Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1400 True Dragon Magic

After Leng Lingling left, Gu Suoyu glanced at Zhaohua, and after Jiuyou, put away the bones and headed for the exit of the Nine Deaths Bridge. The strength of Jiuyou Empress was too far to stop Zhaohua at all. None of the qualifications.

Thinking back to the time when the clone of Empress Jiuyou almost killed Zhaohua, now ten years have passed. I have to sigh that human beings are indeed powerful in terms of growth rate.

Zhaohua took a deep breath, and there was a bang, and stars flew out of Zhaohua's body.

One of the biggest advantages of all summoning systems is that stars can be shared.

Stars emerged one by one, and the number of super-order Zhaohua planetesimals of the four systems has almost exceeded 10,000. These stars emerged, like a sea of ​​stars, and the stars began to connect into star tracks.

At the moment when the star trails began to be connected, in an instant, Shengyin opened four pairs of eight huge white wings, together with the huge white-feathered holy willow, the holy light combined with countless stars turned into an incomparably bright kingdom of stars.

Just like the Kingdom of Heaven above the universe, the entire Xingzi Kingdom is full of light. It seems that this Xingzi Kingdom is going to give birth to a supreme creature.

The mana erupting from the star kingdom with nearly 10,000 stars is extremely powerful. It seems that this is a world with profound foundations, and the holy silver in the star world is so powerful that it can suppress everything.

Zhaohua opened the catalog of origins, and got a magic method recorded in ancient times in the catalog of origins. There was a clanging sound. At this time, Zhaohua also activated his own sky-level magic equipment set, intending to consume the magic energy of all the magic equipment.

Zhaohua took out a purple leaf. Although the Tianguan Zilin sapling is now at the oath tree of the trial meeting, the Tianguan Zilin sapling left Zhaohua with some of the most precious Tianguan leaves in the morning, which contains Majestic magic energy.

After the arrangement of the stars was completed, Zhaohua held a piece of Tianguanshenye in the bottom of his tongue. After the Tianguanshenye entered, all of Zhaohua's states were brought to the limit in an instant. This Tianguanshenye still stimulates the spirit Strength, the effect of temporarily increasing mental strength.

Zhaohua's magical winged equipment unfolded, like a true god descending.

"It's a pity. If I want to become a real Forbidden Curse Mage, I can only rely on Rainbow Dragon, and I don't need so much preparation."

Zhaohua can't help but feel that his strength is still a little too weak. Zhaohua has known the magic recorded in the origin catalog for a long time. This method even existed in ancient times, but it was lost. Now Zhaohua has to rely on the origin catalog The strength, but also the cooperation of Shengyin and Baiyu Shengliu.

Summoning magic comes from the plane of summoning, so naturally it should belong to the same department as black magic and white magic. Summoning magic used to be divided into elves, subjugated beasts, and ten thousand dragons, which were based on the names of the three holy places.

After all, human beings didn't even know magic back then, so they naturally relied on other creatures to teach them. Star magic only slowly emerged in the age of magic civilization after the era of mass extinction.

And what Zhaohua will use this time is the power of the dragon clan, the rainbow breath magic of the rainbow dragon.

Summoning mages have always fought side by side with summoned beasts, and Shengyin assisted Zhaohua to enhance his strength. Now Zhaohua and Honglong have to reach a consensus before they can cast this ancient real dragon magic.

Zhaohua took a deep breath, holding the origin catalog in one hand, and pressing the other hand on the book, ready.

"This, this, what kind of monster is this, why are there humans who can use ancient magic!"

Although the Empress of Nine Serenities didn't know what it was, she had heard about how terrifying summoners were in ancient times.

The totem guardians at that time were not what they are now. The totem guardians at that time were the real summoners. They fought side by side with the totem beasts, causing the totem beasts to burst out with strength several times stronger than themselves. Leapfrog battle.

Seeing this scene, Empress Jiuyou couldn't help but take a breath. Not only does Zhaohua have many summoned beasts and magic equipment, but he can even use ancient methods. Although the Empress of Nine Serenity couldn't see the catalog of origins, she felt a sense of danger all over her body.

Zhaohua and Honglong looked at the Qinglong Chaos Phantom on the throne at the same time, as if they felt hostility. Qinglong Chaos Phantom's eyes flashed blue light, and he raised his head to the sky and screamed. A purple blue light came out from the Qinglong Chaos Phantom's throat.

Breath of the Azure Dragon!

"Purification field, colorful field unfolds!"

Boom! Zhaohua immediately launched a double forbidden realm, Qinglong naturally has its own domain power, although Zhaohua doesn't know what it is, but at this moment, the collision between the domains makes the whole white palace tremble.

It seems that at this moment, there are two real emperor dragons fighting in the white palace, and the invincible power of the two colliding, like a surging river, erupts endlessly.

Outside the white palace, the terrifying power of the True Dragon Emperor makes all the undead prostrate on the ground. Whether it is the undead from Shayuan, the undead from the pyramid, or the Medusa Snake Kingdom, as long as all creatures whose strength is not as strong as the monarch, they can only kneel down at this moment. , have become so insignificant.

Apas looked into the white palace suddenly, it couldn't figure out what happened, how could there be two real dragons!

This power is comparable to the complete Black Dragon Emperor and the Holy City Golden Dragon! For a moment, Apas thought that the Black Dragon Emperor was resurrected, and the golden dragon of the holy city came to Shayuan.

Lingling who was at the Bridge of Nine Deaths was also taken aback: "Crazy! Is this going to destroy the White Palace!"

Originally, Shayuan was composed of three forbidden curse systems in the spiritual world of the ancient king. The white palace is the forbidden curse palace of the undead system.

The moment Zhaohua and Honglong's auras were synchronized, Zhaohua yelled: "Sacred Feather Seal—True Dragon Magic—Rainbow Breath!!!"

Ho ho! ! !

The origin catalog in Zhaohua's hand glowed with colorful light, and the divine seal on his forehead exploded, and there was even a sacred feather divine seal on Honglong's forehead.

Shengyin unfolded the holy light behind Honglong. Within a thousandth of a second, Honglong's eyes flashed, and a colorful dragon's breath spewed out.

At the same time, the Qinglong Chaos Phantom also erupted with the strongest Qinglong dragon breath, and the endless blue chaos breath would drown the Xingzi Kingdom behind Zhaohua.

Empress Jiuyou was terrified, and tried her best to protect herself: "You are crazy! You can't even please yourself with such an energy shock!!"

Empress Jiuyou gritted her teeth, but she had no choice but to back away in a hurry, let alone the great monarch, even if the corpse of the mountain and the sphinx stood here, it would be a dead end.

I am afraid that only Khufu and Xiekai Dead Emperor, whose strength has reached the level of a little emperor, can resist it. Ordinary Forbidden Curse Mage will die tragically.

boom! ! ! The two forces collided with each other, there was an invincible loud noise, and the breath of the dragon overflowed, and the ten suspension bridges of the Nine Deaths Bridge were lifted up, and they were overwhelmed by the terrifying ability.

Sanwei's face suddenly changed, the impact was too exaggerated! The blocking space of the Nine Deaths Bridge was destroyed!

Fortunately, Sanwei and Gu Suoyu shot at the same time to block the remaining aftermath and protect Leng Lingling.

Sanwei and Gu Suoyu are not Zhaohua's contract summoned beasts, they don't have a contract, of course they don't know whether Zhaohua is dead or not. But how could human beings survive this collision of forces? !

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