Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1274: Mu Bai's Trial

Mu Bai didn't leave any tracker on Mo Fan, but Mu Bai came to the task, or to experience the task.

Mu Bai is now the emissary of the ancient king, the ruler of darkness, in the magic world, but Mu Bai has not completely passed the test of the ancient king. Because at the beginning Mu Bai was only a super class and still a first class, Mu Bai's strength at that time could only complete the first trial.

Mu Bai obtained the initial qualification and rewarded Mu Bai with a sub-monarch-level evil insect.

Now, Mu Bai has received his second trial task, the content of the trial has not been announced, but the reward has already been told to Mu Bai.

The reward is Mo Fan's life.

Only then did Mu Bai know that Mo Fan had actually escaped into the dark plane, and even fell into the territory of the ancient king. It was discovered by the ancient king and regarded as an intruder.

Although the ancient king has not said that he will capture Mo Fan or kill him, but Mu Bai knows that in the territory of the ancient king, Mo Fan and others are just chickens, and they will die if they are not careful.

The real ancient king is not Zhan Kong, he has no friendship with Mo Fan. Of course, Mu Bai didn't know the origin of the little loach on Mo Fan's neck, otherwise he wouldn't be so nervous.

Mu Bai reckoned that the reason why the ancient king didn't catch Mo Fan was because the ancient king was thinking about what kind of trials to use to test Mu Bai and punish the invaders.

Mu Bai sat on the stone bench in the small garden and said, "Your Majesty, I have a proposal."

With a sound from Weng, a faint light flashed, and an old man with a pale face appeared on the stone bench opposite Mu Bai. This is just a projection, a derivative derived from Mu Bai's power as a messenger, and has no power.

The half-empty black shadow old man said without joy or sadness: "Say."

Mu Bai said: "Why don't we just use chess, how about we use the invaders as chess pieces, use cultivation strength as combat power, and add some special rules and conditions to form a dark chessboard?"

The half-empty black shadow old man looked up at Mu Bai, a strange look flashed in his eyes. Mu Bai's proposal is quite ruthless, which is equivalent to abandoning at least half of the people directly. And the old man also understood what Mu Bai was thinking, not only did Mu Bai want to win, but he also wanted to save Mo Fan and his friends.

The half-empty shadowy old man showed a calm smile and said, "It seems that you have already understood a little of the essence of the Dark Messenger."

The messengers of darkness are selfish and unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals. What they should not think about and desire are all things that can be discarded and used.

Mu Bai is very decisive, he didn't try to save everyone, Mu Bai's goal of becoming the messenger of darkness is to become Mo Fan's shadow, so the lives of other people are not in his consideration.

Although Mu Bai also has other ways to save the tens of thousands of people dragged in by Su Lu and some other innocent mages, but this will only reduce his chances of defeating the ancient king.

It's not that Mu Bai couldn't do it, but he felt that there was no need to take this risk. After weighing the pros and cons, Mu Bai made such a decision.

Mu Bai said respectfully: "Thank you for the compliment."

The half-empty black shadow old man nodded and said: "Well, this proposal is good. Since you stipulated the content of the trial, the special rules should naturally be determined by me. The choice of chess pieces is one for each person, and they are selected in rotation to form their own. Formation."

Mu Bai nodded.

Mu Bai is also surprised that this master of darkness likes to play chess so much. From chess, go, backgammon to the current international chess, this master of darkness likes it all, and has studied it quite deeply.

When Mu Bai was in the trial, he was suddenly asked to play chess with him a few times. If he won, he could get a reward, just like the reward level for playing a game, and he could get props that reduce the difficulty of the trial.

Mu Bai is not 100% able to win. In the beginning, Mu Bai often lost, and later he won more after studying, so Mu Bai did not dare to be careless, and deliberately chose a chess game that the Dark Lord had never played against him. , I just hope that the master of darkness doesn't understand.

But Mu Bai didn't know, in fact, the ancient king had no interest in playing chess, it just became like this because he was provoked by someone and then lost.

On the other side, Mo Fan saw that he was gone, and while eliminating the bugs, he was looking for Sharjah and Asharuya.

In the dark plane, Mo Fan also has no concept of time.

Not long after, Mo Fan's demon form disappeared. After all, although transforming with the energy of the Sublimation Evil Orb has no side effects, it has the weakness of maintaining time.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Fan finally found Asha Ruiya's graceful figure in a wasteland. Mo Fan hurried over and put his ear on Asharuya's chest.

"Fortunately, there is still a heartbeat."

Asharuiya should have fainted after receiving the shock.

Mo Fan slapped Asharuya's pretty face a few times.

"Hey, wake up."

I don't know whether it was woken up by Mo Fan or by Mo Fan's fan. After slowly waking up, Asha Ruiya felt the pain on her cheek, and asked like an angry kitten: "Can't you use normal Some way to wake me up!"

Mo Fan ignored Asharuya's complaints and asked: "You don't seem to be surprised where this is, you are very calm."

Asharuya looked at Mo Fan, but Mo Fan didn't expect that Mo Fan was quite sharp. After all, Mo Fan gave Asharuya the feeling that he was more like a powerful reckless man, and most of the time he relied on Lingling to guide him.

Of course, Asha Ruiya would not say that she knew that the Dark River had already rushed out of the Dark River after its coordinates were changed. Fortunately, Qin Zhan also has some skills, and has come to pick up Feng Zhoulong and others.

Asha Ruiya came back to the dark river, and was stunned by a powerful force when she planned to use the dark river to return to the magic world.

If you want to explain, the identity of Astraea's dark master messenger can't be concealed, and she doesn't want Mo Fan to know.

Because if this is the case, she is not sure what Mo Fan will think of herself. After all, the dark master messenger is strong, but he is no longer a human being, or even a spy. Asharuya knows that Mo Fan is a mage with a great sense of justice.

Asha Ruiya said: "Don't treat me as a saint, okay, this is the dark plane. Su Lu forcibly opened the dark plane and dragged everyone in."

"Can you go out?" Mo Fan raised his eyebrows. For a traveler like him, the most lacking thing is knowledge.

Asha Ruiya said: "Of course, we are living people after all, but we were forcibly dragged in. As the saying goes, our life is not over, and the king of Hades will not accept it, and the imp will not stay."

"As long as you go to the underworld of the god of the underworld, you can go back through the gate of the underworld in the Pyramid of Khufu."

Mo Fan suddenly remembered, yes, he had entered and exited the dark plane through the Pyramid of Khufu.

The problem is how to get to the underworld, Mo Fan is not familiar with the dark plane, and there is no map and location, not even a compass.

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