Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1374 Chief Judge

This time, Hua Zhanhong also brought elite troops to crusade against the Dragon King Ant Emperor, and these military mages were all military mages preparing to 'retire'. This time, no one came back except Hua Zhanhong. The protection of the Dragon King Ant Emperor was torn apart, creating an opportunity for Hua Zhanhong to kill the Dragon King Ant Emperor.

No wonder our country has been safe and sound. Except for Bo City, Hangzhou and the ancient capital a few times, Mo Fan has lived for so long, and he has never heard of any major demon disasters in his country.

However, those times in Hangzhou were all caused by human beings. In fact, there were almost no demon disasters.

At the beginning, Mo Fan thought that the monsters were relatively stable and everyone was developing peacefully, but looking at it now, it is not the same thing at all.

Once a monster wants to attack a human city, it will be such an ambush plan again and again, to intercept the monster disaster outside the country and in the monster area.

There is really no way to deal with this sea monster natural disaster, it is too strong, even if it kills an emperor, it can even be said to be painless for the entire sea monster god clan.

And this time the Kraken natural disaster still affects the whole world. Some powerful magical countries such as the United States, Britain, Russia, Japan, etc. will also be attacked by the Kraken.

But there are so many countries sharing the number of sea monsters, emperors, and monarchs together. As a result, the leader of the Chinese army is still desperate.

One emperor and one forbidden curse can no longer control the situation in this century war.

Hua Zhanhong said with a gloomy look in his eyes: "Mo Fan, I hope you can bear with it, and when the time is right, you can take back some of what we lost and create a relatively better habitat for our next generation. I hope that our next generation can still see the sea and swim in the sea.”

! ! ! ! ! !

Can you still see the sea? ! ! Our country has a coastline of 30,000 kilometers, and a country with a coastline of 30,000 kilometers cannot see the sea! ! !

The words of the head of the Hua army had a great impact on Mo Fan's mind and body. Mo Fan is a free mage. He is not a military mage or a high-ranking judge. Mo Fan is a free and easy hunter mage who can accept tasks whenever he wants. Naturally, He doesn't know anything about the high-level affairs of the country.

Listening to it now, is it so serious?

Obviously Mr. Shao Zhengda's coastline plan is very successful. After several sea monster baptisms, it has been paid more and more attention. Obviously, the head of the Chinese army killed an emperor just now. Obviously their totem search is going well, Lingling also said that there are new clues, more and more totem beasts appear and are willing to fight against the sea monster.

Why still lose? What's more, he lost everything, so much that he couldn't even see the sea.

What kind of race is the Siren Protoss, and how powerful is it!

Mo Fan looked at Hua Junshou's pleading eyes, and finally shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Chief Hua, I can't promise you."

With an apologetic tone, Mo Fan continued: "I, Mo Fan, cherish my life more than anyone else. I am actually a very timid person. I will not take risks. I have no wishes in life. I just want to marry I married my big and small wives, and then stay at home every day, worrying about food and clothing, living happily every day, and occasionally slap some people who don't know how to live or die."

"However, I, Mo Fan, still have things that are more important than my own life. I will not let these things disappear, even if I still cannot turn the world around in the end, I will die before them. I cannot accept the loss of these things, so I will choose to escape with death."

Hua Junshou said with a somewhat stern tone: "I can ask someone to take all your relatives to the west, and you and your family and friends will go there."

Mo Fan looked at the leader of the Hua army, but he still shook his head. No matter how stupid Mo Fan is, he knows that once the Kraken natural disaster occurs, the living environment of human beings will become completely non-existent. If the most fertile eastern and southern regions are lost, the coastline will be lost, and many people will starve to death in the country.

Coupled with the fact that the weather is so cold now, the crops will not be able to survive much. Who will be enough for the only remaining land and food?

Enough with the folks and elders of Bo City? Enough for the common people in the devil city? Or the disciples of Fanxue Mountain?

If Mo Fan really followed what Huajun said, hiding, going to the west, watching a large number of people starve to death, freezing to death, being driven to the demon area to be killed by demons, how would he cultivate.

Mo Fan will definitely blame himself.

Hua Zhanhong looked at Mo Fan with a bit of resentment. He wanted to continue to say something, but in the end he could only sigh.

This is the advantage of Mo Fan as a free mage. Although he will lose a lot if he does not join any national forces, he can say NO to anyone.

No one can restrain Mo Fan's will, he can do whatever he wants.

"It's a pity that you are not my soldier. If you were my soldier, I would send you to the deserted west at all costs." Hua Jun said helplessly.

Now Ai Jiangtu is in the northern military region, following the head of the northern army. But Mo Fan, he can't order him.

"But you can rest assured, Chief Hua, when it comes to cherishing life, no one cherishes life more than me. I will definitely protect myself well." Mo Fan said.

After Mo Fan finished speaking, he turned and left.

As Mo Fan himself said, he himself doesn’t want to die. He needs to step up his efforts to improve his strength now. Lingling has made a major breakthrough in the totem clues. There may be clues about a certain holy totem in the ancient city.

At this time, in the Forbidden City Court of the Imperial Capital, Zhaohua is at the Trial Council of the Imperial Capital, which is also the headquarters of the Trial Council, the Supreme Tribunal.

"Oh? The Chinese army killed the Dragon King Ant Emperor for the first time? This is exciting news." Zhaohua said after hearing Mo Ze's words.

Mo Ze nodded solemnly and said, "Well, killing the Dragon King Ant Emperor in Bohai and dismantling the Dragon King Ant Demon Kingdom should slow down the invasion of the Kraken and give us more things to do."

"I hope."

Zhaohua was dressed very formally today, sitting in the temporary lounge wearing a full suit, because Zhaohua came to have important things today.

He needs to meet with all the top levels of the country.

Because Zhaohua's visit this time is an interview. Zhaohua and Mo Fan are two opposite people. Mo Fan pursues freedom and will not join any previous forces. Zhaohua, he not only joined the Judgment Council, but also became a high-level center of power.

He came here this time for an interview. The chief judge of the Tribunal, that is, the position of the highest judge, is equivalent to the position of a high councilor and a national military leader.

There is no absolute leader in our country. The four military chiefs in the southeast, northwest, and north are independent of each other and guard the four regions. The great councilor is responsible for the people's living and working in peace and contentment. The position of the supreme judge is the chief judge. Superior, in command of the entire Trial Council.

The Judgment Council is a power organization representing the domestic judiciary and trials, and the Chief Judge exists just like the Grand Councilor and the Chief of the Army.

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