Full-time Summoner

Chapter 136 Zhaohua is dead? ! (Down)

Ji Shaohan turned on his phone from time to time to see if there was any news in the message box that was pinned to the top of his WeChat. It wasn't too soon for her to come out from the back mountain. With the help of Ji Shaoan, who can use middle-level undead magic, and Suoyu from the Wraith Valley, she successfully killed two small warrior monsters and some slave monsters encountered on the road.

Originally, Ji Shaoan planned to go to the depths of the back mountain to see if he could meet Zhaohua by chance, but unfortunately Ji Shaoan didn't meet Zhaohua after seven days, so he had to come out first and wait.

As for whether to reward or not, she doesn't care so much. Although the spirit seed is expensive, but with her and Zhaohua's strength, as long as they go to the wild for a week or two and hunt some demons, they can get the money for the spirit seed. If you are lucky, once It can explode to the soul.

As time went by, fewer and fewer students came out from the back mountain, and the teachers responsible for scoring began to relax.

"It seems that the first place should be that girl. She shouldn't be alone."

"I don't think so. How could a mid-level mage beat the warrior monster? They should be in a team. Look at Jiang Xingguang, who is now second in scoring. They have five mid-level mages, and they barely beat a warlord." Will demon."

"But she should be number one, right, Jiang Xingguang from the earth system is second."

"Does that woman know where she's coming from?"

"This is a bit strange. I asked a lot of people, but no one knew about the woman. She probably came to report seven days ago before the military training. I heard that the core disciples of those big families in Yaodu like to play big names."

Liang Ri of the Summoning Department glanced at the exit of the back mountain. There were very few people coming out, basically scattered. He felt that it was time for him to pretend to be B.

"Ahem, it looks like I've made an appearance." Liang Ri strode towards Du Feizhou in a stride that his relatives did not recognize.

Liang Ri's B grade is really a bit high, even Du Feizhou looked at him, not knowing what he was going to do.

Liang Ri coughed twice, and after attracting the attention of others, he said, "Instructor Du, please count the scores for me."

Du Feizhou frowned, showing a dissatisfied expression and said: "You count over there."

Liang Ri showed a smug smile and said, "Instructor Du, because there are too many of them, I left my summoned beasts to watch over the corpses of the monsters, and I need Instructor Du to help me to count them at the scene."

Du Feizhou's eyes were fixed, good guy, he is a little convinced in this B outfit. The number is a bit too much, why don't you go to the sky, you can still wipe out the entire back mountain.

Although Du Feizhou was a little upset, but if what Liang Ri said was true, then he was just telling the truth.

Huh, three hundred and thirty-four stars appeared, and a huge constellation appeared ferociously. A pair of green wings appeared behind Du Feizhou, a high-level magic wind wing.

Du Feizhou grabbed Liang Ri and drew a green wind trail in the air. Liang Ri didn't expect Du Feizhou to be a high-ranking mage of the wind system. He was scared out of his wits in mid-air and was a little flustered.

Seeing this scene, Du Feizhou felt that such a mentality could do something great, and said: "If the number is not enough, I will directly cancel your results and treat it as a failure."

Liang Ri hadn't recovered yet, and after nodding abruptly, he pointed out the direction for Du Feizhou.

After going deep for a certain distance, Du Feizhou landed. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help looking curiously at Liang Ri who didn't stand still and fell to the side, and asked, "Did you kill all of these?"

There were at least 30 White Magic Falcon corpses all over the ground, according to Du Feizhou's preliminary calculation. There was also a two-headed sandworm that was almost eaten, and a large scorpion showing vigilance beside it.

No wonder Du Feizhou had to come here in person. It would take a lot of work to carry the corpses all over the floor.

Liang Ri hurriedly ran to the side of the scorpion to comfort it and said, "Yes, this scorpion is my contracted summoned beast. He is a warrior monster, and I belong to the summoning department."

Du Feizhou glanced at the corpses all over the floor and asked, "Are you from the wind element at the middle level?"

Liang Ri was stunned for a while and did not answer.

"These white magic eagles were killed by the wind tornado. The white magic eagles are fast and fly at a high altitude. It is difficult for ordinary middle-level magic to hit, but the middle-level wind tornado of the wind system is just restrained." Du Feizhou took a look. It can be seen that these white magic eagles were killed by the wind plate, and the incisions were neat, and the cultivation level may not be low.

Upon hearing this, Liang Ri nodded hastily and said, "Yes, yes, I am an intermediate mage, majoring in wind."

Du Feizhou looked at the double-headed sandworm again, touched the skin, and it shattered with a snap, it was roasted by fire. And the firepower was quite strong at that time, but the real fatality was caused by being cut by a sharp blade and then infiltrated into the body by flames, burning the internal organs.

Generally, it is the wind disk of the wind system combined with the magic of the fire system that can cause such wounds. For example, he can do it himself. He majors in wind, and secondly in fire. He uses the wind disk to attract the monster and quickly throws a few fire seeds Explosion can do this.

But the student in front of him is a wind element and a summoning element. Where did he get the fire element? advanced? Don't be funny.

"Your summoned beast is a fire-type demon skill?"

Liang Ri learned to be smart this time. Although he is not as experienced as Du Feizhou, who can inspect injuries at a glance, no matter how stupid he is, he still knows that the injuries are caused by fire.

Liang Ri calmed down a little and said, "I have fire-type magic equipment, and I killed them with the magic equipment."

Du Feizhou nodded. It is true that fire-type magic-slaying tools can do it.

"I'll have people move these corpses back, so the points don't count. A white magic eagle gets three points, and a double-headed sandworm gets ten points. You already have more than one hundred points."

Although Du Feizhou was puzzled, he didn't say much. After all, grades are grades. In the world of mages, and in the wild world of monsters, you don't care about the means, but only about the results. Whether your means are dirty or you have a myriad of magic tools, you can Shayao is a good mage.

After Liang Ri whispered something to his scorpion, he said to Du Feizhou: "Instructor Du, since it's already ordered, I won't fly back with you, just go back with my summoned beast, I'm afraid high."

Du Feizhou frowned, are you a wind mage afraid of heights? So is your high-level wind magic used for decoration?

Du Feizhou waved his hand, but Liang Ri flew away by himself.

Afterwards, Liang Ri angrily beheaded the double-headed sandworm, and the legend of the fierce battle against the White Magic Falcons became more and more outrageous. However, Liang Ri's God of War legend has not yet passed, and another piece of news quickly occupied the hot topics in Yaodu.

A student of the Summoning Department lost news after entering the school. The military and the school organized a search and rescue team, and even the super mage also dispatched a search, but there was still no news of the student.

It was not until later that the school officially announced that the student was missing, and that he was most likely killed by a demon, detonating the entire Internet.

The necessity of military training declared by Sun Yat-sen University in the past few years has been questioned, and there are potential safety hazards in the back mountain. Now various platforms on the Internet have begun to discuss whether student mages who are still in the learning stage should be exposed to demons too much.

For a while, the demon training class in high school was pushed to the forefront.

Suddenly, the phone fell to the ground, and Ji Shaoan couldn't recover for a long time after learning the news from his teacher.

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