Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1402 Wound

When hearing Lingling's speculation, Zhaohua had doubts, because even if the ancient king used his own earth magic to pinch a body for Qinglong, he could completely restore his body and scales, and the little loach necklace retained Qinglong's soul, but this It is also completely insufficient.

No matter how great Emperor Xuanyuan is, he perfectly preserved the soul of Qinglong from the scouring of time, even if the ancient king's earth magic of the ancient emperor is so perfect that he can create a body that looks like a real body, and can become a real body like a black worm. the flesh.

But the most important difference between creatures and undead is the ability to self-produce energy that cannot be manufactured.

The holy spring of the earth can indeed temporarily turn the earthen walls of the Great Wall into flesh, but the holy spring of the earth is always an external force, and relying on the external force to maintain its own action energy, this is the undead.

The undead live by absorbing the power of darkness and dead energy from the fierce land of the undead. The undead are afraid of the sun not because they are afraid, but because the dark energy and the dark energy cannot be produced in the sun and will disappear.

Without the supply of external energy, the servant-level undead would not even be able to move directly, because the servant demon does not have the crystal nucleus of the undead.

So when Zhaohua discovered that Shayuan could produce the ground holy spring, that is, produce dragon blood, Zhaohua once thought that the so-called resurrection was to use Shayuan as the undead crystal nucleus of the green dragon, and let Shayuan provide energy.

This should be the best way.

It's just that, even if Qinglong is resurrected, it's not completely resurrected, it's more like an undead emperor created by the ancient king.

Until Zhaohua saw this shocking thing under the throne.

The emperor of the roof of the sky, the heart of the holy totem Qinglong!

still alive! ! !

A heart that is still alive is extremely important.

Because the heart is the most important organ for blood flow in the body, even for monsters and emperors. The energy and blood needed for biological activities are all regulated and provided by the heart.

When Zhaohua saw this heart, he couldn't help admiring that the Eternal Emperor is the Eternal Emperor.

A living green dragon heart, the green dragon soul that has begun to recover in the holy totem vessel, coupled with the ancient king can almost create biological earth magic.

From Emperor Xuanyuan's generation, to the ancient king, and now to Mo Fan, the Azure Dragon Guardian has gone through three generations of guardians before finally seeing the dawn of resurrection.

This is the real guardian, not those false guardians who only use the totem power to protect themselves.

Hypocritical support is born at the peak, and pious protection is witnessed at dusk.

"The birth time of the holy relic has been brought forward..."

Zhaohua's eyes were sharp. Not only did he guess the plan for the resurrection of the two generations of Qinglong guardians, Emperor Xuanyuan and Gu Guwang, but he also discovered that the holy relic appeared earlier.

Because although Qinglong's heart is beating, something like blood vessels connects the entire interior of the Shayuan, absorbing energy from the outside world to produce the Holy Spring to keep it active.

But Zhaohua discovered that there was a black hole like a worm's eye in the middle of Qinglong's heart.

That was a wound, the original fatal injury hadn't fully recovered, and there was an extremely terrifying dark force blocking the healing.

Nothing in this world is eternal, even if it is a wound made by the Dark King, its strength will still weaken under the erosion of time. The original wound may be huge, piercing through the entire heart.

Now it has been restored to the point where there is only one worm eye left, but this worm eye has a big problem.

This is almost the condensed essence. Zhao Hua guessed that even with Sha Yuan's continuous baptism, it would take at least decades or even hundreds of years to absorb this dark force.

"Because of the twin soul project... no wonder the ancient king agreed to cooperate with the people of Huashan. The purpose of the ancient king was only to resurrect the green dragon, but the storage plan of the holy spring went bankrupt, and it needs a new guardian of the blue dragon to collect enough The energy of Qinglong's complete resurrection, so I chose the twin soul plan."

Now that Emperor Xuanyuan and the ancient king have prepared all the conditions for the resurrection, all that remains is for Mo Fan, the guardian, to assemble the Azure Dragon and then charge it with electricity, and the Azure Dragon will be fully resurrected.

The problem is this 'electricity'. I'm afraid it's not that simple to activate the energy at the beginning. Now that the earth holy springs reserved by Shayuan have been exhausted, there should be very few earth holy springs left by the other earth holy spring guardians, absolutely not enough. .

Of course, these are Mo Fan's problems, Zhaohua definitely doesn't care, he is not a guardian. And to put it bluntly, Mo Fan may not be able to come back alive when he goes to the magic capital this time.

Not to mention that now it is relying on the ancient king's earth magic and the energy of the holy spring, which is equivalent to a robot-like blue dragon. Even a full-body blue dragon may not be able to resist the natural disaster of the sea monster.

Now only the Azure Dragon Totem is left, and the former Nine Sons Emperor Dragon Totem Empire has disappeared. Even if it can withstand the sea monster emperor, the billions of sea monsters are the big problem.

Ho ho ho? Honglong pointed at Longxin and called out.

"Don't be crazy, if you let your father know that you have this idea, I will suffer along with it."

Although Wanlong Valley is one of the three holy places, there is only one divine beast in Wanlong Valley, which is the final emperor dragon. At the beginning, Qinglong chose to go on an expedition to expand Wanlong Valley and become the second dragon, but he didn't expect that the magic world could not be defeated, and he even confessed himself.

"Don't come in."

Zhaohua unfolded his wings of wind, jumped into the circle of holy light created by Shengyin, entered the interior of Shayuan, and slowly floated in front of Qinglong Longxin.

From the size of this heart, Zhaohua can guess how huge the real emperor of the roof of the sky, the holy totem Qinglong, is.

However, Zhaohua has no intention of taking it away. Whether it can be taken away or not will not be discussed. Beasts are not suitable to use this to advance.

Zhaohua went to the last wound left by the demon god Chi You. This wound the size of a human fist would endanger Qinglong's life.

Zhaohua thought for a moment, then took out a small stone, which was the companion stone born from the coffin of the resurrected Hongsha Skull Empress. Didn't even know how it worked at first.

Later, after analyzing the origin catalog, I finally knew the function of this thing, and included its information in it. Zhaohua also used it to bet with the ancient king, and won the corpse of Kunlong, and then defeated the insects.

Looking at the small worm eye wound, Zhaohua couldn't help but muttered, "Maybe this thing is useful."

Zhaohua sacrificed the accompanying stone, and the accompanying stone rushed over. When the accompanying stone was close to Qinglong's heart and the wound of the worm's eye, countless dark forces spewed out from the wound, as if the accompanying stone itself had produced an attraction that these dark forces could not refuse .

The roaring sound resounded throughout the space, and the endless dark energy surged towards the small stone like a flood breaking a bank. This accompanying stone actually has special energy to absorb dark energy!

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