Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1352 Ji Shaoan's Poison System

Buzz buzz! ! Shengyin's dragon claws slowly opened from merging. At this moment, the light that was originally wrapped by the dragon claws shot up into the sky, and the endless holy light burst in Shengyin's hands.

Boom boom boom, bursts of roaring sound can be heard endlessly, this kind of roaring sound resounded throughout the Shenmu Labyrinth, and the sound spread throughout the entire Shenmu Labyrinth, even Duan Mulin could feel the roaring sound.

At this moment, Shengyin gathered all the purification power in his body, together with all the summoning magic power of Zhaohua's third department, all the power of faith and magic power gathered wildly, within a very short time, All the purification power has condensed into a planet-like ball.

With the appearance of the Holy Silver, the holy planet, the silver-white sphere began to rotate, and the entire Shenmu Labyrinth began to rotate accordingly.

Holy Silver is in charge of this silver-white sphere as if it is in charge of the world, and the world is in its palm.

"Holy Spirit—Holy Light Burst!!"

It is not difficult to see from the prefix of the magic that the main body of the super-level magic of the Holy Purification Department is the Holy Spirit, which is Holy Silver.

Holy silver is the main body of magic, Zhaohua is actually just a support, unlike the wind and fire elements, Zhaohua, Xiaofengcan, and Tianyan have always been fighting side by side.

The magician Zhaohua of the Holy Purification Department handed over the dominance to Shengyin, and he returned to the style of the modern summoning mage, serving as a stable support.

boom! ! ! The sound of the explosion was earth-shattering. With this loud noise, the silver ball in Shengyin's hand suddenly exploded, and the endless purification light exploded instantly. The brightness of the silver-white purification light instantly soared crazily, and it illuminated the road ahead of Zhaohua , illuminating the darkness ahead.

Such a sacred light of purification seems to illuminate Zhaohua's future in this instant, as if implying that Zhaohua's future is bright, no matter how hateful the darkness is, the darkness is thousands of times stronger than human beings. But under the holy light of purification, there is nowhere to hide, and they will all be wiped out.

So at this moment, Shengyin's burst of holy light not only purified Zhao Jing's map of heaven and earth, but also illuminated the depths of his heart like encouraging Zhaohua, cheering him up, as if saying, it He will always be with his master, even in the face of endless darkness.

Let despair bring hope.

The holy light exploded, this is the light of purifying the world. In the holy plane, purifying the soul is equivalent to the final power of the final emperor dragon. It is the power used to destroy all creatures in the world when the world needs to be restarted. , the gods of the Holy Winged Species are the masters who have the purifying soul.

Although Shengyin is far from reaching that level, after combining Zhaohua's summoning magic energy and the power of Baiyu Shengliu, Shengyin can already imitate a little.

After the silver-white holy light illuminated for quite a while, it finally dissipated slowly. Zhaohua deliberately stood in front in order to avoid affecting Ji Shaoan's magic, but the holy light did not find Ji Shaoan.

The whole exploded silver-white ball is like fireworks, gorgeous and bright.

When the holy light completely disappeared, the whole space became deathly quiet, and Zhao Jing was naturally purified, which can be regarded as saving him.

Zhao Jing's combat strength was weaker than when he attacked Fanxue Mountain, because at that time Zhao Jing possessed the power of blessing given to him by Nanrong Ni, which improved the thunder magic.

But even if it was Zhao Jing and Nanrong Ni, Zhaohua would not even look at it. Compared with him, the ordinary top mages were already far apart.

Zhaohua's current strength is not even inferior to Pang Lai, the chief mage of the Forbidden City.

The only difference between Zhaohua and the peak of the four lines of cultivation is time. He has almost completed the most difficult step of summoning beasts to advance to the monarch. As long as he defeats Duan Mulin, he can get the seedlings of Shenmujing, and let the Tianguan Zilin saplings If he is also an advanced monarch, it won't take long for Zhaohua to become a top person or even a semi-forbidden spell mage.

Just after Zhaohua defeated all the Shenmu puppets, Ji Shaohan finally completed her magic.

Boom! ! ! Suddenly, it seemed like the sky was shaking, and the entire Shenmu Labyrinth was shaking crazily.

Zhaohua turned his head to look at Ji Shaoan. At this time, horrible poisonous gas gushed out from Ji Shaoan's surroundings, but the strange thing was that the poisonous gas did not spread, but was absorbed by the star palace Ji Shaoan built.

Zhaohua was surprised, Ji Shaohan’s poison magic is rare even for Zhaohua, because the poison magic is too dangerous, when Ji Shaohan awakened the poison magic in the third department, he corroded all the furniture in the house, so Ji Shaohan really hated it One's own poison system, one's carelessness may kill people.

But this time Ji Shaohan actually used poison magic.

"Embed the star into the earth and the tree wall? This is to use the star palace as the eye of the array and the earth as the map!"

Zhaohua is worthy of being called a genius. He has already seen what Ji Shaohan is doing. He doesn't know when Ji Shaohan learned how to form the formation. He actually used the star palace as the eye of the formation, and used the stars to inlay the ground and the tree wall to connect them. The forbidden area of ​​Shenmujing intends to use poison to break the forbidden area of ​​Shenmu Well!

Rumble! At this time, an incredible thing happened, the entire heaven and earth in the forbidden area of ​​Shenmujing began to be poisoned, a purple star palace phantom appeared above the sky, and a purple glow began to infect the entire space.

Just like when a person is injured by a blunt object, there will be a bruise, and now there are large 'bruises' in the different space in the Shenmu well. At this moment, the bruises rapidly expanded, and purple lines intertwined together. On the sky, a huge phantom of the star palace appeared, and it was printed in the entire Shenmu space.

Ji Shaohan's plan was successful, she used the magic of poison to the fullest.

Poison magic is not just about poisoning people and creatures, it is a force of destruction. Poison-type magic is not like thunder-type fire-type magic, which directly destroys people. Poison-type magic destroys from the source of living things. It destroys the magic energy of the human body and destroys the spiritual world, causing problems in the mage's body.

Now Ji Shaoan is using poison to destroy the Shenmujing space, injecting poison magic into the entire space, thus destroying this forbidden world.

"Damn!!! Who the hell!"

An angry howl came from the sky, like the voice of the sky, only the sound was heard but no one was seen.

This is the brilliance of Ji Shaoan's poison magic, which is so perfectly hidden that even a curse mage like Duan Mulin didn't realize that Ji Shaoan was already poisoning the Shenmu Well and poisoning the Shenmu Forbidden Realm.

Ji Shaohan stomped his feet lightly, and said with the corner of his mouth raised: "Poison breaks the sky!"

With Ji Shao's silent sound, the forbidden area of ​​Shenmujing began to melt, and after a while the entire space was destroyed, revealing the appearance of Duanmulin.

A huge evil tree that was half black and half green, Duan Mulin's human face was in the middle of the evil tree, howling angrily.

The moment the forbidden realm of divine wood was cracked, Zhaohua realized that he was in the forbidden realm of divine wood, and those tree walls were illusions. Even Zhaohua and Lan Xinghu didn't realize that they were bewildered by the power of Shenmujing.

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