Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1409 Two Ten Abyss Emperors

"I'm back."

Zhaohua descended from the sky, and it didn't take long to return from the ancient capital to the Congcheng at the speed of Amon.

Ji Shaohan came out with Guigui from the house, and said worriedly: "The people from the Judgment Council came not long ago. They said that the sea monsters launched a large-scale attack. A large number of sea monsters attacked the Demon City, and they couldn't find you."

There is still a distance between the Yaodu and the Demon City. The sea-monster natural disaster happened in the Demon City, and it has not been reported to the Yaodu. However, Zhaohua knows that the news may not be hidden.

The city is now urgently evacuating its residents, and even some of the Forbidden Curse Society of the Magic City have already retired, such as Granny Yan, who have already burned their lives, intending to buy more time for the next generation.

Zhaohua hugged Ji Shaohan tightly, and said softly, "I know, trust me."

Ji Shao buried his face in Zhaohua's arms silently: "Yes."

Zhaohua put all Blue Star Fox, Long Yi, Sanwei, Death Knight, Xiong Da, and Gu Suoyu at home, let them practice and rest well, and all other dimensional summoned beasts were also taken back to the summoning plane. All summoned beasts now have only one requirement, to do their best to become stronger in the shortest time.

Zhaohua has resources, and almost the entire national treasury is under Zhaohua's control, but summoned beasts can't become stronger without brains if they have resources, there will be a vacuum period, and now Zhaohua needs them to compress this vacuum period as much as possible.

The next thing is to race against time, if you run slowly, you will be overtaken by death.

Zhaohua unfolded the wings of the wind and came to the trial meeting of the demon city alone. Now the whole demon is in a mess.

The magic capital was attacked, and the fastest to get the news was of course the surrounding cities. The military mages of the Eastern Military Region plan to evacuate the residents of the magic capital to the inland, but there are monsters in the inland, once the number of military mages decreases, no one knows what the monsters will do.

Now the five major base cities are places of refuge for everyone to fight for, and the magic capital is attacked. The situation like Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Nanjing, and Jinan will definitely cause panic.

They all began to gather in the Imperial Capital, Asuka City, Yaodu City, and Pengcheng City. This time, everyone will no longer take chances, because the wolf has really come.

Yaodu is now ready to accept refugees.

"Vice President! You are finally back!"

Moze came out in a hurry after receiving the news that Zhaohua was flying to the headquarters of the Tribunal in the Demon City.

Zhaohua stopped talking nonsense, and while walking quickly into the Yaodu Tower, heading towards the trial meeting, he asked, "What's the situation now."

Mo Ze didn't exchange pleasantries, and said: "It is known that there are ten emperors including the Asian emperors in the magic capital, the colorful demon king of the Pacific coral demon kingdom, the white spider king of the South China Sea Demon Market, and the new species that appeared some time ago. The Emperor Salamander of the Salamander Demon Empire, the Emperor of the Great Shell Demon Lord of the Pacific Empire, and Lan Elong, who should be the overlord of the East China Sea and the second in command of the Dragon Empire of the East China Sea, has also advanced to the sub-emperor, the emperor of the Sea King Skeleton Tribe, the demon god Sea Skull , the Sharkman King of the Pacific Ocean, the Lord of the Sharkmen, the Thousand Swordfish Emperor of the Flying Swordfish Empire, the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Niu Emperor of the Thunder Manatee Empire, and the Golden Scaled Snake King of the Scaled Snake Empire."

"According to the information sent by the headquarters of the Ocean Alliance in the Demon City, the Banyan Demon King, the White Spider Emperor, the Lan'e Dragon, and the Demon God Sea Skull are all sub-emperors."

"The Emperor of the Extreme Shell Demon Lord, the Lord of the Shark People, the Emperor of the Thousand Sword Fish, and the Emperor of Heaven's Punishment Thunder Bull are all judged as ordinary emperors."

"As for the new species of Emperor Salamander Demon and the Pacific Golden Scaled Snake King that existed thousands of years ago, the levels cannot be judged."


Zhaohua and Moze took the special elevator for the trial meeting. Zhaohua looked at the confused Moze and asked, "What else?"

Moze took out a photo from the file folder. There were two figures above the clouds and mist. They stood on top of the endless sea monsters, like the rulers of the world.

"There are still two hidden creatures. The preliminary judgment should be...it should be..."

Seeing the photo, Zhaohua blurted out, "It should be the two Shiyuan emperors of the Pacific Ocean. The newly promoted Shiyuan emperor Hongsha Skull Queen was once the last queen of the Atlantis magic empire and controlled the undead at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean." The strongest dead emperor in the world."

Zhaohua is a genius and a high-ranking member of the Judgment Council. Knowing information about monsters is one of his daily tasks. When he heard that the Sea God Skull of King Ya appeared in the capital, Zhaohua knew that the Red Shark Skull Empress must also exist.

Moreover, the humanoid emperors and monsters can be counted on the fingers of the whole world.

"There is also one of the oldest siren kings who has survived from the era of mass extinction to the present. He is suspected to be the mastermind behind the Atlantis sea change incident. The sea god worshiped by the siren gods is the second of the world's six gods. , the owner of the Eye of the Tide and the Eye of the Sea, and the top three demon gods with cold moon eyes among Shiyuan emperors."

Zhaohua said it like a few treasures, he had already memorized the emperor's information collected by the Ocean Alliance over the years.

The top three of Shiyuan Emperors have no specific strengths, because different battlefields have different strengths. In the ocean, the demon god Leng Yuemou is the most powerful.

With the eyes of the tide and the eyes of the sea, the Leng Yueyan demon god can control the sea. Even the emperor on the roof of the Antarctic thinks that if he fights in the deep sea, he can't defeat the Leng Yuemou demon god.

It is conceivable that the demon god with cold moon eyes is powerful.

Mo Ze smiled wryly, sighed and said, "Oh, why do you seem to be reporting the name of a dish? That is the strongest existence among Shiyuan emperors, the ancient sea god who has existed since ancient times."

With a ding sound, the elevator door opened, and Zhao Hua stepped out of the elevator while answering Mo Ze's question: "Can I still deceive myself and say that they are just two slave demons thrown into the sky?"

"There are two emperors of Shiyuan, and ten emperors. Moreover, the two sub-emperors known in the South China Sea did not appear in the Battle of Demon City. It seems that there are other sea monsters lurking in the South China Sea waiting."

Mo Ze nodded and said: "Well, the leader of the Southern Army, Hua Zhanhong, also judged this way, so he didn't let the Southern Military Region go to support. Also, the East China Sea Dragon King led the East China Sea Sea Dragon Empire and attacked Japan. In addition to the Dragon King of the East China Sea, there are five Asian emperors and two ordinary emperors participating in the battle, and the entire island of Japan is surrounded by sea monsters."

"South Korea, Thailand, India and other Asian coastal countries have been attacked by Krakens to varying degrees, and they are overwhelmed."

The implication of Mo Ze’s words is, don’t expect support, other surrounding countries are in a state of distress, and they are also busy looking for help from mages. Because Japan is an island country, it is even completely surrounded by sea monsters, and the whole country is in trouble. crisis of extinction.

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