Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1380 The Sacred Wood Tilia Tree

It is impossible for Shao Zheng to have other choices for the position of the candidate for the supreme judge. Even Shao Zheng can directly hand over the position of the supreme judge to Zhaohua, but he, like Pang Lai and Hua Zhanhong, believes that all responsibilities cannot be assigned Leave it to the younger generation, and you can still resist.

After the Kraken natural disaster, Shao Zheng might withdraw completely, using his remaining strength for the rest of his life to cultivate the next generation and leave seeds of hope for the country.

Zhaohua did not go back after bidding farewell to the Supreme Judge Shao Zheng, but came to the Imperial Court Trial Council in the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Court Trial Council was naturally located near the Imperial Palace Court, but it was not in the original location inside.

In order to cater to the development of the times, the Judgment Council of the Imperial Capital has been expanded a lot, and the current Trial Council is located in the tallest building in the Imperial Capital - Central Daxia.

As Zhaohua, he naturally came in smoothly, but Zhaohua didn't want to enter the Imperial Capital Tribunal, but to go underground.

The Imperial Capital Tribunal is not only the head of the four major tribunals, but also the place where the oath tree is located.

The Judgment has a spiritual oath imprint, which can prevent some malicious people from mixing into the Judgment. The core of this imprint is the spiritual oath tree located on the leylines of the imperial capital and under the court of the imperial capital.

This oath tree was a gift from the ancient oath tree that a group of army mages from the country entered the Qinling Mountains hundreds of years ago. It is also the only seed of the ancient oath tree.

It is also thanks to the power of the spiritual oath tree of the Tribunal that the crime rate in our country has been maintained at an extremely low level. Almost no criminal can escape the trial of the spiritual oath tree.

However, because of the Black Holy See, there are certain loopholes in the spiritual imprint of the spiritual oath tree, and now the trial of the spiritual oath tree is no longer the only affirmation.

"Stop, this is the place where the spiritual vows are made." A super mage wearing the costume of the Tribunal stopped Zhaohua.

Zhaohua took out a piece of paper and a proof from the Tribunal and said, "I am Zhao Hua, the head of the Tribunal of Yaodu City, and this is the pass order."

The guard found Zhaohua's paper and the court certificate, nodded, returned the certificate to Zhaohua, and said, "Confirm your identity, please come in, Chief Zhao."

After Zhaohua smiled, he walked to the space passage behind him.

You can't lie here. The special ability of the soul oath tree, the soul trial, can reflect the depths of people's hearts, and once there are lies, they will be discovered.

With a buzzing sound and a flash of white light, the moment Zhaohua passed through the space channel, Zhaohua felt endless vitality. The vitality brought by this plant is different from the healing ability brought by the healing system, like soaking In the ocean of life, it seems to have returned to the feeling of being born!

When Zhaohua's eyes got used to the light, he immediately found that his eyes were blocked by a white wall. When he opened his eyes and looked up at Zhaohua, he realized that it was not a wall, but an unimaginably huge tree trunk.

Since the spiritual oath tree sprouted from the seeds of the ancient oath tree, it naturally also belonged to a giant tree.

Zhaohua looked up, and all he could see were huge viaducts like highways, criss-crossing above his head, and each highway was unimaginably thick.

Zhaohua naturally knew that it was just a branch of the trunk.

The Spiritual Judgment Vow Tree, this is the ultimate sacred tree of the Judgment. Our country's Tribunal and the judiciary all rely on this sacred tree. The power of spiritual judgment it possesses makes criminals invisible.

This milky white tree supports our country and protects the common people from evil.

Although the Spiritual Judgment Oath Tree and the Tianguan Zilin God Tree and the Ancient Oath Tree have the same root, they are still different. The trunk of the Spiritual Judgment Oath Tree is milky white, but the leaves do shine like stars. Lingering in the branches, these star rivers are the essence of the land veins of the imperial capital.

The Soul Judgment Vow Tree thrives on these essences, so its appearance is different from the Tianguan Zilin Tree and the Ancient Vow Tree, after all, the growth environment is different.

This is a folding space, and it is also a holy place for cultivation. It is suitable for spiritual and plant mages to practice. Entering the space cultivation of the spiritual trial vow tree is one of the rewards of the trial meeting.

Zhaohua didn't plan to climb the tree or practice. After all, with his current cultivation base, it was useless to him here. He came to see the tree.

Not to look at the spiritual trial oath tree, but to look at my own contract summoning tree, the Tianguan Zilin sapling after getting the Shenmu Well.

A burst of purple light slowly drifted down, crystal brilliance, and with a click, a beautiful figure floated down.

Little Tianguan, wearing purple-green clothes, long purple hair falling like a waterfall, does not have a peerless beauty, because Tianguan Zilin saplings are like flower demons, and their skin is green, like a plant.

His expression was still as cold as ice, and there was a seven-point arrogance between his brows.

Tianguan purple linden saplings were invaded by insects, and the escaped Tianguan seeds were buried in the cursed ghost mud. The long-term invasion caused the Tianguan seeds to mutate. When Zhaohua bought them, they had already become ghost mother flower demons. . Even though Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong expelled the dark power of Tianguan Zilin sapling, they still retained the form of flower demon.

Seeing Zhaohua, Tianguan Zilin sapling couldn't help frowning, looked at Zhaohua's face with heavy eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Aren't you him? You don't have a summoning contract on you?"

The corner of Zhaohua's mouth turned up, and the left half of his face turned into micron black worms with a slam.

Insects! Zhaohua didn't come to the imperial capital at all, and the worms always came to the imperial capital instead of Zhaohua.

Buzz buzz! ! A purple light soared down from the sky, covering the bugman. The Zilin sapling's eyes were cold. How could it forget who snatched its body away and corrupted itself so that it had to use the seed of the crown to escape, but it was still buried in the end. For decades in the cursed mud of the ghost mother, the pain that was not only corroded by the curse, it will never be forgotten.

"You didn't die!"

The bugman smiled slightly, didn't mind being locked at all, and said, "Don't be nervous, we are not enemies, he sent me to see how you and Shenmujing are fused."

hum! Kakaka, the ground suddenly cracked, and a cylindrical Shenmu well appeared. The Shenmu well contained the essence of the earth veins, and the pool in the Shenmu well reflected the appearance of insects.

Shenmujing's attack method is to reflect the target into the forbidden world created by Shenmujing himself, and confuse the opponent. Of course, the bugman knows it very well.

The bugman didn't panic at all, looked at Shenmujing, nodded and said: "It seems that you didn't choose to merge, but to combine and cooperate with each other to coexist. This is indeed a good way."

The bugman looked at the Sky Crown Flower Demon, and it could tell at a glance that this is a clone, and the main body should still absorb the power of the earth veins and the spiritual trial vow tree on the tree to improve itself.

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