Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1391 The real spell

Empress Jiuyou also nodded seriously, and said, "Okay, I will definitely help you find the spell."

"Let me follow the Nine Nether Queen, so that you can turn around and deal with the Sphinx more. It will be fine to have the Nine Nether Queen protect me." Lingling suggested to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan nodded and didn't talk nonsense, and once again spread the black dragon wings and charged into Shayuan to open the way for Empress Jiuyou, so that it could enter the white palace.

"Let's go, let's follow Mo Fan into the White Palace."

But the strange thing is that Lingling didn't move, but looked at Jiuyouhou seriously, and asked: "There is no such thing as a complete spell, right?"

The smile on Jiuyouhou's face disappeared immediately, and she looked at Lingling with a slightly concentrated gaze, neither affirming nor denying.

Empress Jiuyou smiled slightly, approached Lingling and said: "Little Lingling, what are you talking about, let's go, don't waste time, we have to find it quickly, or we won't have enough time."

Lingling is actually a slim girl now. You must know that Mo Fan has known Mo Fan since the sixth grade of Lingling Elementary School. At that time, Mo Fan was in the first semester of college. And now Mo Fan is almost 30, Lingling is almost 20 years old, and she is already a graceful and beautiful girl.

Lingling looked seriously at Empress Jiuyou's eyes, the two were almost the same height, stared at Empress Jiuyou at the same level, and said, "You said that the dead kings of all directions have been waiting for the awakening of the ancient king, waiting for his resurrection to lead you to unify Underworld. But after I asked Mo Fan, and also read Zhang Xiaohou’s confession report about Sha Yuan at the trial meeting, I still don’t understand one thing.”

"You have always been able to enter the White Palace. You are the guardians of the palace. Even the guardians of the holy spring can go in to get water. There is no reason why you cannot enter as the guardians of the ancient king, but it would be even more strange if this is the case. You Tell Mo Fan that you have been waiting for the resurrection of the king, the awakening of the king, but if Zhan Kong possessed by the evil armor is the ancient king, then there is no such thing as resurrection and awakening, because the evil armor has always been there, You don't need to spend a lot of trouble to revive the evil armor."

Lingling's eyes were sharp, and she thought it was strange for a long time, because what Empress Jiuyou said was completely inconsistent with what Mo Fan and the others experienced.

Lingling continued to question: "Besides, if there is a complete spell in Shayuan, there is no reason for Zhan Kong, who has the complete memory of the ancient king, not to know, and there is no reason why he should not resurrect Qinglong. You obviously have a holy spring in Shayuan. "

"The only possibility is that it's not that you don't want to, or that you don't know, but that you can't do it at all!"

"The person you are waiting for is not the guardian of the Holy Spring, nor Zhankong, but Mo Fan! No, no, more precisely, the person who has that necklace, the person who wears the small loach necklace is The person you are waiting for is your king! He is the next ancient king appointed by the real ancient king!!"

Empress Jiuyou restrained her smile, stopped playing tricks, and asked, "Can you tell me how you guessed it?"

Lingling didn't hide it, and told Empress Jiuyou directly: "Because of the immortal demon lotus. When investigating the totem clues, I asked Mo Fan if he encountered any strange things when he entered the evil abyss."

"Mo Fan told me that when he entered the abyss, the moment he entered the abyss, he seemed to be in a dark space without time, falling and falling, and I don't know how long it has passed."

"I have investigated the reports of all the people who entered Shayuan with Mo Fan, including Liu Ru, no one has this phenomenon, only Mo Fan is unique. What's more important is that when Fang Gu went to the Nine Deaths and Life Bridge, he was based on the ground saint. The ancient books of the Quan Guardian family know the existence of the Bridge of Nine Deaths. But the problem is, there is a level before the Bridge of Nine Deaths, and Fang Gu doesn’t know about the level of the Immortal Demon Lotus, let alone how to solve it.”

"In the end, Mo Fan relied on the little loach to swallow the immortal demon lotus to pass the level and came to the Nine Deaths Bridge. That is to say, in ancient times, when the guardian family of the holy spring came to worship and fetch water, there was no immortal demon lotus, so they There is no record of the solution to the immortal demon lotus in ancient books."

Lingling said righteously: "So I suspect that the immortal demon lotus is not a barrier, but is specially waiting for the little loach. Only when the person wearing the little loach enters the evil abyss, the immortal demon lotus will appear. That's something for the little loach."

"Until later, in the tomb of Saint Totem, I saw the pond containing the holy spring. The shape of the pond was very similar to that of the little loach, and it should have been built according to the shape of the little loach. The ancient ruins of the city should be used by the ancient king to experiment. , Can the Holy Spring awaken Qinglong's experimental city."

Empress Jiuyou sighed, and had no choice but to praise Lingling as worthy of being a super genius girl, admiringly said: "Almost all of them are right, you are truly worthy of being the commander Mo Fan trusts, your wisdom will be of great importance to Mo Fan in the future s help."

Lingling did not take it lightly because of Empress Jiuyou's praise, but instead asked with a little anger: "I answered your question, and I also want to ask you a question."


"Why did you lie to Mo Fan that the spell is in the White Palace? If I'm not wrong, the little loach is the key to awakening Qinglong."

This is what Lingling doesn't understand. If Mo Fan is really the [true king] they are waiting for, then why would the Empress of Nine Serenities lie to Mo Fan? Isn't this a crime of deceiving the king?

The undead are not human beings, their orders to the king should be absolute, just like how dare the Sphinx lie to Khufu?

"Because I don't want him to go to Shanghai, he will die."

Lingling looked at Jiuyouhou in surprise, she didn't expect this to be the reason. But after thinking for a while, Lingling seemed to understand Empress Jiuyou's good intentions, she had the same heart as Hua Zhanhong.

The Empress of Nine Serenity intends to drag it over. If the Demon City falls, then Mo Fan won't have to fight the Sea-Monster.

Empress Jiuyou looked in the direction of the Great Wall and said, "So what about the holy totem? What about the former emperor of the roof of the sky, the green dragon who controlled the sky, and the huge totem monster kingdom? In ancient times, fighting with sea monsters was not a battle in the end." died, turned into a dry bone."

"We don't know about the king's resurrection of the blue dragon. Our mission is to wait for the appearance of the holy relic. Now that you have said that, I think I know why the king wants us to wait for the birth of the holy relic. The birth of the holy relic means resurrection." The required ground holy spring is enough."

"But you know better than me that the king's plan has already failed early on. The Guardian Family of the Earth's Holy Spring no longer exists, and the Earth's Holy Spring has also been exhausted, leaving only Shayuan."

"Is Shayuan's Earth Holy Spring enough? Even if it can awaken Qinglong, how much strength does it have? One-tenth or two-tenths? I am an undead, so I can feel that there is an extremely terrifying wave in the direction of the demon city. The power of the undead, there is an extremely terrifying master of the undead. That is the undead demon kingdom that is more terrifying than the undead empire of the Khufu pyramid, far surpassing the undead emperor of Khufu."

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