Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1398 Uncle Qinglong

"These liquids... are dragon blood!?"

Ho ho! The colorful rainbow dragon standing on Zhaohua's shoulder called out, affirming that this is the blood of the dragon clan, and it is the purest kind.

Roar, Honglong's little dragon claws are pointing at the ground holy spring that is shining with lavender light, which means that the dragon blood is still very fresh.

Honglong itself is a pure-blooded true dragon, and even Zhaohua couldn't tell that the holy spring was actually dragon's blood.

Because the blood of the dragon clan is also red, back then Zhaolang pitted a bottle of sub-dragon essence blood from Mu's hand to Long Yi, Zhaohua had seen it before, but Zhaohua didn't feel it, not to mention the smell of blood To have the power and influence of the dragon clan.

But Zhaohua definitely believed in Honglong's judgment more.

Lingling also hurried over. Lingling has a lot of knowledge. Because of the investigation of the Qinglong Sacred Totem, she has also conducted a very serious investigation on the dragon clan, but the ground holy spring is completely different from the dragon blood recorded in the books.

Ordinary dragon blood is easy to distinguish. The higher the level of the dragon, the dragon blood comes with the power of the dragon clan, and the lower the level, the weaker it is.

Lingling couldn't help frowning, and said: "The holy spring of the earth is dragon blood?!"

Zhaohua turned his head to look at Lingling who was analyzing and thinking, and asked, "Leng Lingling, you and Mo Fan should also know about the fact that Modu was attacked by the sea monster. Why are you coming to Shayuan?"

Lingling looked at Zhaohua, but it was a pity that Lingling couldn't see through at all. She couldn't see anything from Zhaohua's poker face. After thinking about it for a while, she didn't choose to hide it. After all, the investigation of the totem was originally arranged by the councilor. The matter is for the sake of national security, and Zhao Hua is the head of the Tribunal to protect national security, so there is no need to hide it.

"We investigated the tomb of the holy totem Qinglong..."

Lingling told Zhaohua about the discovery of the Saint Totem's tomb and the various subsequent speculations.

Zhaohua was also quite surprised. Although he knew that the ancient king was going to resurrect the holy relic, he didn't know how to resurrect it, and he didn't know the truth about the Great Wall.

"It's no wonder that the holy spring will revive the Great Wall. I'm afraid the ancient king added some means to make the dragon's blood look like an ordinary spring in order to conceal that the holy spring is the blood of the green dragon, so as to prevent being targeted by people like the Black Vatican. " Zhaohua also agrees with Lingling's analysis, which can also explain why the holy spring can revive Qinglong, and this holy spring is the dragon's blood of Qinglong.

Zhaohua's eyes suddenly froze, and he looked at the empty throne. As the head of the Demon City Judgment Council, Zhaohua certainly knew what happened in Shayuan back then, even Zhaohua knew more than Lingling and the others.

The evil armor was entrusted to him by the ancient king, hoping to return the evil armor to its original owner, eliminate the evil thoughts and return it to Mo Fan.

"If I'm not mistaken, the evil armor is the last guard point. The evil armor has the strength of an emperor and the fighting spirit of an ancient king. It is the last line of defense to protect Shayuan." Zhaohua said.

Lingling nodded and said: "It should be, but the ancient king's dynasty collapsed due to internal reasons, which caused problems in Shayuan."

The ancient capital was at the very beginning. In the era of the ancient king, it was not a land of the dead. It was a fertile land. Otherwise, how could the ancient king build a capital here.

It was only after the ancient king disappeared that it gradually became the capital of the undead.

After knowing the reason for the existence of Shayuan, both Zhaohua and Lingling also guessed why it became a fierce place for the undead, which has a lot to do with the guardian of the holy spring.

Shayuan can produce the holy spring of the earth, but the holy spring of the earth is not ordinary spring water. It is a substance with huge energy. The guardians of the holy spring come to Shayuan regularly to take part of the spring water and store it in various parts of the country, and distribute the holy spring so that Shayuan can continuously produce the holy spring.

But everyone knows what happened later. After the death of the ancient king, the dynasty established by the ancient king began to collapse due to internal conflicts. In addition, the demons caused the disintegration, and the guardians of the holy spring could no longer regularly fetch water from the spring.

Shayuan produced too many holy springs, which caused overflow. The overflowing holy spring of the earth is rich in energy, coupled with the undead attribute of Shayuan, and finally polluted the earth into a place of undead.

From the point of view of energy, the largest undead land in China that can give birth to hundreds of millions of undead is definitely a rare treasure land with abundant energy.

This also explains why the surrounding area of ​​Shayuan has become a fierce place for undead, and it can also attract a large number of wild undead.

There are too many holy springs in the ground, which leads to energy leakage. With huge energy nourishment, the corpses in this place undergo a deadly transformation. In the end, one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes sixteen, sixteen becomes sixty-four, and the geometry skyrockets. Until the leaked holy spring can only sustain so many undead.

Zhaohua walked up to the throne and asked: "The last test should be to let the heir wear the evil armor. As long as he can resist the evil thoughts, sitting on the throne will be considered as complete all the trials. Let's officially inherit Shayuan."

"There is a ban set by the ancient king on the throne... There is something under here..."

Zhaohua's eyes are like torches, combined with Zhaohua's twin soul plan that the ancient king told him when he was in the ancient capital, and the characteristic of the evil armor devouring the wearer, plus the holy spring flowing from the throne, etc., Zhaohua Hua is almost certain that the great gift left by the ancient king to the heirs of the holy relic is right under the throne.

It can only be obtained by passing all the trials. The evil armor is the key to the last level, so the ancient king paid so much attention to it.

Hoo hoo! ! Suddenly white sky fire burst out from Zhaohua's body, and this terrifying big sky-seed flame swept the entire space with high temperature.

Empress Jiuyou shouted loudly: "What do you want!!!"

Empress Jiuyou guessed what Zhaohua wanted to do!

"Blast off the ban."

Empress Jiuyou turned into a red-clothed ghost and rushed towards Zhaohua: "Stop!"

Zheng! The blond-haired Gu Suoyu took out a bone war halberd, stopped Jiuyou, and opened her lips slightly: "I'm sorry Jiuyou."

"Ah! You traitor! Do you think you can break the king's ban!"

Jiuyou's rear claws grabbed it and was blocked by Gu Suoyu.

This is the Nine Nether Queen's Nilin, and it can accept other things, but it can't accept it to see the things left by its king being taken away with its own eyes.

For the undead, the creator is more important than themselves, and the mission of the dead kings of all directions is to protect the throne. How can this prevent the Nine Nether Empress from going crazy.

On the contrary, Lingling is very smart. She knows that it is useless to stop her. Mo Fan can defeat the Sphinx of the Supreme Monarch. Could it be that the strongest summoner in front of him, who is also one of the three generals of the Fantasy Kingdom, can't do it?

A Supreme Sovereign will be produced for you in minutes.

"Little Rainbow, try to see if you can pass through the restriction. Although there is no blood relationship, but according to your father, Qinglong was once its comrade-in-arms who fought together to summon the plane and established Wanlong Valley."

Honglong looked at Zhaohua in bewilderment, "Ho ho?

Zhaohua snickered and said, "Yes, when you see it, you should call it Uncle Qinglong."

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