Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1272 Four Lords of Darkness

"I voluntarily asked Zhaohua to take good care of Ji girl, otherwise I would be a ghost and never let him go."

Feng Zhoulong's voice spread through a method similar to soul sound, and Asha Ruiya could also hear it.

Insect-man Zhaohua did not turn around, still staring at the dark river, and said without joy or sadness, "Tell him yourself."

Feng Zhoulong was obviously taken aback for a moment, then nodded in relief and said, "Okay, I'll tell him myself."

Asharuya glanced at Feng Zhoulong, Asharuya knew that the farewell would be forever.

This is the so-called separation of yin and yang. From then on, everyone is a person of two worlds. It is impossible for Feng Zhoulong to return to the magic world, and Asha Ruiya knows better than anyone how miserable humans will be when they enter the dark plane.

Because Asharuya herself is a creature of the dark plane.

Her current glamorous appearance is fake, this beautiful skin is all hypocritical things, this appearance and figure are all fake, from the day Asharuya becomes the messenger of the Lord of Darkness, she will no longer be a human being, It is only because of the particularity of Asharuya that she can stay in the magic world to collect information about the magic world for the dark master she is loyal to.

Strictly speaking, Asha Ruiya is a human traitor, a spy, and a 25-year-old boy.

But Asharuya also has her own goal to achieve. For this goal, she does not hesitate to abandon her human identity, become the messenger of the dark master, and even betray human beings.

Originally, Asharuya's identity as the messenger of the Lord of Darkness was unknown. She hid it well, but her only mistake was that she came to the ancient capital to collect information about other Lords of Darkness when the catastrophe happened in the ancient capital. thing.

Because of that incident, Ji Shaohan met Asha Ruiya.

So this matter was known by Zhaohua, and the only people in the world who knew that Astraea was the messenger of the ruler of darkness, except herself, were Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua.

"There's nothing to say, then let's go, after you enter the dark plane, it's up to you, whether it's eaten by dark creatures or whatever is none of my business."

Asharuya hated Zhaohua very much, and always gave her a very dangerous feeling. And he also had a share of the credit for losing the national competition.

Of course, Zhaohua is not without backup, there is a bee hidden in the dark plane, he will be responsible for protecting Feng Zhoulong and others. Zhaohua is willing to respond.

Asharuya opened her palms and muttered to herself, not knowing what world language she was speaking, as if she was chanting a spell.

Zongren Zhaohua knew what she was doing. The hidden formation in Dubai was actually the same as the dark holy order of the Holy Inquisition, and it was to open the passage of the dark plane.

And Su Lu himself has the same effect as the sin stone, used to connect a certain coordinate of the dark plane.

If you enter from the passage of the Dark Sacred Order, then the place where you will appear will be the territory of Mu Yao, which is the territory of the Fallen Saint King. If you enter the dark plane from the Pyramid of Khufu, you will be in the territory of Hades, and now, Su Lu's coordinates are obviously the territory of the Shadowborn King.

This is like the dimensional summoning of the summoning magic. The place where the dimensional summoning appears at the beginning is random. When Mo Fan was enrolled, Dean Xiao reminded Mo Fan that it is best to use some auxiliary magic weapons before making a contract. The place where Mo Fan appeared was a piece of fertile land, so the contracted dimensional summoned beasts would be stronger.

Those magical tools are a kind of positioning device, the coordinates left by powerful summoning mages when they enter the summoning plane.

But now, Su Lu is making a deal with the Shadowborn King, and wants a piece of land, so that Su Lu can become king even if he escapes into the dark plane, so the coordinates are the land coordinates given by the Shadowborn King.

but! What Asharuiya is doing now is to win love with a knife!

She is the envoy of one of the mysterious masters, and she herself has a territory in the dark plane, and now, Asharuya uses Su Lu's dark formation to change from connecting the location of the Shadowborn King to connecting to her own location.

She is cutting beard!

The shadow-born king Su Lu traded is the ruler of darkness, and the one behind her is also the ruler. Everyone has the divine right and naturally they are equal. She, Asharuya, just snatched this channel.

Asha Ruiya opened her eyes, showed a disdainful smile and said: "My cultivation base is indeed not as good as your Su Lu, but it is different in the dark plane, link the dark realm, return!!"

The dark river no longer swallows the people of Dubai, and no longer attacks Zu Huanyao and other mages, because it is not a deal now, and Asha Ruiya did not want to kill people. She just returned to the dark plane and took the dark river as a ride.

Asha Ruiya didn't delay for too long, she spread her wings and rushed into the dark river with Feng Zhoulong and others.

Not long after Asharuya entered the dark river, the insect-man Zhaohua flicked his finger, and the cigarette butt flew out from his finger and bounced on the ground a few times.

The moment the cigarette butt fell to the ground, there was a huge vibration and roar on the ground in Dubai. The Tianguan Zilin sacred tree began to rise from the ground, but the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree only appeared for a section, and did not fully appear. .

If Mo Fan hadn't been entangled by the dark river, he would be extremely surprised. Because when they were in Qinling, Mo Fan, Lingling, Yue Ehuang and others had already killed the seriously injured Tianguan Zilin God Tree, why is it still there now!

It’s just that Mo Fan and others don’t know that the killed Tianguan Zilin tree is just an abandoned clone of the real Tianguan Zilin tree. The Tianguan Zilin tree has caused such a disaster. The mage will seek revenge on it all over the world, so it needs a suspended animation to cover up its pursuit.

Papa papa, pieces of flesh were pulled out from its stump by the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree.

These pieces of meat were actually jumping when they touched the dark river. These pieces of meat were still alive!

"Go, go back to your original territory, and I'll pick you up after you've fully recovered."

The long river of darkness is like glue, slowly sticking these pieces of meat together. Although the piece of meat is not complete, its original appearance can already be seen.

Let's go! ! !

This turned out to be the corpse that blew itself up and caused huge damage!

The scorpion is a gift from the fallen saint king to the insect people, and the power is a transaction contract between the fallen saint king and the insect people. The fallen saint king exchanges Zhaohua's life for the permanent use of power.

Obviously, the bugman lost, so the contract automatically disappeared, and the power returned to the fallen saint king. Zhaohua wanted to hack some of the fallen saint king's power, but unfortunately he failed.

And the pieces of flesh that Mukuro blew himself up were collected by the bugmen and hid in the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree. They used the power of the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree to renew its life, just waiting for the opportunity to revive Mukuro. It is not weaker than the existence of Neptune's skeleton, so it would be a pity to waste it like this.

The black water of the long dark river temporarily formed the incomplete part of the skeleton.

Immediately, the waters of these long dark rivers became ferocious again, killing the residents of Dubai indiscriminately again, but this time, they avoided Zu Huanyao and others as if consciously.

Muyan is the pet of the Fallen Saint King. It is an Asian emperor in the dark plane, so it naturally has its own territory. It is also changing the coordinates of entering the dark plane, competing with Asharuya.

However, the matter is not over yet, and there is a fourth power that dominates darkness.

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