Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1285 The Power of the Holy Plane

White, this is not holy light, but white light, which is different from the light shown when Michael and Sharjah turned into angels. There is no golden light, but a dazzling white light.

There was a bang, and Zhaohua actually grew wings from behind. No, it's six wings. The six snow-white wings slowly spread out. I didn't think it was too big at first, but when it was fully opened, it felt like it could cover the sky, although it was actually only two or three meters wide. , compared to Long Yi's 100-meter-long dragon wings, it is insignificant, but it gives people a feeling of covering the sky and the sun.

There was a loud bang, and in that instant, a silver-white light burst out from Zhaohua's body.

Asharuya can be sure that this is definitely not any kind of white magic she knows!

"The color looks like the white light of the mind system and the healing system, but it's not milky white. It doesn't have the majestic vitality of the plant system, and it doesn't have the warmth of the light system."

"Strong, sharp, holy, what kind of magic is this!"

Asharuya was shocked, her eyes full of surprise. The matter of the Fallen Saint King was shocking enough, and the alternative power shown by Zhaohua now made Asharuya think a lot.

"What is going on in this world, this is definitely not the white magic of the magical world... You are the human messenger of the ruler of the holy plane!"

At this moment, the white holy light from Zhaohua's body exploded. This white light is not like sunlight, it is spreading, not illuminating.

These white rays of light are dyeing the mountain road, and the stone steps on the mountain road seem to be painted with white paint by a famous painter.

The white light blooms wildly, each ray of white is so real, like substance, not as illusory as the light system, as if you can touch it with your hand, and each ray of holy light is full of sharp feeling, isn't it The power of redemption, this is the power of judgment.

When the white light illuminates the stone steps, the six wings behind Zhaohua are flying feathers, and there are some tiny fluttering fluttering.

Zhaohua had sensed it with the perception of wind, and there was indeed no one around.

But this is not the reason why Zhaohua used the Holy Silver power so recklessly and unscrupulously.

The main reason is that he is really full-fledged.

In layman's terms, Zhaohua's wings are stiff now.

In the past, Zhaohua was afraid that if the fact that Shengyin came from the holy plane was discovered, it would attract the crusade from the Magic Association, the Holy Inquisition and the Holy City. This will bring me a lot of trouble. Even if I won't be caught, I will be blocked everywhere, and I can't do many things with ease.

But now it is different, Zhaohua is no longer just a little high-level mage, Zhaohua is about to reach the four-line super-level, and he also has multiple monarch-level summoned beasts, and even the crown of the supreme monarch The purple linden tree and the insects who are no less powerful than the supreme monarch.

And most importantly, Zhaohua is now in power.

This is the most fundamental reason. Zhaohua has great power. In Asia, Zhaohua's power is even greater than that of Su Lu.

Think about the extent of Zhaohua's current power.

The leader of the Komora family, the largest underworld magic world in Europe and Italy, the current master of the Hall of Killers, the deputy chief judge of the strongest magic empire in Asia, the head of the most mysterious bee project that protects the country, and his grandfather was once the head of the Central Army The patron saint of the imperial capital.

This kind of status, coupled with his terrible time, and various life-saving cards, was enough for him to walk sideways.

The reason why Su Lu dared to challenge the holy city was not because of how powerful he was. Compared with the holy city, Su Lu's high-end combat power was only the black dragon of Xizhe and Yadiwang, plus himself.

But what Su Lu has is power, and he has a powerful army to guard his own power in Dubai. If the holy city deals with Su Lu, it will also be injured, so as long as it does not step over the boundary, the holy city will not deal with Su Lu.

Not to mention Zhaohua, he no longer has to hide that the holy silver comes from the holy plane, even if someone watches it, it doesn't matter, this is his power, his summoned beast, and it's not up to others to point fingers.

At this moment, Zhaohua's appearance even changed a bit, the ends of his hair turned white, and a quarter of his originally black hair became the same color as the holy silver feather.

Zhaohua's hair was already a little long, and sometimes he would tie it up with a rubber band, but now it suddenly became a quarter longer, and a quarter of the white came out, making Zhaohua's hair grow to the shoulders.

Moreover, every feather on the wings behind Zhaohua is so sharp, like the blade of the sky, each feather seems to be tailored by the sky, these feathers can tailor the darkness of the world.

"I am not the messenger of the gods on the holy plane, I am me, a human mage."

Zhaohua denied Asharuya's answer.

Creatures with theocratic authority in the dark plane are called rulers, and those in the holy plane are called gods, but Zhaohua is not the messenger of the gods, as he said, he is him, a human mage.

Zhaohua did not abandon her human identity.

Zhaohua turned his head to look at the four statues in front. The four statues had already been unsealed, and the outer seal was broken by Zhaohua's white light.

Zhaohua said: "Let me try this so-called road of the brave. Is it really so difficult? Come on together, I will not be suppressed by the mountain."

Zhaohua hooked his fingers, the suppression of the mountain is ineffective for him in this form, the power of the holy silver is to purify, even the prohibition on the bottom of Atlantis can be broken, let alone the restriction of the mountain.

Zhaohua didn't bully them either, Zhaohua only used commander-level summoned beasts, whether it was Shengyin, Longyi or Xiong Da, they were all commander-level, Zhaohua didn't bully these poor statuettes either.

Under Shengyin's holy and pure power, Long Yi and Xiong Da's suppression was also released, and they returned to their original state of strength.

Zhao Hua said: "Xiong Da, the bronze herd of beasts in the first stage will be handed over to you. Those are the strength of a small leader. The silver and white stone ghosts in the second stage are of the same strength as Long Yi, so you have no reason to lose."

Ho ho! ! Long Yi was a little upset that he looked down on it so much!

Now the Holy Feather seal appeared on Long Yi's forehead, so that Long Yi would not be suppressed. It is an evil dragon that destroys everything. If it loses to a monster of the same level, it is willing to commit suicide!

Long Yi bared his teeth, breathed air through his nostrils, his wings trembled and a hurricane burst straight at the silver gargoyle, directly kicking the silver gargoyle into the mountain path. Stepping on the silver gargoyle's chest and making a deafening roar at it, it seems to be demonstrating and mocking.

"You may have to run, my lord."

Asharuya looked at Zhaohua who spread his six wings and flew towards the third and fourth levels. He really planned to clear the four levels at once.

At this moment, Zhaohua's whole person became extremely majestic, and his gestures were like a holy angel judging the world.

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