Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1333 The Pistil of the Earth

On the other side, in Fanxue Mountain. Mo Fan is fighting the crowd.

After all, Fan Xueshan and Zhao Jing's group had been fighting for a long time, and Mo Fan returned to Fan Xueshan from Qinling Mountains even the next day.

And as if it was agreed, when Fan Xueshan started the war, not to mention the Magic Association, the Trial Council, and the military, all irrelevant mages did not come to watch and greet, and the news on the Internet seemed to be dead, there was no news at all. .

But when Fanxue Mountain won the battle and captured some hunters from Asuka City and the mages who supported Zhao Jing from the Southern Wing Mage Group, the Tribunal and the Magic Association rushed to Fanxue Mountain.

Dealing with reporters, developing conferences, treating the wounded, post-disaster reconstruction, damage compensation, etc., are naturally handled by Mu Ningxue and the others, and Mo Fan was sent by Mu Ningxue to Feiniao Base City, and those forces that participated in the attack on Fanxue Mountain The top started a negotiation.

Just two words: liquidation!

Dare to deal with Fan Xueshan? One counts as one!

Mo Fan held a stack of lists in his hand, all of them were the list of mages who died in Fanxue Mountain or were captured. Liu Ru checked clearly what family each mage belonged to and who was behind it.

Liu Ru is Fan Xueshan's real eye in Asuka City, she is now a monarch-level vampire, it can be said that she has unified the underworld forces in Asuka City, and she is the head of the gang in Asuka City.

Mo Fan arrived at the agreed place early, and the list was roughly divided into five factions, the Southern Wing Mage Group of the Asuka Base City, the Municipal Council of the Asuka Base City, the Military of the Asuka Base City, the Zhao Clan, and the Nanrong Family.

To encircle and suppress Fanxue Mountain, there must be some connections within Asuka City.

With a slap, Mo Fan slammed the table, pointed at the five representatives present, and cursed angrily: "Grandma, you bastards are united to kill me at Fanxue Mountain, don't think I don't know what's inside your dog's belly What kind of shit is pretending, Zhao Jing takes the lead and you follow him to fan the flames, add oil and vinegar, and wait for the soup in the back, just wait for us Fanxueshan to die, and then start to carve up, if Lin Kang’s dog does not have your acquiescence, he dare Chaofan Snow Mountain sent people??"

"Damn it, the five old things add up to almost three hundred years old. If I didn't respect the old, I would let you five go down to accompany Zhao Jing right now."

"Although I'm just a small honorary member of parliament, I'm also the champion of the national government competition. If I throw this evidence on the Internet, your reputation in Asuka City will be ruined. Who dares to stay in your Asuka City to develop? When the time comes we At worst, Fan Xueshan will move to the Demon Capital and the Demon Capital. He still has the face to argue in front of me!"

What Mo Fan has is the evidence. Not to mention Mo Fan's reputation as the hero of the ancient capital and the skull hunter, as far as the name of the national champion, Mo Fan's influence on the Internet is also top-notch.

If Mo Fan directly throws the evidence on the Internet, the name of Asuka Base City will definitely be stink. When the higher level of the country blames it, the five people here will immediately lose their rights, and may even be imprisoned.

However, the name of Asuka City is stinky, and Fan Xueshan can't stay there if everyone runs away, and he definitely can't do this unless he has to.

Mu Linsheng, Zhao Manyan, and Mu Bai were all a little dumbfounded, that's not what they said before they came! This is the way to kill the fish and break the net!

Nanrong Xishan, the deputy mayor of Asuka Base City, said through gritted teeth, "You're doing it to death, and it's not good for anyone!"

Mo Fan chuckled, with a look of disdain, he laughed and said: "Dare to encircle and suppress my Fan Xueshan! Let me tell you, the fish may not die, but the net will definitely break."

Nan Rong Xi Shan wanted to say something, but Li Shou, Li Shou, Li's base city defender, stopped him and shook his head.

The Li family and Mo Fan have also dealt with each other several times. Mo Fan is the kind of person who starts with a three, and he throws four and two kings. It is commonly known as not playing cards according to common sense.

I don't win the kind of people you don't want to win.

This time Mo Fan brought Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai with him, which shows that he actually wanted to make some money at the beginning. After all, he is not alone now, and he needs to think about Fan Xueshan. , Consumed resources, medicines, destroyed buildings, if the fish die and the net is destroyed, Fan Xueshan will really return to before liberation.

Of course, before Fan Xueshan returned to liberation, the five people sitting here would probably go to trial and be imprisoned.

This time Mo Fan did not invite the presiding judge of Asuka Base City to come, because the trial will be the country’s judiciary against mages, and they will only implement it in accordance with the country’s laws. They will definitely not care about such private negotiations. Since Mo Fan If there is evidence, let's do business. The mages had a magical fight because of their own self-interest, and everyone went to the trial meeting to drink coffee.

This time, Mo Fan put it bluntly and decided to settle it privately. If everyone agrees, then I will destroy this evidence and not call the police.

"Damn it, I have devoted myself to the country, and I have worked hard without credit. You officials dispatched from other places, what have you done, and how many demons have you killed? You deserve to talk to me. I am willing to see you today. It's enough to give you old faces."

"There are still five high-ranking mages. Pooh, I have the guts to go out to sea and kill a supreme monarch to see. I just killed one not long ago. We mages, the record speaks for itself."

Mo Fan pointed at these five leaders and cursed them all! The five top mages were so scolded that their faces were flushed, and they were angry and annoyed, but Mo Fan was right. The mages always talk about their achievements. It is well known that Mo Fan killed a sea king skeleton not long ago. Things, as the top mages, they have to consider even going to sea, not to mention killing the supreme monarch, for fear of another claw suddenly coming.

Papapa, suddenly there was a burst of applause from outside the door.

Everyone present was shocked, they didn't notice it at all, and they immediately understood why when they looked outside the door.

"The head of the Chinese army!!"

Just when those old mages were planning to sue the villains first and set charges against Mo Fan, Hua Zhanhong said first: "I'm sorry Mo Fan, I came a little late when I was old, and I just beheaded the head of the Supreme Monarch." Sharks, according to my instructions, you have protected the reward of the country's important strategic resources, and the body of the supreme monarch will belong to you."

! ! ! ! ! !

Zhao Manyan suddenly took a breath, the chief of the Shark Kingdom! ! Sovereign Sovereign! ! ! Isn't that the invincible sea beast monarch who is on the same level as his old turtle!

Easily cut! ! !

Zhao Manyan couldn't help swallowing, is this the most powerful person in the country! No wonder our country is still standing in the face of so many monster empires, and we are not afraid of the totem black snake making trouble in Hangzhou. Creatures like totem beasts are easy to do.

But Mo Fan sighed in his heart. The capital of the Chinese army came, and he directly threw the corpse of a supreme monarch in exchange, so Mo Fan naturally had no way to steal the core of the earth.

Although Mo Fan has Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, his expression is righteous. He solemnly took out the core of the earth from the space opened by his space system, and said righteously, "Since the head of the Hua army has come in person, I'll leave it to you." , I’m really not sure about handing it over to someone else.”

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