Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1376 just lost

Even the natural disaster of the sea monster and Zhaohua's use of Ji Shaoan's death theocracy to trade with the fallen saint king to return Ji Shaoan, there was no meeting of nine people.

After all, most of the Kraken natural disasters fall to the east and south, while the central, western, and northern regions are relatively safe.

Looking at the two famous presidents of the Judgment Council, Qu Kui and Su Yue, sitting in front of the round table, both of them are younger than Tian Qingbai and Pang Lai, only in their early fifties, and their appearance is ordinary middle-aged man.

Zhaohua couldn't help showing a calm smile. He didn't look like a junior at all. Instead, he looked like a rising star who was already on an equal footing. He said neither humble nor overbearing: "The legendary Supreme Council is indeed quite secretive."

At this time, the chief judges of the imperial capital and Pengcheng all set their eyes on Zhaohua, and even Zu Xiangxing, the great councilor of the shadow people, stared at Zhaohua one by one.

Because it should be Tianqingbai who should appear here. Although Zhaohua has made great contributions to the Zong Kingdom, he is not yet one of the chief executives of the four major tribunals.

Su Yue, the head of the Pengcheng Trial Council, frowned and said, "You are not qualified to run for the Supreme Judge."

Qu Kui withdrew his gaze, and said flatly: "Since Tian Qingbai doesn't come, that monster will automatically give up."

Before Zhaohua could speak, the supreme judge Guan Zhao said: "Half a month ago, the former chief judge of Yaodu City submitted his resignation application to me, and Zhao Hua, the deputy chief, will succeed him."

Of course, only the Supreme Judge is qualified to know about the affairs of the four chief judges. Others, including the Grand Councilor and the military capital, are not qualified to ask. After all, everyone is equal.

It's not that the Supreme Judge is bigger than the position of the military chief. The Supreme Judge is not even a position, because there is no such person to the outside world. The Supreme Judge is independent of the nine high-ranking magicians. The look of the plan.

The supreme judge, Guan Zhao, had already explained to Zhaohua, so Zhaohua didn't bother to say it again, he dragged out the chair that was going to be given to him in front of him, and sat down leisurely.

"To become chief before the age of 30 is also to make history."

Zhaohua doesn't need to show his strength here, it's just like an interview, he sells himself to the Supreme Judge, and then starts to vote.

Originally, Zhaohua could also sit by and listen to the introduction of the opponent's political achievements and strength like Qu Kui and Su Yue did, but Zhaohua did not do this.

As the chief judge of the imperial capital, Qu Kui is the strongest. When Zhao Hao broke in, he said, "The two series of forbidden curses are gone." He was referring to him. They are all forbidden curse mages who have created forbidden magic.

In fact, Zhaohua has nothing to introduce himself. Zhaohua's greatest achievement is the battle of the Zongguo and the Zongren, and that battle also proved that Zhaohua's strength is close to the forbidden curse.

Zhaohua didn't intend to expose when the bee planned.

Qu Kui said: "I don't think President Zhaohua is qualified to be a candidate for the Supreme Judge."

Su Yue nodded and agreed, "Agreed."

"Oh? I don't know why the two chief executives made such a statement?" Zhaohua asked with a calm smile all the time.

Qu Kui stroked his beard and said, "During the catastrophe of the ancient capital, you actually handed over important divine power to the Fallen Sage King. Do you know that doing so will cause the world to remain alive?"

The high level of the country knew about the catastrophe of the ancient capital, because Jiang Tiansheng was also there at the time. As the leader of the national intelligence organization, of course such an important matter needs to be reported. At that time, a Supreme Court meeting was held for this.

This is also the reason why Zhaohao broke in directly to save his grandson, otherwise Zhaohua might be brought to the court for trial.

Zhaohua looked at Qu Kui, just smiled faintly, and said: "President Qu Kui, divine power is my thing, how to use it is my power, even if you are the highest speaker of the Imperial Capital Tribunal, mage All of his personal property and resources belong to him personally, and the Tribunal has no right to intervene."

"But what you have done has caused great harm to the country." Su Yue said.

Zhaohua spread his hands and said with a speechless face: "President Su Yue, you have to talk about evidence. You have direct evidence to prove that after the Fallen Saint King obtained the divine right, I will plead guilty to the death of even one person because of the divine right." .”

Su Yue's eyes narrowed, and he said: "But if you hand over the divine power to the fallen saint queen, it may cause darkness to fall early, making it impossible for human beings to defeat the fallen saint king who has become stronger."

Zhaohua couldn't help shaking his head and snickering, and said: "Chief Su Yue, is it possible that the Kraken disaster is coming, and the Siren King is sweeping across, and the mages who can't defeat the Kraken should also be blamed. Are the mages who usually fail to compete for marine resources? Can't beat the Siren King? Do you blame the previous mages for not killing the sea monsters who were still kings in advance?"

Zhaohua suppressed her smile, looked at Su Yue with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't give it to it, I just lost to it in the battle with the Fallen Saint King."

"Since ancient times, if you win a king or lose a bandit, you lose if you lose, I believe. At that time, he was indeed superior. He knew Ji Shaohan's identity in advance and was fully prepared. Could it be that you have never lost a life against monsters and dark creatures? Then I suggest Chief Su Yue goes to the dark plane, and he will fall into the Holy King."

Zhaohua lost at that time. Although it seemed to be a deal, exchanging the remaining theocratic power for Xiaoji's soul, in fact, Zhaohua opened the contract when he was in the forest park, and the origin catalog broke out, but he failed to take away all of them. At the moment of theocracy, Zhaohua lost.

The Fallen Saint King snatched most of the theocratic power and Xiao Ji's soul that time, Zhaohua actually snatched back scraps.

At that time, Zhaohua was a middle-level player, and he was proud of having such a record, but the overall result was still a loss, and he had to bear the price if he lost.

Zhaohua's words left everyone speechless. If you lose, you have to pay the price. All of them have lost, some lost money, some fled in embarrassment and were left with scars, and some lost to demons and killed their loved ones.

Zhaohua just lost in a game that affected the direction of the world.

For a while the field became quiet.

Seeing that no one else had questioned the Supreme Judge, he said, "Since there is no doubt, let's start voting for the next provisional candidate for the Supreme Judge."

The supreme judge needs to convince the public, otherwise there is no need for Su Yue and others to sit in on the hearing, you need to convince the public.

"Hands up in favor of Qu Kui becoming the interim candidate for the next Supreme Judge."

Kakaka, including Qu Kui himself, the Supreme Judge, Su Yue, and Zu Xiangxing all agreed to let Qu Kui, who had the highest cultivation, be elected. Almost unanimously.

The Supreme Judge continued: "In favor of Su Yue."

No doubt, zero votes.

The Supreme Judge looked at Zhaohua, paused for a moment, and said, "It is in favor of Zhaohua."

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