Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1363 Generation of Monsters

The witch queen Manjushahua is not a subordinate of the ancient king, and the monarch is not qualified to be its subordinate, even the supreme monarch is not qualified.

Empress Manjushahua is a so-called prisoner of war.

The Witch Queen Manzhushahua actually belongs to the Shadowborn King's side, and like the Dark Sword Master, they are all creatures born and raised in the Dark Plane.

At the beginning, the ancient king once attacked the Shadowborn King, and wanted to take away the Shadowborn King's theocracy in order to counter the Fallen Saint King. The battle between the two major theocracy really affected the whole body, after all, the two sides represented different dark theocracy owner. The Empress Manzhu Shahua was one of the masters of the territory who lost to the ancient king's side in that war.

In the dark plane, plundering is a very normal thing. Commanders, monarchs and even emperors may just be slaves of a certain existence.

And the forest of ghosts that Mo Fan saw was once the territory of the Manzhu Shahua Witch Queen.

Mo Fan won the ancient king, as the oldest king, it will naturally give rewards. This territory is what the ancient king rewarded Mo Fan.

All living things wrapped in the territory.

Mo Fan thought it was because he was fighting side by side with the Empress Manzhu Shahua, and now that he was in trouble, he helped him once.

In fact, Mo Fan is already the master of the Mandosa Huawu Queen and the new emperor of this territory. Of course, his strength has not yet reached the emperor level.

In reality, Mo Fan opened his eyes, and a black light flashed in his eyes.

"I'm going! You fucking woke up at last, crawl quickly, no, run quickly! I'm killing you!" Jiang Yu shouted suddenly.

Mo Fan smiled confidently and said, "Don't panic, I've hired help."

Jiang Yu was countless times more reliable than Zu Jiming, but fortunately he resisted, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

Just when Jiang Yu was about to complain about Mo Fan, there was a sudden burst of flower fragrance. Jiang Yu looked at the fragrance of flowers at this time. The red manjusawa was blooming on the ground like a red carpet. On the flowers, it doesn't like the soil here.

The Manjusawa Witch Empress pinched a blooming Manjusawa with her black gloved right hand and threw it lightly. The Manjusawa hit the entrails hunter Monarch who was about to attack Mo Fan like a dart.

Manjushahua was inserted into the body of this sub-monarch-strength entrails hunter, and the budding flowers unfolded instantly, and with a bang, the entrails hunter turned into a pool of black water in less than a second. The blooming manjusawa stands alone in the middle of the black pool, which looks quite strange.

A gust of wind blows by, and manjusawa flowers grow quickly on the ground. Manjusawa not only grows on the ground, but blood-red manjusawa also grows on the body of the monster.

Once Manjushahua grows, no matter whether it is a leader or a slave, it will be treated equally, and it will instantly turn into black blood. Only sea monsters with strength above the monarch can be spared.

Large-scale spike! With a wave of his hand, the densely packed sea monsters immediately turned into a sea of ​​flowers, which made Mo Fan and Jiang Yu's eyes straighten. The ability to clear mobs is too strong! ! !

And this is because of Mo Fan's lack of strength, the summoning system is only super-level, which has lowered the strength of the witch queen Mandosahua. Now Mandosahua only has the strength of a great monarch, but the ability to clear mobs is better than that of the Totem Black Snake. Much faster.

And human mages are most afraid of countless slave monsters. These monsters will rush towards them desperately, and they can't finish killing them. dead.

Jiang Yu stuttered a bit and said: "This, this, this is the witch queen of the dark plane! The supreme monarch is even an invincible existence, how did you summon it!"

Jiang Yu looked at Mo Fan in disbelief. To summon the Supreme Sovereign, even Pang Lai couldn't just summon it casually, and needed the assistance of a magic weapon. However, to summon the invincible Supreme Sovereign, even Pang Lai needed a lot of preparation in advance. He was so busy that he couldn't even summon Pang Lai!

However, Jiang Yu also discovered that Mo Fan was not summoned by strength, because Jiang Yu could see that the strength of the Mandosa Huawu Empress had been suppressed, and now it was probably close to the strength of the Supreme Sovereign.

That is to say, Mo Fan used other means to get the Mandosa Huawu Empress to agree to help in the battle.

From surprise to confusion, Jiang Yu thought Mo Fan might not be the illegitimate son of a certain king in the dark plane.

Mo Fan said: "I know she is very strong, but I don't know that she is so good at fighting and willing to come out to help."

Jiang Yu looked at Mo Fan with strange eyes and said: "You don't know that Manzhushahua's alias is called Bi'anhua, and the witch queen Manzhushahua is the ecstasy messenger."

It was only then that Mo Fan suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Manzhu Shahua killed a large number of mobs just by hooking his fingers, so that was the case.

Not long ago, Jiang Yu was still complacent about being able to open the ancient dragon gate of Wanlong Valley, summoning the skeleton dragon of the Chinese monarch, and being a few levels ahead of Mo Fan in his summoning system. Withered and wilted like the last flower.

Mo Fan saw Jiang Yu's heart was ashamed, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "I have a bit of a relationship with her, she reluctantly helped me once. Just once, once, your summoning system is still better than that." I'm much better."

Jiang Yu couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "I will never show off my skills in front of you in the future, so as not to intensify my suicidal mood."

Jiang Yu majored in the Summoning Department. He knew better than Mo Fan that the creatures in the Dark Plane are very different from the Summoning Plane. They cannot be summoned with the magic energy of the Summoning Department. The magic world, just like the scorpion, needs the Dark Sacred Order, that is to say, there is a contractual relationship between Mo Fan and the Manjusha Huawu Queen so that the Manzhusha Huawu Queen can help.

No matter how powerful you are, dark creatures will ignore you. Very few dark creatures have the habit of trading with humans.

The emergence of the Empress Manjushahuahua stabilized the whole battle situation. With the Empress Manjushahuahua, those sea monsters dared not approach at all, plus Ye Luosha, Xue Ji, Totem Black Snake and Yue'ehuang. Guardian, the Forbidden City court masters escaped smoothly.

Deputy Chief Ye Mei and others escaped from Taniguchi one step earlier. When she learned that Mo Fan had summoned the Manju Shahua Witch Empress, everyone was in disbelief and thought it was Pang Lai who summoned her.

After bringing everyone out, Manzhusha Huawu Queen also returned to the dark plane because Mo Fan's summoning magic energy was exhausted.

It is like a flash in the pan, leaving traces of flowers all over the ground to prove that it has been here.

"Where's Mo Fan?" Ye Mei recovered from her surprise, only to find that Mo Fan who saved Jiang Yu and others was gone.

Jiang Yu sat on the ground to recover his mana, and said, "Mo Fan has gone back to save Master."

Ye Mei and the others looked at the sea monsters that had piled up the entire valley, and Mo Fan actually returned to this place! ?

For a while, everyone didn't know what to say, it was impossible to let them go in again, and they didn't have the strength and magic power.

Ye Mei shook her head and smiled wryly: "I thought I was shocked to become the deputy chief of the Forbidden City at the age of 34, but I didn't expect that your Jiang Yu's summoning system will soon catch up with your master, and that Mo Fan's strength is even far away. overtake us."

"You are truly a generation of monsters."

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