Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1372 Killing the Emperor

These actually belong to common sense, especially the summoning system, because when cultivating summoned beasts, the advanced stage will not be advanced, and the age must be checked. If you are too old, the advanced stage will be futile and difficult.

When Mo Fan contracted the old wolf, the old wolf had been born in the summoning plane for a while. At that time, the old wolf did not take long to enter the advanced stage. Because of this, the old wolf was willing to contract with Mo Fan at the beginning, mainly because of Mo Fan At that time, the intermediate level was very strong, and the old wolf decided to take a gamble, hoping that Mo Fan could give it a chance to advance.

Because the old wolf was almost past the best cultivation period.

The biggest difference between monsters and human beings is that after they are advanced, their lifespan will be longer. Because the advanced level like the old wolf has changed the race itself and even the soul, it is not the same species at all, so of course the lifespan will change.

Lao Lang was also forced to do nothing at the time, and needed a change.

Mo Fan asked curiously: "What about after fifty-six years old?"

Pang Lai sighed, and said helplessly: "After the age of fifty-six, the spiritual world has shrunk severely, and has entered the aging stage. Even if you practice meditation, it is useless, and the cultivation base increased by meditation has not been lost. Quickly, after the age of sixty-six, the spiritual world begins to collapse."

Pang Lai knew this best. Pang Lai was already fifty-seven years old. He used to disbelieve in fate, thinking that he could break the rules and that man could conquer nature.

As a result, reality slapped him hard.

Although the speed of 46-year-old Pang Lai's meditation practice is increasing slowly, he can still increase his cultivation base a little every day. He thinks he can break the curse. Until last year, Pang Lai's cultivation base suddenly fell off a cliff. Xiu couldn't keep up at all, and because of his old age, his mentality had also changed. He panicked, his body was also weak, and his combat power was seriously reduced.

So when he knew that the Dimensional Earth Pistil was given to him, Pang Lai struggled very much.

It wasn't until now that he realized that, as Mo Fan's senior, he should let the old man resist when the sky falls, there is no reason for him to resist first.

Pang Lai wants to go against the sky once!

Pang Lai shook his head with a wry smile, looked at Mo Fan seriously and said, "Mo Fan, you are not yet thirty years old, you have already completed the two-element ultra-level cultivation, and you are also a rare natural dual-element talent in the world. You are now five years old. You are super-order, you have great potential, you can even break the rules of this world."

In fact, not only Pang Lai, Hua Zhanhong is already in his sixties, almost sixty-six years old, and now Hua Zhanhong's strength has actually been declining, and his other two departments that have not reached the forbidden curse can even be said to be useless. At least not very useful for his current battle.

The chief of the army will not always be the chief of the army, so Hua Zhanhong wants to make another contribution to the country before he turns 66, just like the chief of the Southern Military Region back then.

The average age of human beings is only sixty-eight years old, and the strength of a sixty-six-year-old mage has really weakened severely.

Mo Fan looked at the sea battlefield where the sea was roaring and the sky was falling apart. Hua Zhanhong was really fighting for his life, so he said clearly, today either I will die here or you will die here.

Today only one will make it out alive.

Hua Zhanhong played in a style that was not afraid of death.

The sky suddenly began to melt, and an invisible white transparent flame melted the space.

Dragon King Ant Emperor wanted to escape, but was imprisoned by Hua Zhanhong's water system and space system. Hua Zhanhong's water element and his own fire element are very special, they will not restrain each other, but will reverse when extremes occur, just like Tai Chi.

Pang Lai looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "Void Blank Flame combined with Bipolar God Domain, this is the strongest killing move of the Hua Junshou. If this move can't kill the Dragon King Ant Emperor, then the Hua Junshou has no magic power to support it."

Both Mo Fan and Jiang Yu couldn't help swallowing, watching this scene nervously.

Hua Zhanhong stood under the white flame of exterminating the world, and imprisoned all the dragon king ants with all his strength. Even if he was hoarse and bitten off half of his face by the dragon king ants, he was still like King Ming, motionless as a mountain.

boom! ! ! Void flames descended from the sky, and the Dragon King Ant Emperor who turned into a giant dragon let out a tragic cry. Although Mo Fan couldn't see the flames, he could see that the endless Dragon King Ants had suffered devastating blows and were constantly struggling.

A strong light exploded, and Hua Zhanhong was submerged in the white light.

Naturally, Mo Fan couldn't comment on this level of destructive magic. He could only say that if Xi Zhe had this destructive power back then, he would be able to make soy sauce on the head of his grave now.

Forbidden curse and forbidden curse cannot be compared. Although the same two words represent completely different things.

"Is this the 'strongest' of our country..."

The leader of the army is the strongest, and Mo Fan also learned about it from Ai Jiangtu. In our country, the military leader is not based on merit or seniority, but strength. Even if you are only in your 20s or 30s, if you have such strength and have the strength to compete or even kill the emperor alone, then you are the country's military leader.

Although Hua Zhanhong is not considered a solo kill, the Dragon King Ant Emperor itself is a collection of demon kingdoms. If it is a weaker emperor, Hua Zhanhong is definitely qualified to solo kill.

Mo Fan can kill ordinary monarchs when the three lines are super-level, and Hua Zhanhong's three lines of forbidden spells should be able to convert it. Of course, in reality, it definitely cannot be counted like this, after all, the emperor's IQ and body are comparable to gods.

With a puff, a meteor rushed out of the white flame.

Meow! ! Ye Luosha couldn't help but screamed.

Jiang Yu pointed at the shooting star and shouted: "It's the leader of the Hua army! He's out!"

The bunch of white meteors slowed down slowly, and finally Mo Fan and the others saw the familiar figure getting closer and closer. It is the head of the Chinese army.

The white meteor arrived in front of Mo Fan and the others. The head of the Hua army was dressed in ragged clothes and was covered in wounds. Half of his face was eaten off, and one of his eyes was blind. One was bleeding. He didn't look like a living person. One eye still glowed with a dazzling look, and that happy and excited smile couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Mo Fan and others also breathed a sigh of relief, they succeeded! They actually beheaded an emperor together! !

That is the emperor! ! The legends of gods, demon gods, and ghosts in ancient times are emperors. The emperor is a god, moving mountains and filling seas, his power is infinite.

Jiang Yu asked: "Army leader... Dragon King Ant Emperor..."

Hua Zhanhong showed his big white teeth, and said with a smile, "Dead."

Mo Fan and the others were also dancing with excitement, but they also knew that it was not safe yet, so they followed the planned retreat route, took everyone out of Hawaii, and flew straight back to Bohai Sea in Costin.

It is generally forbidden to fly over the sea, but as a totem, Haidongqing is still the supreme monarch. As long as it is not in the airspace of some feather emperors, it will be no problem to fly high enough.

Mo Fan and the others were already exhausted. Serious injuries like Jiang Yu and Pang Lai had already been taken back to the imperial capital for treatment. Hua Zhanhong, who was the most injured, did not need treatment. Mo Fan guessed that Hua Zhanhong could recover so quickly , it shouldn't be just a healing scroll, Hua Zhanhong should also have a special natural talent or something else.

"Mo Fan, come here, I have something to tell you."

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