Yamata no Orochi died, and even its soul was wiped out by the golden flame. There was no possibility of resurrection, and the rebirth of the Parthenon couldn't save it.

The ashes of Yamata no Orochi are everywhere, valleys, creeks, waterfalls, woods, like worshiping ancestors during the Ching Ming Festival, the mountains and plains are full of this kind of dry ashes.

Although Yamata no Orochi was injured in the battle with Mo Fan and the three major totems at the beginning, it was almost instantly killed. This scene completely shocked the sea monster army, and even an invincible creature like Yamata no Orochi would be obliterated. Where do they have the courage to step into the valley.

Even if the black abyss beast gate has been closed, even if the power of the emperor has disappeared, but as monsters, their fear of the emperor and the superior is engraved into their bodies.

Taking advantage of the power of the subjugated beast mound, Mo Fan took the weak Pang Lai and jumped onto the totem black snake.

Pang Lai was like Mu Ningxue forcibly using the Ice Crystal Demon Bow. His body had been hollowed out, his face was pale, his limbs were weak, and it was even difficult for him to catch his breath. After all, not only the mana in the spiritual world was emptied now , Even the mana flowing in the blood was exhausted, literally exhausted.

It's just that when Mo Fan looked at Pang Lai, who was lying on the forehead of the totem black snake, unable to move his limbs but smiling, Mo Fan knew that this old thing would not die.

Pang Lai looked at Mo Fan and said in a sorry tone, "Mo Fan, I'm sorry."

Mo Fan waved his hand and said: "Don't mess with these mothers-in-law and mothers, you old man in his fifties, it's disgusting. You helped me in the national competition back then, and I, Mo Fan, will repay my kindness."

Pang Lai said: "It's not just that you saved me. In fact, the quota of Dimensional Core in our country should have been allocated to you."

Mo Fan was stunned, and asked with a puzzled look: "Give it to me? Why give it to me, Ai Jiangtu's space system is so much stronger than mine."

Pang Lai smiled wryly and said: "That's not how it works. If Ai Jiangtu needs the Dimensional Core to break through the forbidden spell, he will naturally be rewarded for his merits. You should also know that the first line of breaking through the forbidden spell is best to break through by yourself." Bar."

Mo Fan nodded, he also knew this not long ago. Because there are no textbooks and methods for forbidden spells, you need to create your own forbidden spell magic, the best of course is to break through and realize yourself. If you only rely on the core of the earth, it is equivalent to breaking through the middle level from the first level, but you don’t have star map magic. You don't even know how to use the power.

Self-breakthrough is tantamount to previewing in advance, so it will naturally be simpler.

Creation, when it comes to forbidden spells, it depends on your own creativity.

Pang Lai said: "Ai Jiangtu majored in the space department. With his strength and talent, although the space department is much more difficult than elemental magic, he may not be able to break through by himself."

Mo Fan nodded in agreement. He is very clear about Ai Jiangtu's strength and talent. With Ai Jiangtu's character, he will not settle for the second best. It is Ai Jiangtu who did not accept the Dimensional Earth Core, so it fell to Pang Lai. hand.

Pang Lai continued: "You are the same, Mo Fan. Although you and Ai Jiangtu are two completely different mages, they are the same in essence. You are a grassroots mage. The bitterness and hardship you walk along the way will not compare with Ai Jiang, a military mage. There are few pictures, and your strength and record are obvious to all. I believe that you will advance to the forbidden curse faster than Ai Jiangtu, so this space dimension core is actually more suitable for you."

Mo Fan understood what Pang Lai meant. Pang Lai felt that he could walk out of the forbidden curse path without relying on the core of the earth, and then use the core of the dimension to break through the space system in the second system. With the comprehension of the first line, the second line and the third line will naturally follow suit, and Mo Fan can quickly become a two-line Forbidden Curse Mage.

Like Su Lu.

That's why Pang Lai apologized to Mo Fan, because now Pang Lai has already decided that he will accept the country's appointment after he returns, accepting the Earth Core of this space system dimension.

Pang Lai does not need the space-type forbidden curse magic, because Pang Lai only regards the space-type forbidden curse as a secondary repair system to assist his summoning system.

After all, the summoning system is too special. If Pang Lai can provide the forbidden curse power of the space system, then maybe he can really use the magic door of super magic to summon the emperor of the summoning plane.

This is what the country wants Pang Lai to do. The holy city can summon golden dragons. Why can't Pang Lai, the chief court mage of the National Palace Museum, do it?

Space Forbidden Curse Mage, there will not be more than ten hidden military leaders in the whole world plus all countries, and this includes the Space Forbidden Curse Mage who breaks through with the core of the earth.

There are two kinds of earth cores that can be born in the magic world, dimensional and elemental. White magic is on the holy plane, and black magic is on the dark plane. It is not difficult to understand from the four words "earth core". How was it born.

Among them, the earth core of the element system accounts for 90%, and the dimensional system is too small. If Pang Lai uses this space system of the earth core, it is basically difficult for a second one to appear within ten years.

And Pang Lai knew that it would not take more than five years for Mo Fan to become a forbidden curse.

Pang Lai understood that Mo Fan, who was born with dual-element talent, could definitely rival the emperor, so Pang Lai was hesitant to use it or not.

After this time, Pang Lai came to his senses.

He just blindly saw Mo Fan's strength and talent, and felt that resources should be given to him, but intentionally or unintentionally ignored one of the most important issues.

He is actually shirking responsibility.

The Siren Calamity is a world-ending crisis that all mankind needs to face together. No matter how strong Mo Fan is, no matter how talented he is, he only has one, and he should not entrust all the burdens to him.

"You underestimate me too much. Maybe all my forbidden spells are self-understanding, and each department is a brand new way of magic." Mo Fan raised his eyebrows and said confidently.

Pang Lai was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, yes, if you have ambition, a mage should be like that."

Mo Fan asked cautiously: "Has anyone tried it?"

Pang Lai smiled and said: "Yes, the ancient king of the ancient king and the military chief of the western military region of the country, Shi Xiao, all of their four lines of forbidden spells have broken through themselves."

"Four Departments? What about the Fifth Department?"

Pang Lai shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I heard that the fifth element can't break through even with the Pistil of the Earth."

And just when Mo Fan brought Pang Lai to the outside of the valley, Mo Fan found that Jiang Yu left Ye Luosha waiting for him.

Upon questioning, it turned out that Ye Luosha had already discovered the location of the Huajun leader early in the morning, but the Huajun leader left a message to tell Ye Luosha not to reveal his whereabouts, because the Huajun leader believed that the inner ghost who leaked his plan was very serious. It might be here.

From the very beginning, one of Hua Zhanhong's goals for the country to send people to rescue was to lure out this inner ghost.

Hua Zhanhong used himself as the bait this time, and the Siren Protoss would get rid of him no matter what, because Hua Zhanhong was the one with the strongest water element among the four army chiefs, and if he was in the Kraken, he would be punished. Extremely restrictive.

Mo Fan suddenly asked: "That's not right, why did Jiang Yu leave the concubine here to wait for us? He is with the inner ghost. If he doesn't have a concubine, isn't he just a bastard?"

! ! ! ! ! !

Mo Fan blurted it out, and when he finished asking, everyone, including himself, realized it.

"Damn it, Jiang Yu will use himself to lure out the inner ghost!"

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