Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1343 The deity is here

It's just that what they don't know is that in fact, the emperor of Qinling didn't attack because he was afraid of the insects, but because of the law of the jungle.

The infighting between monsters is something between monsters. Just now, the twittering of the worm-man let the Emperor of Qinling know that this creature is not human.

As for why it used human magic, no one can explain.

But as long as it is not a human being, but a monster, then this ancient and powerful member of the Yu clan has no reason to make a move.

As the ruler of the Qinling Mountains, it has no reason to take action to destroy the competition between creatures. If the emperor casually kills the supreme monarch, then all the supreme monarchs will not stay in this area. Monarchs are already quite rare, let alone the supreme monarch , This is not like warriors and servants, they all have extremely high intelligence, when Qinling's strength declines, it will definitely be easier for humans.

The Qinling Mountains is an area of ​​monsters, and the emperor is the ruler. As an emperor, it has long since no longer needed to compete and hunt for prey.

It is the supreme ruler of this area, and all resources belong to it. Silver Skylord and Moshan Yujun wanted to get the gift of the oath tree, and Mo Fan brought Yue'ehuang to pick the oath fruit against the wind. For it, it is the usual after-dinner fruit.

Here all resources exist for it.

And it doesn't need to hunt, let alone advance, because the magic world doesn't have the acceleration resources suitable for curse mages, and naturally there are no emperors, and the success of emperors and monsters depends entirely on time.

The resources of ultra-level and monarchs are just a drop in the bucket, as if to fill a vast ocean with cups of water.

Therefore, the cultivation method of the emperor demon is to survive, and to kill the emperor demon and the curse mage to devour its flesh, spirit world, and soul to speed up and become stronger.

But it is obvious that wars broke out between emperors, or battles with forbidden curse mages are all large-scale extermination wars, and the strength and number of subordinates are also a very important part. As long as Qinling Yuhuang is not stupid, he will understand that he can kill them casually The monarch in the domain, restraining the promotion of the monarch will cause a chain reaction and cause the powerful monsters in the territory to leave.

Insect people are also well aware of this, so they use the newly acquired power so recklessly, because insect people are monsters, they hunt and kill monsters of the same level, and the competition for territory is in line with the law of the jungle.

Insect man has not reached the emperor, it is still the strength of the monarch.

"Go, don't waste it, and absorb and graft the avatar."


The Tianguan Zilin Divine Tree shook its branches and leaves excitedly. It also suffered serious injuries in this battle. Three of its main branches were cut off by the silver wings of the Silver Dome Lord, and many branches and leaves were broken by the claws of the White Demon Eagle. Its huge body means that its evasion power is almost zero, making it a huge target.

The roots of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree rooted in the ground began to squirm, crawling towards the dying Silver Skylord who had been nailed to death by the Sky Splitting Sword.

Puff! ! The roots of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree penetrated into the body of the Silver Dome, and the whole tree 'climbed' onto the body of the Silver Dome, and the roots pierced into the body of the Silver Dome, and began to absorb its flesh and blood as nutrients .

The Silver Skylord, who was rooted by the Tianguan Zilin God Tree, flapped his wings and screamed weakly, hoping that his subordinates would come to rescue him.

Chirp! ! The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. The Yu tribe who had been flying from all directions saw that the Silver Skylord was defeated, and returned to their original territory one after another, preparing to expand the territory of Xiling. Followed the rest of the White Magic Falcons to leave.

When the silver lord dies, a new silver lord will be born. It is even possible that the silver lord absorbed by the Tianguan Zilin tree is not the one who was defeated by the totem black snake at the beginning. The original one may have been replaced long ago. .

The war ended, and the Qinling Mountains returned to peace once again.

Qinling was calm, but the cities near Qinling started to go crazy. The news of the revival of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree spread throughout the country.

"The Celestial Crown Zilin Sacred Tree is revived! Lead the Tree Tribe to challenge the Emperor of the Qinling Yu Clan!"

"The sacred tree is invincible, and its power is incomparable. The White Magic Falcon tribe has been defeated, and the overlord of Xiling has changed positions!"

"Outside the nickname, something big happened. The cloud and mist area of ​​the Qinling Mountains has now been ruled into a black forbidden area. Now Qinling is under the joint administration of two emperors. Two giant trees are juxtaposed. The mysterious emperor of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree is in charge of Xiling, and the ancient oath tree is in charge. Dongling."

"The latest news is that the Magic Association and the Hunter Union have issued a red warning to all hunting groups, suggesting that hunting groups temporarily stop going to the Qinling Mountains. The time for the warning to be lifted is undecided."

One piece of news began to spread, and hunters had the fastest information about the changes in the demon area.

Early the next morning, after confirming the end of the battle between the Tianguan Zilin God Tree and the Silver Skylord, Duan Mulin and the others finally went to the Ancient Oath Tree, intending to 'save' Zhao Jing.

Duan Mulin pointed in the direction of the ancient oath tree and said: "I can feel that my apprentice is hiding in the oath tree. I can't expose my strength too much now. It will be very troublesome if the emperor finds out."

Shi Gongzuo and the others also understood, otherwise Duan Mulin would not have hired them, saving people, clearing the way, and dealing with monsters mainly depended on hunter mages like Shi Gongzuo, Duan Mulin would not do anything unless it was absolutely necessary.

Shi Gongzuo said: "Don't worry about Duanmu's curse."

Now that the war has just ended and the overlord of Xiling has died, Lord Moshan Yu of Dongling will definitely take the opportunity to cross the border and lead his tribe to occupy the territory. From time to time, birdsong and beast roars can be heard from nearby.

There is a saying in Qinling: the big monster is easy to hide, but the little monster is hard to deal with.

There are many feather clans in the Qinling Mountains, and it is very easy to find hunters in action while flying in the sky. These are also called mountain goblins, and the closer they are to the ancient oath tree, the more such mountain goblins there will be.

Ji Shao silently looked at the vulture eating the carrion in front of him, and said with a look of disgust: "These things are so disgusting."

Zhaohua said: "Vultures eat carrion, this is the law of survival in the jungle..."

Before Zhaohua could speak, the dead bird that had been eaten by several bald eagles suddenly came back to life! This undead bird clawed at the vulture that had just gnawed on itself, and the beak with only bones left slammed into the vulture's body, killing it back.

Zhao Hua looked at Ji Shao who was pretending not to see, and said: "Don't use undead magic indiscriminately."

"Hey hey." = ̄ω ̄=

Gaba~~Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan did not walk, Zhaohua summoned Xiong Da. Now Xiong Da has the strength of an ordinary monarch, Zhao Hua and Ji Shao are sitting on Xiong Da's back silently, Xiong Da has the aura of a monarch, no monsters dare to approach him at all.

Only this kind of vulture, who is not even a slave demon, can't perceive the danger.

Ji Shao silently said next to Zhaohua, "We've been walking for a day, haven't we arrived yet?"

Zhaohua took out the map of the trial meeting and said: "It's almost here. According to Fu Yingjun's report, Mo Fan came here after chasing and killing Zhao Jing, and then the two disappeared inexplicably. There was a dense forest here."

Zhaohua's purpose couldn't be more obvious, which is to recycle Shenmujing seedlings.


When Zhaohua was searching for traces of Shenmujing seedlings, dense vines suddenly sprang up from the ground, and the vines turned into ghost hands and attacked Zhaohua.

Someone set up a botanical trap magic here.

"The Forbidden Curse Mage really shouldn't be underestimated."

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