Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1304 I really don't blame others for forcing their way

Crack, clack, the blue-tailed carp jumped out of the contract space of Zhaohua's first summoning system.

It has been almost two weeks, and Zhaohua has not closed the high-level summoning door until now. Now the blue-tailed carp is like a child on summer vacation, going to the girlfriend's house to play crazy. Now the blue-tailed carp is temporarily living in the contract space Inside, they live with Lan Xinghu, eat, drink and sleep together.

The blue-tailed carp jumped onto Zhaohua's shoulder. Now it is very excited, because Zhaohua has told it that there is a mountain spring on the top of Mount Hua, which can help the blue-tailed carp to advance.

The reason why the five hidden magic families chose the Five Mountains is not because of other reasons, but because each mountain in the Five Mountains has a holy place for cultivation. The location of the headquarters of each big magic family is particular, especially the older magic The family is more particular.

For example, the Mu Clan, as an ancient ice magic family, there is an ice cave in their base camp of Mupang Mountain, which contains a very rich ice element, which can be absorbed by mages to improve their cultivation.

Not to mention places like the Demon Capital, the Demon Capital, and the Imperial Capital, even Bo City has a holy spring.

The reason why Zhaohao couldn't leave the imperial capital was because Zhaohao was able to maintain his current state mainly because he relied on an ancient vein in the imperial capital. Zhaohao's duty is to guard the imperial capital and also this legendary ancient landline.

Zhaohao and Zhaolang also looked at the blue-tailed carp.

Zhaolang said: "A juvenile sea-monster with a high bloodline, even in the summoning plane, belongs to the top bloodline."

Zhao Hao also nodded in agreement and said: "And he has a very strong intelligence, because the bloodline is too high, it is too difficult to advance. What is needed is not only simple resources, but also a special opportunity to break through."

Neither Zhaolang nor Zhaohao knew that Zhaohua was summoning the plane, because both of them had experienced it, and understood that every strong man must have some ulterior secrets. The unspeakable peerless secret.

So they were also very interesting and didn't ask Zhaohua why he had so many summoned beasts with extremely high bloodlines.

Any one of Zhaohua's summoned beasts would shock the world. Among Zhaohua's eight summoned beasts, ordinary things like sub-dragons are not even qualified for comparison. The same is true for high-level beast tide summons. .

But on the contrary, Zhaohua's animal taming bloodlines are very low, like the three-tailed dead wood scorpion back then, the big bear thunder bear, Long Yi or miscellaneous dragon, and the death knight only had a bunch of bones at the beginning, although now there are four The beast tamers have all reached the monarch level, but their own bloodlines are all at the slave level, and they gradually progress up.

Beast taming and summoning are like two extremes, one is the unfortunate grassroots, the other is the lucky arrogance.

"Several bosses, I am the driver of Didi magic car, and I will serve you all day today."

As soon as Zhaohua's six people and Guigui walked out of the airport, a stretched luxury car was already parked at the gate.

Zhaohua directly hired a driver for a day. He originally hired a driver for a few days, but it was stipulated that the driver would be a driver for a maximum of one day, and then he would have to change to another one. Moreover, those who fly around can't enjoy the scenery along the way, Ji Shaohan and the three of them have objections.

After several people got into the car, Zhaohua said, "Go to the ancient capital first according to the schedule."

The driver said: "I received the boss."

Zhaohua did not go directly to Huashan, but went to the ancient capital from Xianyang International Airport. The airport is very close to the ancient capital, only 30 minutes away.

"It's changed a lot. Last time I took a look from a distance, there are undead and ruins everywhere." Ji Shaohan looked out the window and said.

Zhaohua nodded and said, "Well, the ancient capital is now the city with the most support and development from the state, except for the four base cities that defend against sea monsters."

Zhaolang also looked outside. Compared with the ancient capital eight years ago, the current ancient capital is completely two cities, and agreed: "The Shayuan Undead Demon Kingdom has been disintegrated, and this city has also glowed with new strength."

The ancient capital is now even bigger than when the catastrophe occurred eight years ago, because the Shayuan is gone, and the eight dead kings and the eight tribes of the undead were all taken away by the Shayuan, and are now trapped in the dark plane.

Even Zhan Kong, the dead emperor of the evil armor, had been killed by Michael, so in the ancient capital, Michael's reputation is quite large.

It is naturally impossible for ordinary people to know that Zhan Kong sacrificed himself to be swallowed by the evil armor. They just know that Mo Fan sacrificed his life to protect the ancient capital, and Michael killed the emperor of Shayuan Undead Demon Kingdom.

But now, Shayuan is gone, and the one who benefits the most is naturally the ancient capital that has been invaded by Shayuan's undead.

Although without Shayuan, all the undead in the ancient capital would not disappear, but there is no doubt that the pressure on the ancient capital has been greatly reduced, and now the ancient capital has more than one outer city.

The country has planned the ancient capital into an incomparably huge living city, which is used as a refuge city for sea monsters from natural disasters.

It is the largest inland refuge city in the country.

The geographical location of the ancient capital is quite perfect, just in the middle of the country's land. With the existence of the Qinling Mountains, it can effectively defend against sea monsters. In case the four base cities are lost, the ancient capital is the most perfect refuge.

The country now plans to develop the ancient capital into a huge living city that can accommodate 50 to 100 million people to live safely.

The sea monster natural disaster is the top priority of the country now, and everything is carried out around the sea monster natural disaster.

On the bell tower of the Judgment Council of the ancient capital, Zhaohua and his son stood on the rooftop where the guillotine plan was to be carried out, looking down at this huge city that is still busy expanding.

"Since the Dead Emperor was wiped out by Michael and Shayuan entered the dark plane, we have expanded our area by ten times." Han Ji, president of the Ancient Capital Clock Tower Magic Association, said from the elevator.

Because the ancient capital was responsible for the catastrophe at the beginning, Han Ji basically has the final say in the ancient capital now. Han Ji now holds the three positions of presiding judge and council member of the ancient capital, and is truly the leader of the ancient capital.

Zhao Hua came to shake hands with Han Ji and said, "Hello, I am Zhao Hua, the vice president of the Yaodu Trial Council. I haven't seen President Han Ji for a long time."

Han Ji smiled and said: "The vice president has a really good memory, he still remembers me as an old man."

This is not the first time Zhaohua and Han Ji have met. During the finals in Venice, Han Ji, Pang Lai, and Shao Zheng came to visit the national team members. Although Han Ji mainly chatted with Mo Fan at that time, Zhaohua did remember him. , be regarded as met.

Zhaohua said straight to the point: "President Han, I am here mainly to ask you for a pass."

Han Ji looked puzzled and asked, "Where is the pass?"


Han Ji's eyes were startled, and he said: "Mount Hua? Mountain Hua should be closed now. They will hold a discussion on Mount Hua every four years. Only invited magic families are eligible to go to the top of Mount Hua to discuss the Tao."

Zhaohua smiled faintly: "I know, so I want you, the governor of the ancient capital, to issue a pass."

Han Ji frowned and said, "Even if Huashan is under the jurisdiction of the ancient capital, I'm afraid I can't help you."

After hearing this, Zhaohua smiled and said, "No, as long as you have a pass, that's enough."

Zhaolang and Zhaohao almost didn't laugh out loud, this kid is too thieves, and he doesn't know who he inherited.

It's obvious that he wants to force his way in a legitimate name, it's too cheap.

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