Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1385 Underground Ruins City

Zhaohua is not only a summoner, but also an excellent animal trainer. Not only does he rely on the power of the origin catalog, but he is also a master and genius, who knows how to control the animal trainer.

Naughty animal tamers, but they didn't find the right way.

Sanwei couldn't wait to ask: "When are we going to leave, I can't help but ask the question of tasting the flesh and blood of the scorpion mother Medusa."

Zhao Hua said: "You are just a little monarch. Not only does he have the strength of the supreme monarch, but he also has a large tribe of Egyptian snakes and scorpions. It would be good if you don't get eaten by others."

Sanwei immediately put away his madman-like smiling face, showed the expression of the sister next door, took Zhaohua's arm and said, "Isn't there still a master here? The master promised me that as long as you obediently listen to the master, you will be fine." Kill the scorpion mother Medusa Sisina and give it to me to devour, I have always listened to my master, you can't lie."

This time neither Ji Shaoan nor Gui Gui came. The reason why Zhaohua knew that the ghosts of the Pyramid of Khufu were going to attack Shayuan was naturally because someone tipped the news from the dark plane. In addition to this news, Feng Zhoulong, who had been in the dark plane for so long, finally received news.

The preliminary explanation and analysis of the dark plane finally came. Zhaohua had collected all the data, and Feng Zhoulong's analysis and guesses about the dark plane were all that was left, and then based on these, he created a soul-splitting method that could separate Xiao Ji.

Now Ji Shaoan is facing this, so he did not come to the ancient capital, but Zhaohua came alone, taking advantage of the time when the two empires were at war, looking for an opportunity to kill the scorpion mother Medusa Sisina and help Sanwei advance.

The three tails are very special, if the three tails can improve their strength, maybe they will play a vital role in the siren disaster.

Zhaohua pulled out his hand and said: "Since I promised you, I will do it. This time the two tribes are fighting, if Mo Fan also intervenes, it will be an excellent opportunity, and by the way, I can also try Honglong the power of."

Ho Ho? Honglong and Shengyin were playing, when they suddenly heard Zhaohua calling their name, they flew to Zhaohua and asked if there was anything for him?

Zhaohua touched the shrunken rainbow dragon, which was a bit like the western giant dragon, but with a longer tail, longer body and horns, which was quite peculiar.

"At that time, it will depend on your dragon demon skills."

Roar! Honglong shouted excitedly, as if to say: I am very strong!

Zhaohua opened the space magic stone, and had fully recovered the strength of the former king of the eight directions, and Gu Suoyu, who had reached the soul of the great king, came out of it.

With a blond loli appearance and a good figure, Gu Suoyu was even wearing a suspender nightgown, and said sleepily, "Don't you know that vampires are nocturnal animals? What time is it?"

Ordinary people can't sense Shayuan, but Gu Suoyu, who was once one of the dead kings of all directions, can naturally.

"We are in the ancient capital now, take us into the Shayuan." Zhaohua said.

Gu Suoyu's eyes were fixed, and he looked around, completely without the dazed look he just came out of.

Gu Suoyu looked at He Lanshan's reassurance, and said: "Shayuan has returned to the original position. Since Shayuan is back, then you can enter from Endless Ghost City, or from the back door."

After being reminded by Gu Suoyu, Zhaohua remembered that Zhankong entered Shayuan's white palace through the back door. Zhaohua thought that the passage was destroyed, but he did not expect it to be restored.

It's no wonder Zhaohua would forget, it's been almost ten years.

After thinking for a while, Zhaohua nodded and said, "Well, let's go in from Endless Ghost City."

On the other side, at this time, Mo Fan and others have arrived at the ruins at the bottom of the Worm Valley in Helan Mountain. After searching for ancient books, and combining the notes of Jiang Shaoxu's brother Jiang Shaojun, Lingling finally concluded that there is a clue about the totem ruins here. .

Fortunately, Mu Bai inherited the method of controlling insects from the demon capital Lu's family, and also obtained an ancient evil insect from the ancient king, passed through the fierce insects of the insect valley without any danger, and came to the bottom of the valley.

After Mo Fan arrived at the bottom of the Worm Valley, Zhang Xiaohou suddenly said: "By the way, Brother Fan, do you know that the Great Wall on the northern route starts from the north of Helan Mountain. I mentioned this."

Mo Fan shook his head directly, don't mention these geography knowledge to him.

Lingling said: "There is indeed such a saying, but because many Great Wall relics have actually been buried under the loess, there is no way to study it."

With a slap, Zhao Manyan slapped a mosquito to death, and said, "Let's go quickly, I can't stand those disgusting insects flying out again."

According to the clues, Lingling turned left and right, and really found them an ancient underground city under the Worm Valley.

It's just that Mo Fan and others stopped and didn't enter the city immediately, because there was a man wearing a bamboo hat standing under the city gate. When they approached the man in the bamboo hat, Mo Fan, Mu Bai, Zhao Manyan, Zhang Xiaohou, Jiang Shao Xu, Lingling, all frowned, looking strange.

Here are all experienced and powerful mages. They don't need to look at that face. They can also smell the breath that does not belong to humans, but the breath that belongs to undead.

Huh, a gust of wind blew up the bamboo hat. Sure enough, under the bamboo hat, there were a pair of eyes glowing with green light. The face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and there was a claw mark that was severely torn open, revealing the cheekbones and rows of teeth. In the late-night town of one person, it looks even more weird and terrifying.

Mu Bai and Zhang Xiaohou said in unison: "It's the living dead!"

Mo Fan added: "The strength is very strong, I am afraid that it has the strength of a great monarch or even a supreme monarch."

Jiang Shaoxu asked in a low voice: "Hit?"

Just when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Lingling asked: "We are looking for clues to the ancient ruins. Are you the guardian of this ruin? I want to ask what is the meaning of this ancient city and the carvings on the city wall? "

The living dead glanced at Lingling, then at Mo Fan, more precisely at the little loach necklace that Mo Fan hid under his clothes. Even Mo Fan himself didn't notice that the Little Loach Necklace was emitting a very faint purple light.

The living dead smiled and said bluntly: "This is a door leading to a mausoleum. I am a mausoleum watcher. As for the meaning, I don't know. You can go in and see for yourself. "

Zhao Manyan asked stupidly: "Can I go in?"

The living dead sat down on the ground, took out a piece of bloody monster meat, and started to grill it, saying, "I'm just staying here, I didn't say that no one can go in, if you want to go in, go in at your own risk."

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