Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1389 One Emperor Through the Ages

Ho ho!

As a rainbow dragon with part of the bloodline of the sea dragon, Honglong looked towards the direction of Modu and yelled twice as if he had sensed something.

Sanwei is also a monster. Hearing Honglong's words, he looked at Zhaohua and asked, "The sea monster attacked? That direction is the demon city, you don't need to go back?"

Zhaohua just smiled helplessly, shook his head, and said: "You think I'm a god, I can do anything, and I can't do anything about the natural disaster of the sea monster. It's expected that the sea monster chooses the devil, but I didn't even think of it. The Kraken is so fast, I thought there was still a week left."

For a week, Zhaohua actually probably guessed that the siren disaster must be imminent, but Zhaohua didn't expect it, because the emperor of the Antarctic roof, Rin's second life, because he got the origin ice crystal brought by Zhaohua from the summoning plane, let it The original magic of the Ice Age, the power has been greatly improved, causing the sea level not only to not rise any more, but to drop a little.

This made the Siren Protoss even more anxious. Coupled with the killing of the Dragon King Ant Emperor, Zhao Hua and Hua Zhanhong successively eliminated the mages controlled by the Siren Phantom, which made the leader of the Siren Protoss decide to launch the Siren Calamity in advance.

But Zhaohua is also helpless, he is not even a Forbidden Curse Mage, in a sense it is hard to protect himself.

"The sea monster natural disaster will spread to the demon city sooner or later. What I need most now is to improve my strength."

Hearing Zhaohua's words, Sanwei looked at Zhaohua seriously, and said very seriously: "You can't protect yourself, are you not afraid that I will betray you and join the sea-monster when the sea-monster natural disaster spreads to the demon capital? "

On the contrary, Zhaohua looked at Sanwei quite calmly, and said: "Your IQ is not a slave demon now. The strongest connection in this world is not a contract, but an interest. You should know that only I can give you what you want. We There is a connection of interests."


Pa, Zhang Xiaohou grabbed Mo Fan's hand and said, "Brother Fan, where are you going?"

Mo Fan's expression was dignified and serious, his eyes were not joking, and he said seriously: "Go back to the magic city."

"Even if what you can do when you go back now is black alert, do you understand the meaning of black alert, there is no upper limit for black alert, and even the devils have sounded black alert, then you should understand what kind of hell scene it is. "Mu Bai also stopped Mo Fan.

Mo Fan slowly pulled out the arm held by Zhang Xiaohou, and said: "But I can't choose to hide in a safe place knowing that Modu is being attacked by demons. Mù Nujiao, Ai Tutu, Bao Laotou, Xiao Yuan Chang, all the brothers from Qingtian Hunting Institute, the students of Pearl Institute I once taught, the Great Instructor Fengli, and other friends from Modu, they are all in Modu."

"The devil is my second home, and my first home has been destroyed by monsters. Boss Zhan Kong taught me when I first practiced in the wild that mages are guardians. If you face monsters, all mages will go to If we retreat and choose to escape, then how can we see the hope of victory."

Zhao Manyan said anxiously: "But we have no hope of victory!"

Mo Fan looked towards the direction of Modu with a serious expression, and said, "Hope can only be seen after working hard."

"Zhankong...hope...hope! That's right!! It's hope!! There's hope!" After hearing Mo Fan's words, Lingling suddenly had an idea, and a gleam of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Tomb! It's a tomb!! This is a tomb, but the most important thing is missing!" Lingling was suddenly very excited.

Everyone froze for a moment, looked at Lingling suspiciously, Mo Fan asked: "Lingling, did you find something?"

Lingling's eyes sparkled, and he said, "Is Haidongqing here with you?"

Mo Fan nodded, and took out the totem container containing Costin.

"Let's go, let's go to the Great Wall, hurry up! I want to prove one thing, if it's true, maybe the devil city can still be saved!"

Everyone looked at Lingling in surprise, and Mo Fan knew that every second counts now, so he summoned the totem Haidongqing and took everyone to the Great Wall at a very high speed.

The gravekeeper looked at Hai Dongqing who had turned into a blue meteor and flew away, and smiled slightly, and said, "Oh, it looks like I'm about to lose my job."

Haidongqing is the supreme monarch, and its flying speed is faster than the silver dome. In addition, the ancient capital was originally the capital of the ancient king, and the Great Wall was a defensive building used to protect the country at that time, so it is far away from the ancient capital. It's near, it will be there in a while.

"Lingling? What did you find?" Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help asking.

Lingling seemed to have confirmed it, and said: "Do you know that the ancient king once announced to the world, leaving a famous saying through the ages."

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't understand the history test!

Mu Bai seemed to blurt out: "I will destroy the six demon kingdoms, punish the six emperors, unite the world, build the Great Wall to protect the dragon veins of nine states, defend my country, and protect my people. I swear in the name of the ancient king! I am here, Protect the land and open up the borders, wipe out demons, and establish the foundation of our country forever! If I die, I will also become a dead emperor, and protect my ancient country forever! This oath, the sun and the moon are witnesses, the heaven and the earth share lessons, and the demon emperors of the world listen to it! "

Mo Fan and the others suddenly had goosebumps all over their bodies, as if the emperor of the ages stood at the highest place and gave orders to the world.

How domineering!

Lingling nodded heavily, and explained: "This is a message from the ancient king to future generations, and it is also the last hope for our country."

"The tomb of the holy totem, but there is no corpse in that tomb. The ancient king became stronger by relying on the tomb of the holy totem, so the tomb cannot be an empty tomb. Build the Great Wall to town Kyushu [Dragon Vein] and defend our country. Protect my people."

Mo Fan and the others suddenly had an electric current flow through their bodies, and Lingling emphasized the two, dragon veins! Let them all understand what.

They are almost sure that this tomb of the holy totem is the tomb of Qinglong, the head of the holy totem, and the ancient king once announced to the world that the dragon veins of Kyushu town, the dragon veins refer to Qinglong.

"Lingling... Could it be..."

"Well! The ancient king made Qinglong's body into the Great Wall!"

Hiss! ! ! Everyone seemed to be hit by a bolt from the blue, and they couldn't help looking down. Looking down from a high place, the Great Wall was really winding and circling like a dragon.

Zhao Manyan asked curiously: "But why did the ancient king make Qinglong into the Great Wall?"

Lingling didn't answer, but Mu Bai spoke instead.

"Old Zhao, you may not know that although the ancient king created the abyss with forbidden curses of chaos, space, and undead, he still owns the empire of the undead. But in fact, the most powerful of the ancient king is the earth element. , His earth magic has surpassed human beings and reached the realm of gods. The earth magic of the ancient king can even construct everything." Mu Bai replied quite seriously.

Mo Fan was startled, and said: "Construct everything?! Is it similar to Nuwa pinching people?"

"Although it's not that exaggerated, it does have similar abilities." Mu Bai replied.

"But does it matter?"

Lingling made a bold guess: "It wants to revive Qinglong."

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