Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1355 Capture Duanmu Lin Alive

The four pitch-black leaves were indeed as Zhao Hua said, they were just a smoke screen for Duan Mulin to escape.

But even if it is a smoke screen, it is still extremely terrifying to the Supreme Sovereign, after all, it is also the attack of the Forbidden Curse Mage.

Duanmulin's forbidden curse magic is Xiezhu, that is to say, all the attacks used by Xiezhu are regarded as Duanmulin's forbidden curse attacks. Although the destructive power is not as good as Xizhe's Tianguo Beihong, it is worse than the combination of offense and defense.

The exhausted breath of the dark leaves enveloped the four supreme monarchs, and all the supreme monarchs made their own unique moves.

The whole tree of Tianguan Zilin God Tree erupted with rich purple vitality, and the purple light full of vitality instantly illuminated the entire area. Between the stone fire and electric light, the entire area was shrouded in lavender light.

Originally, the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree was quite huge, but it was an incomparably huge sacred tree. Now it was emitting lavender light, which made the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree even more sacred.

The purple ray of light protects all creatures of the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree from being corroded by the breath of death and exhaustion.

It is not for nothing that the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree has been called the sacred tree that protects mankind from ancient times to the present.

At this time, the endless purple vitality light filled the space between the heaven and the earth. This is actually the forbidden area of ​​the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree. Many years ago, Granny Yan and the others did not believe that Yue'ehuang was normal. Compared with the totem beast, the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree is also a sacred tree that protects human beings.

Now many places in the entire Qinling Mountains are submerged by vast and infinite vitality, and all hunters, mages, and monsters are bathed in this endless vitality.

Bathed in such a vast, gentle and restrained light, everyone felt comfortable all over their bodies. At this moment, everyone felt that they were much younger all of a sudden.

"Wow, what a comfortable light." Ji Shaohan relaxed and lay on the sun lounger, enjoying the refreshing light.

Ji Shaohan said excitedly: "I seem to have become younger."

Zhaohua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "The purple light of the Tianguan Zilin God Tree has a little spiritual comfort. To put it bluntly, it is a psychological effect."

Karji Karji, Zhaohua got up and folded the sun chair and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Where else can we go? Go home and stay here. When these Yu clan find out that Duan Mulin has run away, we will be the ones who should suffer."

"What about the little Tianguan? Don't you need to wait for it? That's your contracted summoned beast. If it is found with a contract, it will be besieged." Ji Shaohan asked worriedly.

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it was arranged early in the morning."

The Tianguan Zilin sapling is a contracted summoned beast. Although the contracted summoned beast has always remained in the magic world, it has a disadvantage, that is, it cannot be teleported to the summoning plane, and then teleported through the dimensional summoning.

But Zhaohua is not worried, because there is the Great Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree, and the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree has no contract, and no one knows that it is actually controlled by the insects.

At this time, beside the center of the Qinling battle, in the trunk of an ordinary tree, a man over half a year old came out of the tree.

The super-level three plants are magically embedding flowers and trees.

"Transferring flowers and trees is indeed a very powerful magical ability." A voice echoed in the forest.


Duan Mulin was startled, and looked around, his changes should be seamless, how could anyone know!

The bugman in the form of Zhaohua came from the dense forest.

Duan Mulin couldn't help but widen his eyes, he couldn't figure out why that super mage appeared in this place! How did he know where he was.

The bugman learned the human's movements, and after thinking for a while, he explained: "The weakness of changing flowers and trees is that it can only be changed in places within the mage's plant domain, and a brand must be planted in that place in advance."

"Hmm.... Changing flowers and trees is a bit similar to my black worm transformation. Perhaps plant-based magic will be very suitable."

The insect man showed a greedy smile and looked at Duan Mulin, licking his lips. Xizhe's spiritual world is indeed endless, and the light magic is indeed amazing. Human beings have developed for such a long time, and the magic they possess has not made any progress.

In the novel, it is said that magic in ancient times was more powerful. It must be a lie. Magic is also improving. Naturally, the original magic disappeared because it was eliminated.

Duan Mulin's eyes dodged, he was looking for a way to escape.

Both plant-based forbidden spells and undead-based forbidden spells have a drawback. They are really powerful when using forbidden spell magic. The more heroic spirits they collect, the stronger they become. many.

The same is true for the plant system. If it is cultivated well, it is possible to have a hard steel emperor.

But the weakness is also obvious, that is, forbidden curse magic can only be used once in a short period of time, unlike light magic, which can be used only with mana.

Duanmulin's evil plant is still fighting on the other side, covering Duanmulin's evacuation, which means that Duanmulin is now a fake Forbidden Curse mage who can't use Forbidden Curse magic.

Duanmulin took the lead, and the plant-based star palace was built extremely quickly.

"A Hundred Flowers Bloom - Wooden Penalty Piercing!"

Kakaka, this is a plant-based magic of super-level two. Branches and vines come straight and stab, and dense vines and branches emerge from the ground. Although such branches and vines are not magical weapons, but this But ultra-level magic can cause damage to the monarch.

The insect man looked at Duan Mulin, who was going to use magic to cover up his eyes and ears, and then escaped by changing flowers and trees, shook his head and said, "It's useless, all the marks on your flowers and trees have my nano-black worms, you go to the ends of the earth None can escape."

Sure enough, Duan Mulin planned to use the plant-type magic attack to escape in an instant without making a sound, but found that all of his flower-changing prints were destroyed! There are many imprints on this Qinling Mountains, all of which have been destroyed without exception.

Duan Mulin looked at the Insect Man in horror, he couldn't imagine how the other party found his mark! This is something no one knows except him!

The insect man stretched out his hand, and blocked Duan Mulin's attack with a light shield, and said flatly: "Don't you understand, don't you wonder why you can't swallow Shenmujing's consciousness and fully integrate it?"

Duan Mulin's body trembled, and he looked at the insect-man Zhaohua in horror and said, "Could it be you who did it!! Who are you!"

The scorching sun burst out from the bugman, saying: "I'm not a human, I'm just learning how to be a real human bugman."

"Insect...Insect man! You are the demon from that time in Yaodu!"

The insect man didn't continue to answer Duan Mulin, but waved his hand heavily: "Heaven's sad rainbow."

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