Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1276 That Adult 【Ask for Monthly Pass】

There is a small garden under the mage's apartment in the south wing. In the small pavilion paved with cobblestones and marble in the middle of the garden, a man with a pale face sat on a stone bench, staring at the stone table.

If anyone is there, they will see that this stone table is very strange, as smooth as a mirror, but the image presented inside is not a mirror, but a chessboard.

What's even more different is that the chessboard is not placed on chess pieces, but densely packed with people. There are tens of thousands of people, and there are not only humans, but also many dark creatures unique to the dark plane. .

This is like a chessboard of beasts, there are all kinds of ghosts on it, there are humans, monsters, and demons, but it is obvious that these above are not models, but real living creatures, but they are only displayed and shrunk by an unknown number of times.

In simpler terms, it's like playing games on a tablet.

Mu Bai coughed. He looked a little weak, which should be the reason why he hadn't healed from the injuries he suffered in the Kraken War not long ago.

A member of the Southern Wing Mage who passed by looked here, and asked with concern: "Mu Bai, what are you doing, you have suffered such a serious injury, why don't you take a good rest?"

Mu Bai showed a pale smile, waved his hands and said, "Oh, it's nothing, I'm a bit bored after meditating for a long time, playing chess with an old friend."

Opposite Mu Bai, an old man over half a century old was staring at the table with his head half-raised, as if he was seriously playing chess.

The Southern Wing mage didn't approach the past either, and left with a shrug. If he approached, it would be terrifying and life-threatening.

The half-empty avatar of the ancient king said without any emotion in his tone: "You choose to choose the chess pieces first, so I don't mind if I go first?"

Mu Bai nodded and said, "Please."

On the chessboard, Mo Fan felt that his brain was going to shut down.

"What's going on here! Why is it you, Mu Bai!!"

Mo Fan was dumbfounded. Mo Fan and others were dragged into the dark plane by Su Lu. When they came to this land, the masters here captured them all and used them as chess. Originally, Mo Fan thought it was two dark masters playing chess. , but unexpectedly, it was Mu Bai who controlled his side!

On the contrary, Asha Ruiya's eyes flicked slightly, and she guessed a little bit.

It is estimated that the departure of the dark river has something to do with Mo Fan or Mu Bai. If Asharuya guessed correctly, Mu Bai is the same as himself, the messenger of the ruler of darkness, but the master of the two is not the same.

Asharuya also doesn't know who is the master behind Mu Bai, but it is certain that Mu Bai is here to save Mo Fan.

Mo Fan looked at Mu Bai in surprise and said, "Your soul is also a bargaining chip?"

"Well, I choose chess so that you, Sharjah, Black Dragon Emperor, and Asharuya can be on the same side. At first, Asharuya and Black Dragon Emperor are on the other side, and Su Lu is on your side." Mu Bai Said.

Mu Bai raised the bet, and the condition in exchange was to allow him to choose more people.

Mo Fan was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then said, "I'm sorry, I dragged you in."

Mu Bai waved his hand. It always feels weird to say such nasty words from Mo Fan's mouth.

They played chess, while Mu Bai had Black Dragon Emperor, Manzhu Shahua Witch Queen, Mo Fan, Sharjah, Asharuya and others. On the ancient king's chessboard are Su Lu, the previous saint of the Parthenon Temple, and some monarch-level dark demons.

Because according to the rules, each person chooses one, but Mu Bai raised the bet and some of the stronger ones were selected by Mu Bai, so the ancient king chose some of his servants, prisoners and the like as pawns.

For example, Yukai, the last saint of the Parthenon Temple, was called the dark saint. She collected dark holy power and was similar to Leng Jue. After her death, she entered the dark plane and became a prisoner of the fallen saint king.

It is also like the Queen Manju Shahua, who is a powerful monarch of the Shadowborn family belonging to the Shadowborn King, but in the existence of the ancient king, he is just a prisoner.

There are very few wars between the master and the master, but there will be many battles between the master's other subordinates in order to compete for territory. These are the rewards won by the subordinates of the ancient king.

For example, in the early battle between Shayuan and Khufu, Shayuan won a monarch with Medusa blood for the ancient king.

In the dark plane, life is currency, it can be bought and sold, and it is the property of the slave owner. You may even be sold without knowing this kind of sale.

The dark plane is the real demonic realm, where peace and human rights do not exist, strength is everything here.

Mu Bai's chess skills are quite good, and he gained some upper hand in several confrontations. Although there were times when he suffered losses, he avoided the injuries of Mo Fan and Sharjah.

And with the help of the special rules formulated by the ancient king, Mo Fan was strengthened.

And now, Mu Bai's next target is the dark saint, the queen's chess piece of the ancient king's side. As long as he can kill the dark saint, he can tear open a hole, allowing the Black Dragon Emperor, Sharjah and Mo Fan to attack Su Lu and kill him. The game ends when the king dies, and Mo Fan and the others can come back.

The dark and evil saint You Kai looked at Mo Fan, made a prayer gesture and said: "I am praying for my fourth son who was killed by you, and my mother will avenge you today."

Mo Fan couldn't help frowning, and squinted his eyes to look at You Kai, who was opposite, and suddenly found that Yu Kai looked like a person.

Mo Fan asked suspiciously: "You mean... Leng Jue?! Please, I didn't kill your son."

I have to say that Leng Jue and You Kai are really similar, especially the nose and eyes. If Leng Jue wears a wig, it will be even more similar.

However, Mo Fan was also speechless. He captured Leng Jue, but he did not kill him. In the end, Leng Jue died at the hands of Sa Lang. If there is an injustice and a debtor, you should find Sa Lang.

"Why am I locked here, and why is Yizhisha able to leave." The dark and evil saint continued.

At this moment, she no longer seemed to be talking to Mo Fan, but was talking to herself, more like she was complaining to someone. But Mo Fan didn't interfere, and felt that this aunt was about to explode!

Mo Fan had already sat down and was waiting to eat melons.

The clone of the ancient king looked at Youkai and said, "You talk too much."

Yukai was like a shrew, looking at the clone of the ancient king with resentment in his eyes, and said angrily: "You just don't want me to tell these people who are about to leave the dark plane some facts, you have your ambitions, never Don’t tell the world, and let countless people mourn for you, suffer for you, and pray for you.”

The dark saint suddenly pointed at Su Lu and said: "This guy is like an ambitious lunatic who wants to fight to rule everything. But compared with that person, he is like a three-year-old child with insignificant ambition and insignificant resourcefulness. The city government is even more insignificant."

Mo Fan has already sat down and is waiting to eat melons, so who is that adult?

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