Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1282 Information dealer

Asha Ruiya said: "There are indeed leftovers."

After hearing this, Zhaohua couldn't help laughing and said, "But?"

Asha Ruiya said solemnly: "But I won't sell it to you."

Zhaohua glanced at Asha Ruiya, and said slowly: "Don't make trouble with money, I just want to break through the beast taming, and I don't do anything bad."

Asha Ruiya was silent for a while, and said slowly: "I don't know why, I just don't want to sell it to you."



Zhaohua was completely speechless, is this all right?

Zhaohua sighed, spread his hands and said, "Don't you want to hear what my chips are?"

Asha Ruiya picked up a cup of scented tea in front of her, took a sip and said: "Although it is the bone meal and flesh and blood of a real dragon, it is just leftovers. It is indeed a high-level material that can help lead a super-advanced monarch, but I also know that, These things are not of high value to you, and I am not short of this money."

If Mo Fan knew this, he would definitely vomit blood. This so-called little money in Astraea's mouth is as high as more than 1.5 billion, and the sub-celestial species is also the price, and the whole dragon corpse is even more priceless. If you want to measure it by price, it needs more than 100 billion.

Of course, for resources at this level, money is not enough to trade, and most of them use the seeds of the sky or even the core of the earth to do business transactions.

It is conceivable how terrifying it is that Asharuiya's family property can be emptied just by the cost of building. I am referring to the feelings towards Mo Fan.

Zhaohua saw that she didn't even have a cup of tea on the table, and Asharuiya seemed to really not welcome herself.

Zhaohua picked up the cup and poured a cup of scented tea, moistened his throat and said, "I personally came to the Parthenon not only for the leftovers of the Black Dragon, but I also want to enter the inner part of the sacred mountain of the Parthenon and borrow some of your source of faith."

Asha Ruiya looked at Zhaohua with a look like a fool, as if asking: Do you know what you are talking about in your sleep?

The sacred mountain of the Parthenon is not a mountain. It is a treasure house used to store the power of belief in the Parthenon from the beginning of the Parthenon to the present. It is the survival of the entire Parthenon. The place.

The reason why the Parthenon's healing system is so powerful is because of the sacred mountain, and this is also the fundamental reason why the Parthenon can monopolize the awakening of the blessing system in the world.

Because to awaken the awakening stone of the blessing system, it comes from the sacred mountain, which means that there is only one vein of awakening stone of the blessing system in the world.

Now Zhaohua wants to enter the internal source of belief in the Parthenon? ? ?

The source of faith is only the highest level of the Parthenon, such as saints, goddesses, and temple mothers, are eligible to enter, and even Jin Yao Knights cannot enter.

This is the most advanced practice holy place for white magic in the whole world.

"If that's the case, I don't need to talk to you about this." Asharuya made a gesture of invitation.

Asharuya felt that her temper had improved, and if she changed to someone else, Asharuya would just tell him to go away.

"And you also found the wrong person. Only Goddesses and Palace Mothers are qualified to open the sacred mountain. I have no way to bring people into the sacred mountain."

Asha Ruiya did not lie. Only the temple mother and the goddess are qualified to open the mountain. Now that there is no goddess, it can only be opened by the temple mother Pamishi, and it is useless to find herself.

Zhaohua said lightly: "For others, that is indeed impossible, but for you, it is not necessarily so. You have already left your own means in the sacred mountain. The means of the dark master messenger. "

Asharuya is not surprised, she is the emissary of the ruler of darkness, and Asharuya guesses that Zhaohua can know that the power of darkness possessed by that woman is death, and even the dark plane does not have the ruler of the theocracy of death.

The legend has been lost. It's normal for that woman to sense that she is a dark messenger.

"If you want to use this to blackmail me, then it's free. Your wife is not a good thing. It's a big deal." Asha Ruiya refused to accept the threat.

Zhaohua said: "I thought you were Wentai's dark emissary, but I didn't expect that you were not."

Asha Ruiya frowned, Zhaohua said something, and couldn't help asking: "You knew from the beginning that my adoptive father is the master of darkness?"

Zhaohua didn't deny it, nodded and said, "Your father entered the dark plane and became one of the masters of darkness. The top management knew about it a few years ago."

Wuying is indeed the most advanced intelligence organization, but some intelligence cannot be found no matter what.

That is the intelligence at the military leader level, which is the highest level intelligence in the wizarding world. Only the military chiefs, supreme leaders of each country, and the seven archangels after the return of the holy city are qualified to know.

For example, regarding the matter of the master of darkness, this kind of secret will only be passed on word of mouth, and will not even be written down. Of course, Asharuya does not know that Wentai is still alive.

Zhaohua originally thought that Asharuiya, as Wentai's adopted daughter, was Wentai's emissary, but in the battle of Sulu, Zhaohua learned from the black rice worms lurking in the body of some Dubai mages that Asharuiya had no idea about Wentai's death. It turned out not to know.

And Yukai didn't know that Asharuya was the messenger of darkness, so it was intriguing.

The most important thing is that according to the bugman's report, the dark plane that Asharuya uses to connect with the dark river is not the Fallen Saint Realm where Wentai is located, but the dark realm.

Although the magic world knows very little about the dark plane, Project Bee is a little different. Because of Qin Zhan's existence, Project Bee's understanding of the dark plane has become deeper and deeper in recent years.

According to Qin Zhan's information, the Dark Realm is a realm dominated by the Dark King, who was the first ruler of the Dark Plane and obtained the original Dark Theocracy.

If Asharuya was Wentai's envoy, Zhaohua would not be here today, there are many ways for Long Yi to break through in this world. But if Asharuya is not Wentai's envoy, but the Dark King's envoy, then Zhaohua needs to contact her.

Zhaohua continued: "You take me into the inside of the holy mountain. I need to borrow some of your sources of belief to practice. The condition is that I tell you everything about Wentai."

"You are the controller of Wuying, you should understand the value of this information."

"And I can guarantee that there are some things that only I know in the whole world. I can tell you one thing first, Wentai is the Fallen Saint King."

Asharuya shrank her eyes suddenly, and then fell silent for half an hour.

She is indeed not Wen Tai's emissary, but the most powerful Dark King's emissary in the Dark Plane. She even found out that her adoptive father, Wen Tai, has become one of the masters of darkness without dying. She only found out a few days ago.

Wen Tai's news is very important to her, even to the Dark King.

The Fallen Saint King killed Hades and obtained the power of the curse, which directly blew up the dark plane. Theoretically, the theocracy cannot be merged, and it is useless to take two, but the fallen saint king still pursues the dark theocracy and even kills the god of the underworld.

There must be ghosts in here!

If the Fallen Saint King was Wen Tai, it would be even more terrifying, no, it can no longer be described as terrifying! .

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