Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1370 Ke Fan

Mo Fan has already mastered the essentials of magic fusion perfectly. Now Mo Fan's mastery of magic fusion has surpassed that of Sharjah. Mo Fan has even begun to improve the method of magic fusion, surpassing the one jointly developed by Fengzhoulong and Sharjah. Fusion method, Mo Fan is improving.

Mo Fan's right fist was full of dark light, and the light of the nine-day sun was blocked by the dark light on Mo Fan's right fist. At this moment, Mo Fan's fist was the nine-day sun, and he replaced the sun's position.

Mo Fan condensed all the power absorbed by the dark veins and the magic energy of the shadow system into his right fist, and used the fusion method to fuse the power of the thunder system.

"If you appear as the main body, I will run away immediately, the mere shadow is not enough to save this beast."

"Magic Fusion - Thunder Shadow Fist!!"

At the moment when Mo Fan's words just fell, Mo Fan punched at the same time, a punch blasted out, this punch did not change any moves, and Mo Fan didn't know any boxing skills, he just swung a punch from the air!

Although Mo Fan doesn't know boxing skills, he also used a lot of strong fists in the middle level.

Mo Fan aimed at the Jiuying below and punched him from the air, completely ignoring what tricks the Jiuying performed after being possessed by the shadow of the demon, and no matter how powerful he became, Mo Fan just punched him from the air.

Mo Fan's dark fist flickered with lightning, and a dark lightning blasted out at the speed of light.

At this time, it seems that what Mo Fan is using is not magic anymore, it has gone beyond the scope of magic. Even Mo Fan himself does not know what he is using. He can feel that the fused Thunder Shadow Demon Fist is beyond the super-level power .

It is much stronger than all the super-level magic of the sky. At this moment, the moment Mo Fan blasted this punch, he himself seemed to have a little understanding. He seemed to have realized the taste of forbidden curse magic. He seemed to have touched it. that door.

After all, both the Mo Fan Lei Department and the Shadow Department are full of super-level three, and he has been unable to fuse these two systems, because the power of the two is too strong, and it is difficult for Mo Fan to control the fusion. .

This time, Jiuying activated Mo Fan's demonic bloodline, which raised Mo Fan's control over all magic systems to a great level, allowing him to fuse two super-level three systems.

It was already at the third level, so these two departments are eligible to enter the forbidden curse, which made Mo Fan feel a little mysterious. Maybe Mo Fan will be able to step into the realm of semi-forbidden spells after he finishes the battle.

At this time, Mo Fan felt that he had a feeling of transcending the world. With his punch, he felt the positions of the surrounding sea monsters and the Forbidden City Mage. It seemed that at this moment, Mo Fan had the ultimate power to create Strength, for him alone, is equal to the feeling of this world.

But this feeling came and went quickly, and with a bang, Mo Fan returned to reality.

With Mo Fan's punch, there is no suspense. The shadow of the demon and the cardinal Jiuying are all history.

Even if the monarch is under the ultimate power that surpasses super magic, there is only one dead end.

However, Mo Fan couldn’t hit this punch a second time, not to mention the semi-demonic state, he couldn’t do it himself, even if he merged the Shadow Element and Lightning Element again, Mo Fan’s control was too weak, He couldn't integrate this kind of magic system that reached his highest level.

Because the power after fusion has surpassed itself.

After all, he is too weak.

Under such a punch, the sea became calm. At this moment, all the sea monsters panicked and fled separately.

Because of Mo Fan's punch, the cliff was completely wiped out, and a huge fist imprint was printed on the edge of the cliff, cutting off a large piece of the cliff, and the sea water rushed in.

The punch just barely reached the power of the forbidden spell.

Mo Fan landed on the ground, he really has no magic power now, if the leader of the army can't be found, he can only withdraw.

Ye Luosha brought Jiang Yu to use the shield shadow to rush over, and Mo Fan gave some holy medicine from the Parthenon to Ye Luosha, which at least saved Jiang Yu's life.

Jiang Yu looked at Mo Fan who was sitting on the ground with strange eyes, and asked, "Mo Fan, your surname is Ke, right?"

Mo Fan asked: "What? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm curious, why is there always the Black Vatican where you are?"

( ̄┰ ̄)

Mo Fan straight black line, quite speechless. This may be called the Encounter Road Narrow Bar.

Mo Fan lay directly on the ground, he had no strength to play tricks with Jiang Yu, and said: "I have no magic power, if we can't find the leader of the Hua army again, then we should withdraw, otherwise we will call for rescue."

Just when Jiang Yu was about to say something, suddenly the mountains shook, the ground trembled violently, and the entire Hawaiian Islands suddenly rose a little inexplicably, as if they had grown legs, Hawaii suddenly 'stand up' .

The sea surface in the distance began to recede severely, exposing a large sandy beach, and the mountains were still rising, as if the whole island was humped by something.

And that tremor grew stronger.

Mo Fan didn't rest anymore. Taking advantage of the magic power in his Magic Wing Tool, he quickly flew to Haidongqing, and let Haidongqing and Totem Black Snake come to meet him.

Mo Fan and Jiang Yu stood on Hai Dongqing's back, and Mo Fan asked in surprise, "What happened!"

Mo Fan used the Totem Black Snake's totem vessel, the Totem Bead, to store the Totem Black Snake. The totem vessel, like the Beast Taming Token, is a temporary storage magic weapon, and Zhang Xiaohou's dragon also has it.

Other Forbidden City masters also flew into the air and stood next to Hai Dongqing, watching the great changes in the Hawaiian Islands.

Pyrim! Suddenly, Hai Dongqing let out a sharp cry, and Mo Fan could feel that Hai Dongqing was very panicked.

puff! ! A gigantic devil's sea claw broke through the sea from the coast of Hawaii, and the giant claw that covered the sky was right in front of Mo Fan and others.

"Hold the grass!!!"

At the beginning, he killed three dragon king ant emperors with semi-forbidden spells with one claw! ! Show up! ! !

Everyone's scalp went numb immediately. The most powerful aspect of this emperor was his elusive presence, so he couldn't find his trace at all. With such a big body, even creatures with strong perception such as Totem Black Snake and Haidongqing couldn't find it.

"It must be that Mo Fan's magic made the Dragon King Ant Emperor feel threatened!" said Pang Lai, who recovered a little strength on Hai Dongqing's back.

Just when the Dragon King Ant Emperor was about to slap down Mo Fan with his paw, a voice came.

"Mo Fan, retreat immediately and hide behind me!"

This voice shocked everyone, and their hearts were ecstatic!

It's Hua Zhanhong! Hua Zhanhong, the leader of the Southern Military Region! !

Black hair, black beard, and a pair of extremely pure black eyes, but his expression showed determination and calmness in front of the monstrous giant claws.

When Jiang Yu used his body to lure out the inner ghost, Hua Zhanhong had already found the totem black snake and got the healing scroll to restore some of his injuries. Otherwise, with Hua Zhanhong's strength, he could have taken the initiative to find the Forbidden City mages. Originally, he was thinking about how to lure the Dragon King Ant Emperor out, but unexpectedly, Mo Fan lured him out by accident.

It seems that the sky has already destined that the emperor will die today!

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