Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1340 Tianguan Zilin God Tree Tribe

At the original location of the Tianguan Purple Forging God Tree, the giant tree of astrology that had already withered and lost its vitality has come back to life, although it is insignificant compared to the Tianguan Purple Linden God Tree and the Ancient Oath Tree. Great witch, but the giant star language tree is also a large tree species.

The giant tree of Xingyu has long since died out. Perhaps the giant tree in front of me should not be called the giant tree of Xingyu, but should be called the Tianguan Huoshu. Originally, the leaves of the giant tree of Xingyu would emit a little bit of starlight. After that, it has now lost its starlight.

The sky crown fire tree in front of him was replaced by blue flames.

Only the green fire konjac, the size of a baby's fist, lives on the leaves of the sky crown fire tree. The blue fire konjac will emit a faint blue fire light every time it breathes out, and only the sky crown fire tree, which itself is a fire attribute tree, can They will not be burned by the high temperature of the green fire konjac, and they also subtly absorb the fire elemental energy emitted by the sky crown fire tree.

Hearing the call of the bugman, all the blue fire konjacs swarmed out from the giant tree of astronomical language with blue flames all over their bodies and turned into torrents of flames.

Not only the green fire grasshopper, but also two giant beasts, the sea dragon and the sea frontier mammoth, who were sleeping in the lake on the top of the Tianguan purple linden tree, broke out of the lake, and the lake water rushed to the surroundings with a splash, and the lake water on their bodies slanted down. A rainbow appeared under the light.

The Sea Abyss Evil Dragon has the most irritable temperament. Although as a sea dragon, it is quite difficult to deal with the Yuzu, the ferocious Sea Abyss Evil Dragon dares to rush up and bite even if it faces the Great Monarch and Supreme Monarch who are stronger than it. A piece of meat comes down.

The Chinese Sovereign is already at the peak of the strength of the Haiyuan Evil Dragon, and the Haiyuan Evil Dragon is just a sub-dragon. Although it is very high in the sub-dragon lineage, the Zhongjun is the limit.

The Maritime Mammoth is even lower. Like Mo Fan's old wolf, the upper limit of bloodline is that of an ordinary monarch. Without special opportunities, his strength can no longer be improved.

However, in three or four years, he was able to cultivate the evil dragon of Haiyuan from a dragon egg to the middle monarch. The daddy of Tianguan Zilin God Tree is really awesome.

But thinking about it, Mo Fan and the others only got the Divine Leaf of the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree to restore Yue'ehuang to its peak strength. For the truly complete Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree, this is just a piece of cake .

Wow, the red-haired and six-armed sea serpent is wriggling its Miaoman figure, and its red snake tail is wriggling and walking lazily from the lake. The sea snake and the sea dragon are both the power of the Chinese monarch. Now Has completed the maturity period, the strength can no longer be improved, only advanced.

The three-eyed liger lives in the forest area on the top of the tree, and the Garuda rests on the body of the three-eyed liger in the morning. If it weren't for the bugman's call, they might not have woken up, and they knew that the silver sky lord could not threaten them at all.

Kakaka, at the top of the Sky Crown Fire Tree, a black fruit the size of a human head is bathing in the sunlight. Hearing the insect man's call, the fruit burst open immediately, and a ray of black flame came out from the crack of the fruit, rushing Xiang Hua, the bugman, turned into a tornado of flames and wrapped it.

A dark little Flame Fairy with a whole body of black flames exactly the same as the Little Flame Fairy stood on the shoulder of the bugman.

Linglingling~~ The dark little Flame Fairy rubbed the worm's cheek affectionately. The strength of the dark little Flame Fairy is stronger than the real Little Flame Fairy, and she has reached the level of a great monarch and a supreme monarch.

The wormman looked in all directions, and the Yu Clan monarch who surrounded him smiled and said: "Kill them all, don't waste the essence of flesh and blood."

In addition to the tribe of Gale Wind Eagle, there is also a human-faced bird living in the world under the Tianguan Zilin God Tree.

At this moment, a "chirp" was heard, and a fierce bird that looked like a flying eagle passed over the sky of the Tilia Sacred Tree. Its wings were bigger than tall buildings, covering the sky and the sun. Usually, the giant black eagle has a pair of sharp claws and a pair of sharp claws, and the sharp claws flicker coldly in the sun, aiming at the evil dragon of the sea and biting away.

"It's a big black shadow monster bird. It lost to Moshan Yujun in the charge of the Feather Clan Conference a few years ago, and later joined the Silver Skylord's command. It is the strength of the middle monarch."

Someone in Shi Gongzuo's hunting group recognized this gigantic strange bird.

Roar! ! There was a sound of water, the flood was surging, and suddenly a big river seemed to stand up on the top of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree, and the huge waves turned into long whips and whipped towards the big black shadow monster bird. At that time, there was heavy rain scattered around.

boom! The big black shadow monster bird lost its wings and rushed uncontrollably towards the mountain behind it, breaking the mountain peak.

"My god, that's a sea dragon! There's actually a dragon on top of the tree!"

The Sea Abyss Evil Dragon used its Sea-Monster Skill. After seeing such a scene, everyone realized that the big black shadow monster bird was attacking the blue Sea-Evil Dragon, and the big river was the sea-monster skill of the Sea-Evil Dragon.

Buzzing buzzing, not only birds can fly in the Qinling Mountains, a group of huge mosquitoes several times larger than a human is flying in, the torrent of black mosquitoes is rushing towards the evil dragon in the abyss, and the mouthparts of each monster mosquito are like sharp swords It is sharper, and a little red light can be seen on it, as if it has just sucked blood.

These mosquito monsters are extremely bloodthirsty, and the blood is emptied instantly after being pierced by them. Even if the body of the sea abyss evil dragon is close to a kilometer long, it can't withstand so many mosquitoes sucking blood.

"It's the Qinling Giant Mosquito! They even joined the Silver Skylord's command! This is a terrible natural disaster in Qinling!"

Seeing the black mosquitoes, many intelligence hunters were so frightened that their legs went limp, and their hearts were terrified. These evil mosquitoes existed in Qinling Mountains like a natural disaster. Talking about the mosquitoes, seeing their overwhelming appearance, it is simply unbelievable. It's like a group of countless vampires.

Hoo hoo, the green fire is flying! Although the blue fire konjac is small in size, the torrent of green fire combined by countless blue fire konjacs is not small at all. The torrent of green fire rushes out of the sky crown fire tree, and the konjac with green fire all over its body lies on these huge On the mosquito, he grabbed the giant mosquito's skin fiercely.

A konjac may be nothing, just the feeling of the sparks burning the skin, but if it is tens of millions of sparks, it will be inflamed.

The Green Fire Grasshopper itself has no combat power. They have neither sharp claws nor mouthparts that are as sharp as swords, and they can't even breathe fire.

However, they are like a tiny nuclear reactor. Every day, they lie on the leaves of the crown fire tree and slowly absorb the high temperature overflowing from the crown fire tree, and store them in their bodies continuously. They themselves are weapons. Their bodies It is extremely high temperature moving magma.

Small holes were melted out of the giant mosquito's body in an instant, and countless green fire konjacs melted directly into the giant mosquito's body like hot knives cutting butter.

Puff puff puff, the green fire konjacs don't need to attack, their high temperature melts small holes in the giant mosquito's body.

The Green Fire Grasshopper is like a self-exploding ball, neither eating it nor catching it, it's just a hot potato.

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