Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1337 Invincible God Tree

Above the worm-man, a huge white net spread out. Looking from below, it was densely packed with bald eagles flapping their wings. Their sharp claws and wings were about to touch each other, and there was a sharp cry. All day long.

Cruel! ! !

If Mo Fan, Lingling and others were here, they would be able to tell who they were at a glance.

The whole body of this head is as dazzling as silver, and every white feather on the wings is glowing coldly, and the metallic feathers are definitely sharper than the magic tool.

The hair on the top of the head is standing upright, presenting a fan-shaped opening of a silver crown. This is its territory, including the trees that were cut down a few years ago and it is also its property. It does not need any creatures, especially the hateful human mage Get involved.

It was high above the sky, lazily not paying attention to this tiny human mage sneaking into its own territory.

Silver Dome.

At the beginning, they brought tens of thousands of white magic eagles to make troubles in Hangzhou, and attacked Mo Fan and others a few years ago, and competed with another Yu clan monarch for the throne of Yuwang to gain a large-scale territorial control.

A creature with a cruel nature and an extremely malicious attitude toward humans.

In the end, being disturbed by Mo Fan and others, the Silver Skylord did not get the throne of the Feather King, but the other Feather Clan monarch also failed to complete the summit, and was disturbed by Yue'ehuang. In the end, Mo Fan and the others took After Yue'ehuang left, he controlled the oath tree, and the emperor of the Yu clan standing at the peak of Qinling made Silver Qiongzhu and Moshan Yujun jointly take charge of the east and west of Qinling.

It was originally a situation of two birds co-managing, but later Mo Fan put a monarch-level demon named Xie Xing in Qinling, resulting in the situation of three kingdoms.

Now the strength of the Silver Skylord is no longer that of the little monarch who was hanged and beaten by the totem black snake. The current Silver Skylord has reached the strength of the Supreme Sovereign because of the double crown of the Feather Clan Conference, and the tribes under him have also expanded from only small tribes. to a huge tribe with five common monarchs.

The Yu family under his command reached hundreds of thousands, and he was the strongest existence in the Qinling Mountains except for the emperor above the cloud of the oath tree.

"Little guy, I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better not mess with me."

The bugman didn't even have the mood to look back at the Silver Skylord. After all, the avatar of his strongest summoned beast was wiped out, and even the god leaves and fruits were picked. How could it be in a good mood.

The Silver Skylord is one of the double crowns of the Feather Clan Conference, which naturally brings countless benefits. For example, Mo Fan and others have worked so hard to get some oath tree fruit trees. For the real Yu Clan winners, those fruits are just superficial , they get better tree top fruit, and their strength leaps to a notch.

Human mages have accelerated cultivation resources, and so do demons.

Not long ago, the Silver Skylords who had reached the Supreme Sovereign naturally understood Mandarin, after all, they were also creatures of this country.

Puff puff puff! ! Dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the silver lord of the sky, and he spread his silver wings. The huge wings were about a kilometer long, truly covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The feathers on its body can change freely. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of sharp feather blades are like sharp arrows, and the sky is full of silver light arrows, like the pear blossom rainstorm, shooting at the insect man Zhaohua on the ground!

"Hey, are you so stupid that you can't even see the difference in strength between the two sides?"

Kakaka, suddenly, the ground shook, the trunk of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree that had been chopped down by Mo Fan and others suddenly burst up, and the branches that had already decayed suddenly sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain. wooden tip.

Whoosh whoosh! The devil's wood point that grows from the decaying tree trunk is like an anti-rocket system in a science fiction novel. Facing the silver dome's 100,000 feathered sword rain offensive, the devil's wood point responded to this saturated attack.

After sensing the incoming arrow from the Silver Skylord, in less than half a second, as if he had eyes, he judged the aiming direction of the arrow according to the speed, quantity, and airflow conditions of the arrow, and only intercepted the arrow. The Feather Arrow aimed at the Insect Man, most of the bluff Feather Arrow did not care at all, and those real killing moves hidden in the dark did not fall at all.

The devil's wooden tip not only accurately intercepted the feathered arrow that was really aimed at it, but also fought back, passing through the sharp blade field of the Silver Skylord lingering around its body like a violent whirlwind.

With a bang, a purple spike puffed, and under the protection of the impenetrable blade field, it found the only gap in the feather whirlwind, passed through the blade field and shot through the silver skylord's wings.

A smear of blood instantly stained the wings of the silver sky lord red.

At the beginning, Zhu Meng and others could not break through the sharp blade domain with their lives, but it was so easily cracked.

Wow! ! The silver sky lord looked up to the sky and screamed, and his angry voice spread throughout the entire Qinling Mountains, no matter whether it was the East Mountain or the West Mountain, he could clearly hear this cry.

The silver sky lord was furious, and the roar of anger echoed in the Qinling Mountains.

"My God! It's the Silver Skylord! It's calling for its companions! It's over, over and over, more than half of the Yu clan in Qinling will be dispatched, and they will kill anyone they see."

"Which stupid mage is messing with that guy, run away!"

In the area close to the depths of Dongling, this place has been occupied by the powerful Silver Skylord tribe, and belongs to the Silver Skylord's domain. This angry cry awakened countless Yuzu who were sleeping on the branches.

Shi Gongzuo, the hunter mage hired by Duanmulin, looked in the direction of the oath tree and said, "Huh? This is the voice of the Silver Skylord. Someone has angered the Silver Skylord!"

"Boss, could it be that Zhao Jing ran to the depths of the Qinling Mountains to avoid Mo Fan's pursuit with the help of demons?"

Of course, Shi Gongzuo and the others did not know that Zhao Jing had been killed by Mo Fan, and it was impossible for Mo Fan to say that he was so stupid to kill the top mage of the Zhao family, and it would be best to let him die without evidence.

Shi Gongzuo looked at Duanmu Lin and asked, "Duanmu Forbidden Curse, what do you think?"

Duan Mulin nodded and said: "No matter what, we should find out. Even if my apprentice has a chance, he must be saved."

In fact, Duan Mulin has already scolded his mother in his heart. Which idiot angered the Silver Skylord? Although he can defeat the Silver Skylord, it is the territory of the Yu Clan emperor. Once he exposes the power of the forbidden curse, he will definitely attract the emperor. If the Shenmujing seedling escaped, it would be a big problem.

On the other side, the bugman who shot the Silver Skylord looked up at the Silver Skylord for the first time, with pity in his eyes.

Seeing the 100,000 white magic eagles swooping down like dense white nets in the sky, they didn't show any fear, and even pitied them.

"Since you want to die, then I'll make it happen for you. These White Magic Falcons are barely enough for dinner. Come out."

Boom boom boom, the earth split open, and pitch-black tree roots as thick as mountains drilled out of the ground cracks. The pitch-black tree roots were like the claws of giant devils crawling out of hell, and countless tree roots and branches danced wildly.

Puff puff puff, the branches turned into spears and made a skewer meal for those swooping white magic eagles. The blood of the white magic eagles flowed on the ghost wood spears of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree, and was slowly absorbed by the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree. .

Boom, a giant broke out of the ground, several times larger than the clone of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree that Mo Fan killed at the beginning, a truly invincible tree. The bugman standing on the top of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree stood higher than the flying silver lord, looking down at the silver lord below.

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