Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1329 Bloodline of the King

Ying Yan didn't feel ashamed in admitting defeat, because when they looked up and saw the black crack in the sky, they all felt a thump in their hearts.

A super mage casts a spell with the power of a forbidden spell? ! !

No one will deny the power of Ying Yan's Undead Flame and healing magic. Ying Yan showed everyone how to play a healing mage. You don't have to stand behind and give milk to your teammates. As long as you recover blood quickly enough, then I am invincible Immortal.

Who said that monsters are powerful physically, but human mages who are breastfeeding healing magic can also be awesome.

If one day, Ying Yan becomes a healing curse mage, his undead flame healing magic will definitely become the strongest healing magic in the world, even rivaling the soul magic of the Parthenon.

However, now, Zhaohua is still going to be better. The super-level mage blasted out the power of the forbidden spell, which in itself is an extremely outrageous thing.

It is still possible for an intermediate mage to have the power of high-level magic, but for an ultra-level mage to cut a crack in the sky, the only thing that the magic world can't bear is the forbidden spell.

Even Ying Yan's holy arrow of the phoenix couldn't bear it anymore, and Zhaohua is still a super mage, if he is a forbidden curse mage, if he is a forbidden curse mage himself, I am afraid that once his magic is released, everything will be wiped out , Everything turned into the soul of the dead under the sword.

Of course, Zhaohua's Shura Hengtian played tricks, but who stipulated that he can't always play tricks. Don't forget about Ji Shao'an, even if Zhao Hao is not there, as long as Ji Shao'an is by his side, a husband and wife partner is unparalleled in the world.

After the battle, Zhaohua returned to his original state, while Guigui lay wearily in Ji Shaoan's arms.

Ying Yan activated healing magic to heal Zhaohua's injuries. His arm and body injuries were much more serious than his own. Zhaohua had no healing ability, and he did not have a healing summoned beast.

An old man in Taoist uniform came over and said slowly, "It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead."

If Mo Fan was here at this time, he would definitely recognize that this old Taoist priest was the one who had been guiding Mo Fan Qingxiu in Mount Hua back then.

After Mo Fan became a demon in the ancient capital catastrophe, when the side effects erupted, he slowly recovered under the supervision and guidance of this old Taoist priest.

Zhaohao introduced: "This person is Xuanyuanlong, the current head of Huashan. He is now one hundred and twenty-eight years old."

Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua looked at the old Taoist Xuanyuanlong in disbelief, one hundred and twenty-eight! ? Fifty years older than Zhaohao!

Zhaohao said: "I came to Huashan more than 50 years ago mainly to find him. He was like this at that time, and he is still like this now. He has never changed."

Zhaohua couldn't help but look carefully, one hundred and twenty-eight years old, normal people can't reach this age, and Zhaohua felt from his energy that he was still very healthy.

Jiang Tiansheng said in a low voice: "The ones behind him are Li Zhong from the Li family and Liu Jue from the Liu family. They are the heads of Mount Heng and Mount Heng. They are both forbidden curse mages. Their strength should be similar to that of the Xuanyuan Army. Li Zhong and Liu Jue Although Jue is the head of the Five Sacred Mountains like Xuanyuan Long, they are only seventy years old, in a sense Li Zhong and Liu Shi are Xuanyuan Long's grandchildren, and those of Xuanyuan Long's generation died long ago."

Ji Shao asked curiously, "Is there any secret to his longevity?"

Jiang Tiansheng said: "I don't know the details, but according to the speculation of the Magic Association, in addition to the good environment here in Wuyue can prolong life, the most important thing is that he inherited the blood of the epic poet king."

"The Epic King?"

Jiang Tiansheng nodded and said: "Well, demons have heaven and earth holy spirits, ancient beast races, and ancient real dragons, and we humans also have this kind. I heard that in ancient times, the king who unified the continent was called the epic king. According to their descendants themselves , the epic poet king is the mage who came into being."

Ying Yan and Du Long'er looked at each other, came into being? Isn't that the victim!

As if he knew what Ying Yan and Du Longer were thinking, Zhao Hua said: "But later the Magic Association believed that this so-called epic poet king is actually a natural talent, and this kind of natural talent is even more powerful when they receive their magic power. Young and active, the spiritual world ages more slowly. So the magic will be more powerful."

"To put it bluntly, it is a mage whose strength is far beyond the limit of human beings."

Xuanyuanlong kept smiling and said: "Hello, I am Xuanyuanlong, the head of Huashan."

Zhaohua also responded with a smile and stretched out his hand and said, "Hi, I am the deputy chief judge of the Judgment Council, and my name is Zhaohua. If I excuse you, I would like to borrow something from you."

Xuanyuanlong looked at Zhaohua seriously and said: "I know your purpose. You won the first place in Huashan's theory of Taoism, so you can naturally enter the Jingxin Spring. Sea monsters and natural disasters are coming, and there may not even be a place for human beings to live by then. It's no use keeping the spring and the water. You can stay in the spring as long as you want."

Hearing Xuanyuan Long's words, some Huashan disciples began to whisper. Qingxin Spring is actually equivalent to Congcheng Hot Spring in Congcheng, Dishengquan Holy Land in Bocheng, Three-step Pagoda in Pearl Academy, etc., which are holy places for cultivation.

However, the energy of these holy places is limited, and it is impossible to stay in them all the time, and only a small number of people can enter them every once in a while.

There are quite a few people who are waiting for the opportunity to enter. If they are tricked by Zhaohua in this way, they may have to delay entering Qingxin Spring for a long time.

Xuanyuan Long waved his hand to silence everyone, and continued: "From today onwards, all Huashan disciples who are willing to go down the mountain to fight the sea monster are eligible to enter the Qingxin Spring to practice."

! ! ! ! !

"The sea monster natural disaster is coming, and I believe everyone understands the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. We will not force the disciples who are unwilling to leave Huashan, but I hope to use the meager strength of our five mountains to protect this country. This has always been the mission of our existence!"

"Hengshan and Hengshan are also open to practice holy places."

Jiang Shaoxu asked: "What about the Qin family of Mount Tai and the head of Songshan of another Bai family?"

Jiang Tiansheng said: "The head of Mount Tai disappeared decades ago, and Xuanyuanlong is acting as the head of Mount Tai now. I don't know about Mount Song."

Jingxin Spring is like a wonderful and magical symphony. The spring water flows out from the cracks of the mountain day and night, trickling down, converging into a small clear stream, passing through the chaotic rocks.

Sitting here seems to have been purified both physically and mentally, with an ethereal feeling.

"It's so comfortable, why don't we move this spring home."

Ji Shaohan suddenly uttered a shocking word, which made Xuanyuan Jun's eyelids twitch in fright.

Ji Shao smiled awkwardly and said, "Just kidding. Hahaha"

With a plop, Blue Tail Carp and Blue Xinghu leaped into the water, diving into the water perfectly, and the referees gave them perfect marks.

Zhaohua is naturally not in the meditation spring, he has more important things to do.

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