pouring down. Mo Fan is like an ascetic monk, standing under the waterfall to accept the impact and baptism.

Mo Fan couldn't get out of this golden sky trap.

He has completely become a sinner hated by heaven, wearing shackles all over his body, and is being baptized and punished by the holy water waterfall again and again.

In just a split second, Mo Fan's steel-like skin began to fester, and the wolf tattoo on his body was scalded beyond recognition by the holy light, and the bones of his face were almost exposed!

While Mo Fan was being tortured, his evil body was being reduced to ashes bit by bit.

"Being able to die under my forbidden spell is not in vain for your trip to Dubai!" Xi Zhe grinned.

His light magic Heaven Sad Rainbow is like the legendary five-colored divine light, and none of the creatures washed by it can survive. Even the emperor will be severely traumatized.

"Oh no!"

Seeing this scene, Zu Huanyao couldn't help feeling annoyed secretly. Xi Zhe's forbidden curse magic was completed so quickly. This was prepared by Xi Zhe in advance, just like the forbidden curse formation.

Light magic has always been so swift and violent, ending very quickly.

Xi Zhe was walking in the altar of flowing water like a high god, enjoying such supreme power. He raised his hands high and opened his chest like an artist who called a curtain call, letting the withered residue of Mo Fan's life in him Floating around.

Mo Fan now has only a dry bone left, and the flesh and blood of his whole body has been washed away by the sad rainbow of heaven.

Mo Fan half-kneeled on the ground, his bones tightly hugging his face with both arms, as if he wanted to protect his handsome face with the last dignity before the temporary.

But Xi Zhe didn't notice that at the position of the heart on Mo Fan's chest, among the ribs of the heart, there were only a few pieces of heart meat sticking to it, as if the burning was not thorough enough to leave a few pieces of heart meat.

After the sad rainbow of Tianguo disappeared, the sky that had been covered with dark clouds due to the battle between Sharjah and Su Lu actually cleared up. The black sky above Mo Fan's head cracked open, and a faint sunlight shone through.

As the sun shines on Mo Fan's dry bones, Mo Fan's forehead is covered by both hands, and a drop of flame is like Guanyin holding a poplar branch, dripping a little life-saving fire liquid from the clean bottle,

And a drop of life-saving fire liquid just hit the position of Mo Fan's heart impartially.

There was a ticking sound, which was so clear that Xizhe could hear it clearly. Not only Xizhe heard it, but also the insects watching the battle from a distance heard it.

"Huh? What is this?" The worm couldn't help frowning and looked at Mo Fan's dead bones.

It noticed that Mo Fan's heart was on fire, and the flame was like a spark, quickly spreading to all of Mo Fan's bones.

The worm man's eyes were serious. It guessed that Mo Fan would not die so easily, but it never expected that he would be able to revive with full blood on the spot!

Not to mention worms, even Zu Huanyao, a pseudo-forbidden curse mage, was very surprised to see such a strange phenomenon in Mo Fan's dead bones. After eating the forbidden curse, he turned into a white bone and didn't die? !

call! Mo Fan's flesh and blood were regenerated very quickly. The flesh and blood seemed to be made of flames, like the red thread in the hands of a female worker sewing a doll. In just a few seconds, all the flesh and blood of Mo Fan's body returned.

Kakaka, Mo Fan slowly lowered his hand covering his face, it was still the devil, but now the whole body of this devil was covered by a kind of divine fire.

"My God! He's not dead yet!"

"How is that possible? It's a forbidden curse of the light system, and it survived the curse of light!!"

"He is not only not dead, he is not even injured."

At this moment, for some reason, a word suddenly popped up in the mind of the mage watching the battle: Su Lu kicked the iron plate.

They felt that Su Lu's empire seemed to be collapsing, a huge hole was torn open by a demon.

Xizhe's body was trembling, the Heavenly Sad Rainbow was already the strongest magic he could use, and even if a real forbidden magic mage wanted to use forbidden magic, the consumption would be enormous, making it difficult for him to use magic for a while.

If even the sad rainbow of heaven can't kill this demon, what other means does he have?

The answer is no.

He could only run away, to find Su Lu, only this emperor could deal with this terrifying demon. Even if he would bring trouble to Su Lu by running away, he could only do this. Because he doesn't want to die yet.

Seeing Xi Zhe running away, Mo Fan showed no emotion on his face.

Although it looked like Mo Fan was harmless, it was actually not that simple. He was also betting that if the Chongming God Bird Fire Heart was not destroyed, Mo Fan would die.

He is not the bird of Chongming, this fire heart will be destroyed.

Fortunately, Mo Fan won the bet.

Now that you win the bet, you will be paid.

Mo Fan's killing intent was determined, and the lightning flashed on his body. The Cang Lei Claw that turned the situation for Mo Fan many times in the National Competition was no longer used by Mo Fan. Now Mo Fan's right hand is the Devil Thunder Claw, he is now the sky!

boom! Mo Fan's feet were slightly bent, and there was a loud explosion. Mo Fan flew out, and a huge pothole was stepped on the ground, and smoke and dust flew up.

Mo Fan turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Xi Zhe, and the lightning claws pulled out a long lightning arc.

Mo Fan doesn't need to fly at all. He knows the space system and he can walk on the ground in mid-air. Mo Fan's speed comes entirely from the strength of the demon body.

Xi Zhe sensed Mo Fan's killing intent approaching rapidly behind him, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "I am Xi Zhe, a Forbidden Curse Mage of the Asian Light Department, you can't kill me! Without a Forbidden Curse Mage, human survival will be less A lot! You can't kill me!"

But Mo Fan didn't pay any attention to Xi Zhe's words, and appeared behind Xi Zhe in an instant. The demon thunderclaw aimed at Xi Zhe's back, and pierced through his magic wing and armor together.

Zizizi, a devil's hand came out from Xizhe's chest.

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